View Full Version : Anyone willing to put this emag grip together?

Duke Henry
05-11-2004, 08:26 AM
I feel so pathetic posting this, but I have an emag grip and its components (in a baggie) and I have had some offers on the gun, so I have decided that I need to put it back together.

Problem is, I really don't care to put it back together. I took it apart to clean it (managed to get paint in the grip, and it got EVERYWHERE) so I had to take everything out to clean it. I mean everything.

Anyway, so if someone wants to make some cash, I am willing to send out the grip and its components.

Note: I also managed to loose the safety spring, and so I would require that whomever is putting this thing together use a replacement spring. I will pay for the part.

I would prefer to send this to someone in Canada, that way customs/duty won't nail be bigtime.

Thanks - and yes I am this lazy!

05-11-2004, 04:43 PM
I'm in FL but I can do it if you like.You just cover shipping and any parts cost.


05-11-2004, 04:56 PM
I am in New jersey...I could help you with that. Email me... ;)

05-11-2004, 06:22 PM
I would prefer to send this to someone in Canada, that way customs/duty won't nail be bigtime.

I was told by Canada customs that if you have proof that it came from Canada (ie, purchase receipt, proof that you payed duty already, or Canadian mail reciept) and ask whoever you are sending it to, to write on the return package that it is 'returned Canadian goods' all the duty will be refunded.

Of course if I'm wrong I will tell you all about it in a few weeks cause a free 3.2 software upgrade will cost me several hundred dollars. :(

05-11-2004, 06:31 PM
instead of proposing to put it together I am going to try to motivate you to get it together. Okay here goes "camon, you can do it."

if that didn't motivate you then nothing will.

Just send it to AGD