View Full Version : Paintball Sam's Big Game Tom Kaye and Emag Extreme Pics

10-07-2001, 01:15 AM
Hi all,

It was a great day at the Big Game at Paintball Sam's in Racine Wis. today. The weather was beautiful and about 450 people showed up. Besides some issues with the paint it was a fun time.

Here are some pics of the Emag Extreme in action and Sam's Super Tank!

Here is me in proper warp position.


Who said you can't play up with a Warp??


Anyone home?????


Dual Emags with Warps, they fire alternately

My buddy Jim Burgles with his creation

10-07-2001, 06:53 AM
looks you had lots of fun Tom Kaye.

Heh, i love that vehical w/ the Mags on top. The Tippmann Hellhound has got a competition now;).

10-07-2001, 07:08 AM
Hey, sweet tank, now al you need is a gaitling gun made from a e-mag and warp, make it have like 8 barrels, that would be sweet it would pump out like 160 paintballs per second, that would be BAD!!!!!

10-07-2001, 10:52 AM
pretty cool stuff.

10-07-2001, 10:55 AM
oh and TK,

i figured u were getting to old to play :snicker: :D LOL

10-07-2001, 11:31 AM
is that a blue modular body hes got? Great Tank!

10-07-2001, 11:37 AM
Ok, I never been at a Big Game before and I always see little trucks or 4 wheeler's with 3 to 7 guns on them with warp feeds and all that stuff. Isn't that a little to dangerous? OR are these just for show ?

Mag_pdg said: 160 paintballs per second

10-07-2001, 12:51 PM
Monsta, most big games/scenerios have it where the guns can olny be semi automaitc, and when I said 160 pbs, i was refering to someone saying that the HellHound has some compition, the Hellhound has a 5 barreled gaitling gun that can fire 50 paintballs per second so 10 pbs for each barrel, so if you took that with a e-mail i.e. 20 paintballs and put on 8 barrels 160 pbs, but i doubt that will ever happen however i have descovered how to make a paintball gaitling gun it's just that little factor of$$$$$$$$$$ and lots of it:D

10-07-2001, 01:02 PM
holy crap.
i am so doing that with my 8 wheel argo.
what a great idea.
i will put my mag and mikes mag up top and then put a turret and stuff.

10-07-2001, 05:14 PM
That paint SUCKED. EVERYONE was breaking. It was the new marbs. The paint had dimples in it as well. Hey Tom were you on blue or white?

10-07-2001, 05:53 PM
Im pretty sure he was on blue.. I remeber someone sayign they have Tom on their team....

yea he was.. check the arm band....

10-07-2001, 11:59 PM
yes people were having paint problems but it wasnt just he paint, it was a little on the brittle side but most people didnt bother to ckeck bore size either, it was running around a .693 or at least thats what insert i was using, it was working good for me, most breaks were cause the paint was too big for their barrels, other than that, it was a great time, i brought two people and got them hooked on paintball, got love it, hope to see you guys their some other times, i usually go once or twice a month depending on money, its a real shame that money thing :(

10-08-2001, 09:51 AM
two of my friend went and had a great time. I am so depressed that I couldn't go. Oh yeah, I hear Tom is da coolest.

10-08-2001, 02:47 PM
I would like to thank eveyone who attended the fall big game at paintball sams in racine wisconsin.
And a special thanks to Tommy for showing up.
It looked like everyone had a good time and i hope everyone will try and come out for our spring game.
We had over 500 people in attendance and had great weather (ok, it was a little cold).
Again thankyou to all for attending.

For those of you that missed it, Tommy brought out some sweet toys to look at.

See you at the open house

Daniel "skirts" Holms
Butterscotch Yo!

10-08-2001, 05:38 PM
yo dan this is Andy Hills I heard you guys had a great time

10-09-2001, 02:53 PM
Big game was a blast, you should have come down.
What is Pauly saying about his weekend, he seamed to have some fun. Im still really tired though, having to babysit 20 refs. hehe. no actually everyone helped me out soo much, I had so much fun. like every weekend down here in the real world.
Say hey to everyone in the club for me.
Ill have to post some pics of my emag, i did some more work on it.
Later bro
Daniel "Skirts" Holms

10-09-2001, 04:48 PM
yeah I want to see it, My e-mag should be here tomorrow or the next day. I am planning on running hopper power, have you done that. I think colin said you where running your warp off your E-mag, true. Are you coming up for the turny. this weekend? you should! What hpa system are you using. Is your E-mag vertical feed.





he was flipping out about meeting Tom.

10-10-2001, 06:42 AM
im running a black vertical feed emag. with my revo powered of my emag battery. a nitroduck 3000psi microreg, a custom products flame dropforward, and my red jj two piece barrel.
my warp was just too heavy for me so i decided to go vertical and put my warp away for a while. now the real story is my rt. ask collin about it. ive cut that thing up so much. now its soooo tight.
are you coming down for the AO open house
well bro ill hear from you soon
Daniel "Skirts" Holms

10-13-2001, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by mag_pbg
so if you took that with a e-mail i.e. 20 paintballs and put on 8 barrels 160 pbs:D

wow i didnt no a e-mail could fire 20 paintballs a sec :eek: for that matter i didnt no a e-mail could even fire any paintballs :D

10-13-2001, 09:03 PM

I was proabbly half asleep Snap_dogg

10-14-2001, 09:51 AM
i just found that very funny but i knew what u ment