View Full Version : K2 announces immediate plans to enforce AUTOCOCKER intellectual property

05-13-2004, 06:43 PM
K2 announces immediate plans to enforce AUTOCOCKER intellectual property
Posted by: David Morgan on Fri, 07 May 2004 13:59:55 (1609 Reads)

Before electros and the current Smart Parts issues, the number one copied high end marker was Bud Orr's Autococker. Its clear that K2, in its consideration of buying WGP, looked at this issue a they now announce plans to vigerously protect their new investment. Check out the official release below for details.


Carlsbad, CA May 6th 2004 K2 Inc( NYSE:KTO.) announces an immediate and aggressive campaign enforcing the acquired intellectual property rights of Worr Game Products ( WGP )including the premium paintball markers incorporating it's proprietary Autococker technology.

K2 Inc. intends to vigorously protect it's investment as well as WGP's rights by taking action against imitators who violate those rights. K2 Inc. will promptly investigate all reports it receives of customers confusion, warranty representation, and illegal importation of substandard or knock-off products. K2 Inc. will take all necessary remedial action to swiftly terminate transgressions upon its intellectual property rights.

Budd Orr, President of WGP in explaining this action to custom product manufacturers and players alike stated "Our intent is to protect our customers from being misled by non-genuine Autococker product falsely presented in the market place. We are going to aggressively pursue all companies that we feel are manufacturing, marketing or distributing non-WGP premium markers as the Autococker brand or look. "

K2 Inc. looks forward to continuing WGP's long-standing relationships with responsible custom product manufacturers. Bud Orr reiterated, "Our company wants to make sure that players have the opportunity to experience genuine Autococker brand markers including those from our approved custom manufacturers.



05-13-2004, 06:45 PM
I think this has been brought up before but yet it is still very interestin in the action they are taking.

Target Practice
05-13-2004, 06:49 PM
Well, this doesn't seem too bad, I guess. They are not trying to stamp out the customizers, just to regulate them. The way I see it, it is pretty specific. I mean, AGD is not going to be affected by this at all. This thing is nowhere near as restrictive as actions taken by other PITA companies. *Cough* Smart Parts *Cough*

05-13-2004, 07:10 PM
Sorry just being picky Target but if you regulate a customizer dosent that take away the customizer part?

Target Practice
05-13-2004, 07:16 PM
No, I don't believe so. They are regulating firms that use WGP (Now K2) technology. They aren't saying what they can and can't do with it, just that they have to be approved by K2 to market it.

05-13-2004, 07:18 PM
i'm not entirely sure this targeted at customizers at all. it seems like this is aimed at companies that make markers that operate off the same principles as the cocker without purchasing license rights from WGP. this doesn't stop a company from buying a cocker, tricking it out, and then reselling it because they started with a WGP product and bought it from the manufacturer. this seems like it is intended to stop a company from building cockers from scratch and not paying anything to WGP. perhaps someone more familiar with patent law and intellectual property rights can clarify.

Target Practice
05-13-2004, 07:46 PM
K2 Inc. looks forward to continuing WGP's long-standing relationships with responsible custom product manufacturers. Bud Orr reiterated, "Our company wants to make sure that players have the opportunity to experience genuine Autococker brand markers including those from our approved custom manufacturers.

They don't want to crush the customizers. They just want to regulate who is customizing them.

05-13-2004, 07:51 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the autococker first designed by palmers.

Target Practice
05-13-2004, 07:54 PM
Yeah, if I remeber right, Palmer came up with pneumatic cocking before Orr did. That doesn't matter though; the only thing that matters is who holds the patents.

05-13-2004, 08:08 PM
and illegal importation of substandard or knock-off products

so how about standard knock-offs? are those okay?

05-13-2004, 08:09 PM
is who holds the patents
That's the rub, though. The Autococker really hasn't changed since its introduction and patents aren't granted for something that has been on the market for more than a year. So, what patent(s) does WGP have to enforce? The only one I know about is for the hinge frame.

illegal importation of substandard or knock-off products
This looks like it is directed at the Dragun Drallion type stuff.

05-13-2004, 09:05 PM
Yeah, if I remeber right, Palmer came up with pneumatic cocking before Orr did. That doesn't matter though; the only thing that matters is who holds the patents.

Wrong! Prior art negates the patent! :D

Target Practice
05-13-2004, 09:36 PM
Wrong! Prior art negates the patent! :D

Huh, I didn't know that, but it does make sense though. Now that I think about it, it seems more like the "trade dress" issue that Rogue brought up. Personally, I think the enforcement is a positive thing (if it is handled properly, of course). I just hope that K2 doesn't take advantage of it, and that they approve as many firms as possible in order to maximize the choice of those who want a nice cocker-style marker.

05-14-2004, 01:36 AM
What it sounds like they are trying to prevent is some kid buying a knock off POS chineese "Autococker" on ebay and then going back to WGP saying this POS Autococker doesn't work fix it. And well...it's not their gun.

I don't think Palmer would have any problems here. Nor do I think the companies that make quality bodies and back blocks. Who I hope doesn't happen is for K2/WGP make a company say, AKA, my out arse for royalty rights to produce the Merlin body.

05-14-2004, 02:21 AM
What it sounds like they are trying to prevent is some kid buying a knock off POS chineese "Autococker" on ebay and then going back to WGP saying this POS Autococker doesn't work fix it. And well...it's not their gun.

I don't think Palmer would have any problems here. Nor do I think the companies that make quality bodies and back blocks. Who I hope doesn't happen is for K2/WGP make a company say, AKA, my out arse for royalty rights to produce the Merlin body.

Didn't AKA and WGP already have a legal (which AKA won) over this issue? Frankly, I see this as a big mess - IMHO, the current autocockers ARE a cheap foreign knock-off (being machined in Taiwan) whereas the AKAs are at least made here in the US.

All these law-suits aren't doing much for the consumer, that's for sure...


05-14-2004, 02:35 PM
WGP had legal issues with a few companies. I know WGP and ANS battled it out once or twice over the use of bodies. WGP also got intoa quarrel with System X, and Im sure with a few other companies. WGP was going after companies that were making cockers but not using WGP bodies.

05-14-2004, 02:42 PM
The funnything is that the body isn't what I'd expect they'd be concern about - rather the pnumatic/cocking setup.


05-14-2004, 03:14 PM
they can't go after anyone for the pneumatic setup... WGP didn't invent it, they just implemented it...

Even though Camille was stolen, there are plenty of pics of it, and its well known that it was the first semi-auto automatic cocking paintball marker...

well before Bud looked hard at his Sniper and thought, hey, I could make this thing automated...