View Full Version : SFL Emag!!!

10-07-2001, 12:18 PM

friend at field

incase you havn't noticed (which I doubt), this is fake. I was trying out Photoshop. I guess the gun looks a bit too blury. I made it blurry to make it look real because before it was too sharp and it looked like i pasted a pic over that. I hope I get better at doing this :).

here's the real pic BTW


10-16-2001, 06:56 PM
Why don't you try putting some goggles on the kid or a barrell plug in the marker since you are so good??
P.S. The picture here is real, not changed. It is easier to not try and fake something.
See you in the middle

10-16-2001, 09:38 PM
yo absocountry2,
where did you get your x-treme from? Overseas? Looks tight. How do you like it? give us some input.

10-16-2001, 09:44 PM
read your other post davyboy...your usaf one, no need to respond..thanks.

10-17-2001, 08:21 AM
also, how did you get your armaggedon anoed to match the rest of the gun? or was the whole thing annoed at the same time? look sweet! i'm DEFINITELY getting one for next season!

10-18-2001, 03:07 PM
When Jackie (the organization behind John Sosta) told me I could get a Extreme to help test, she asked me for the reg and sent it with the body to get anodized. The barrell that came with it is matching red also. The cylinder has a red Redz cover also. This weekend the warp will be dyed red also. Everybody that sees it lets me know it should be red, including Jackie. This weekend I am going to visit Airguns Europe and the warp will be red. Expect more pics soon with cylinder and red warp. The Extreme body is about 3 ounces lighter as it comes, but they saidt ehy left enough aluminum in place to really carve it up. We should start seeeing some really nice carve versions soon after they are released. I am already designing mine now and it will be called "The Reaper" stay tuned....

10-18-2001, 03:09 PM
The SFL emag from what I understand is basically an extreme body with everything possible cut off to make it light, however I want mine to look good also.