View Full Version : Tourn Lock.

05-13-2004, 04:45 PM
I was wondering if a tourny lock is reguired for tournaments with my mag?

05-13-2004, 07:16 PM
Sorry about the misspelling tourny lock aka velocity lock come guys i know some of you have been in a tournament before just help me out plz.

05-13-2004, 07:50 PM
Yes it is required, hence the name tourny lock ;)
However that was not the reason it was designed for, a former teamate of mine was the guy who made them first in his garage/machine shop (and I bet he wished he patented the idea) and the reason was we as a team were fed up with setting our mags at 290 fps and then chronoing off at 230 we used the lock to hold the fps setting not stop the fps being raised that was an advantage we gained as a by product. You might notice that the grubscrews are a lot smaller than the ones you are used to seeing, this was because he had a large stock of the smaller grubscrews so to save money that was what he used, it was once very shiney as it is made from brass.
Oh I only used a quarter in the pic as if I had used one of my coins no-one would get the scale ;)

05-13-2004, 08:03 PM
That sucks that your friend didn't patent it but thanks alot for the help.

Loud Tim
05-13-2004, 09:06 PM
u dont have to have a tourny lock
i have played many tournys with out one on my mag
and the guys from pride doesnt have tourny locks on their mags either.

05-13-2004, 09:10 PM
people with automags just don't cheat.

05-13-2004, 10:13 PM
I'll agree 100% with MarkM regarding the reason for using a tourney lock/cap. It isn't necessarily so that you can't fiddle with the marker, but rather so that the velocity nut doesn't back itself out from pressure and vibration. Last weekend, I forgot to tighten down the set screw on my cap - when I went on the field, I was shooting 280 ... when I came off the field, I was shooting about 190. The velocity nut had rotated itself almost a half turn through the course of a half case of paint.

05-15-2004, 07:07 PM
u dont have to have a tourny lock
i have played many tournys with out one on my mag
and the guys from pride doesnt have tourny locks on their mags either.
RT and E valves don't have anywhere to mount a tourny lock ring this was one of the design improvements and if Pride came to a field with a regular mag without a lock ring then they wouldn't be allowed on the field it is a requirement for tourny play ;)

Loud Tim
05-16-2004, 01:54 AM
i didnt know that there was a difference

wow i should really read what i write before i hit submit reply
"and the guys from pride doesnt have tourny locks on their mags either."
that there is some darn fine college written