View Full Version : Problem with Warp Feed.

Bad Dave
10-07-2001, 11:19 AM
I have had my warp feed for just over a month now, I recently opened up the case and it almost took my nose off.

For some reason the inside smells strongly of cheese, not mild cheese though ,some left in the sun for a week strong mouldy cheese.

It also became apparent to me that there was no space inside the case to fit an air freshening device of any kind. Whats up with that?

I have come to expect this from viewloader products and my shredder has been known to prevent me getting mugged on seveeral occasions due to the strong whiff put out by it. This may explain why my team plays me at the back though. hmmm....

Most importantly though i find it to pot up now cos of the combined cheese and must smell, it makes my eyes run and decreases my accuracy severely. solution...include a pot pourri compartment?

10-07-2001, 11:31 AM
????????????? First report of this, have no idea what's up with the smell.


John Sosta, AGD Europe
10-07-2001, 11:35 AM
You can use the cheese to your advantage bring along some ham and some bread and make sandwiches for the whole team they will love you for it.
seriously though it may be some paint has got in there and gone off. Take it apart and clean it then use some pledge which will polish it and give it a lovely smell i like the lemon pledge myself.

Bad Dave
10-07-2001, 11:52 AM
the thing is when i play tight the smell sends my taste buds tingling and i just can't concentrate on my game any more...munchies take over.

seriously though the lemon pledge sounds like a good idea, i was really surprised at how smelly it is but i guess frequent cleaning and good bodily hygiene would help my predicament. oops

10-07-2001, 11:55 AM
Telll no one of this. You will remember that Tom was working on a top secret military project? it seems they were working on a way to convert paintballs into cheese. Thus allowing the use of these systems in Afganistan for troops to survive by converting amunitions into food when needed. I believe RPS is now working on a brand of Paintballs that will produce Herb Sheep Cheese in little more than an Hour. These new balls will be called "Chevronalizers". Made in both Premiums and Garlic Herb....:D

I believe the vegetable dies within the oils and dies are being colonized by bacteria and are fermenting.

10-07-2001, 01:53 PM


10-07-2001, 03:17 PM
My friends Evololution smells too! Since it was brand new it has smelled like old cheese. Coincedence?I think not, it is a plot masterminded by Brass Eagle, in some way to do something to you to make you buy stingrays!

10-07-2001, 06:15 PM
The Warp Feed is mearly a transporting device, otherwise inert. There's no way to deny it any longer Bad Dave, YOUR BALLS STINK! :) They are tainting your Warp!

10-07-2001, 08:39 PM
I know why this is!!!

Contrary to popular beleif the warpfeed is NOT a lunchbox...So maybe you should stop transporting your cheese and mustard sandwiches in it. Just a thought.


10-08-2001, 12:46 PM
Let this be a lesson to all. Keep your balls clean but be gentle with the scrub brush they are delicate also pull back the feed tube because chease has been known to accumulate there too

10-08-2001, 01:49 PM
seriously though, I had the exact same issue. I threw away the directions without even looking at them because they smelled like somethig has pissed on them.
And the first time I opened the case, the smell almost knocked me over. It was absolultely awful.

10-08-2001, 03:04 PM
lol, i also have this problem(not really a problem).. im thinking it maybe the urithane(sp?) and the oil from paint.

10-08-2001, 04:36 PM
Mine has that wierd smell too. Where did you buy your Warp Feed Dave? I bought mine from PBGear.

10-08-2001, 07:53 PM
No offence -but are you sure it wasn't you? I know Europeans eat more cheese that the rest of us - and Brits arent the most clean animals ;o)

Seriously though - Ive had paint make my pod that were in the sun stink.

10-08-2001, 08:12 PM
In my case it wasnt paint. Brand new from the package, the contents made me want to gag ;) Threw away the foam and the paper because it was horrible.

Maxd Out
10-08-2001, 10:08 PM
Funny. When I first bought my Revvy (clear), it reeked like puke or something of the sort. It still smells to this day even after 2 years!

Definately a plot....

Bad Dave
10-09-2001, 03:44 AM
Webmaster- you offend me i will have you know that i clean myself at regular intervals surely no man would think once a week unreasonable? You have mistaken me for a frenchman.lol.

It is possible that my sweaty hands touching the warp could have left a smell on it after all sweat is 5% urine.