View Full Version : Lube as a working seal...

05-11-2004, 07:02 AM
I kinda found it funny yesterday when....

Me: Dude why is your trix leaking...
Adam: Ehh it needs more lube...
Me: What does lube have to do with it...
Adam: Lube is like a working seal for the gun It needs it or it will leak....
Me: Oh... I never knew dow 55 was supposed to be used as a replacement for an o-ring.
Adam: It's not... sometimes the tolerances arent right and the lube makes up for it.
Me: Umm... use bigger o-rings?
Adam: Its not that easy... the gun is inconsistent if the o-rings arent "worn in"
Me: Ok, Whatever...

05-11-2004, 07:11 AM
That's kind of funny.

As I understand it, lubrication just allows the o-rings to move freely while providing a seal. The seal has to be made by contact between the o-ring and the two surfaces. In fact, too much lubrication can prevent the o-rings from providing an adequate seal.

05-11-2004, 09:14 AM
I use a bit of lube around the oring when screwing in the tank.. whatever it does, it does stop small leaks.

05-11-2004, 09:27 AM
I am not an engineer, but I never thought orings were supposed to be used on surfaces that moved? I can see one or two orings that seal a moving surface but not like 15 that are around the bolt/spool valve on a trix.

dont get me started on my trix nightmare....

05-11-2004, 04:20 PM
o-rings might dry out too much and kill the working seal btw moving parts that need to be lubed...the o-rings swell with a little lube.

05-11-2004, 04:35 PM
dow 55 is actually an o-ring lube, which causes the o-rings to swell, sealing it.