View Full Version : a cure to noobs

05-14-2004, 10:06 PM
well at least in the staging area. It's not very intellectual but extremely practical. As to date I'v been shot in the arm, leg, and chest(two inches below the neck) by barrel plugs on noobs guns. It hurts, but what I really hate is being taken unawares with my mask off. If AGD or any company could produce barrel plugs in mass production that have 2 inches of foam on the head, and sell them to fields I would greatly appreciate it. May even turn a little profit, who knows?

I'm sorry if this isn't in the right place since it really isn't intellectual.

Target Practice
05-14-2004, 10:25 PM
Hey, you know what they need? How about a bag with an elastic, adjustable cord on it that won't come off when a marker gets fired into it? Man, thats a great idea. Oh, wait. Nevermind.

05-15-2004, 10:29 AM
fields would be already using barrel condoms by now, but sadly they arn't.

05-15-2004, 10:41 AM
Many fields are not allowing barrel plugs any more for that very reason. The issue is not about making a barrel plug that does not hurt when it flies out of the barrel, but one the does not come out when a player shoots his/her marker. And barrel wraps/bags/condoms do this quite well.

I see no need to produce a product that is becoming illegal on far too many fields.

05-15-2004, 03:19 PM
I don't know if anyone is involved with this group, but this is an issue I noticed as well. Barrel plugs aren't as safe as condoms in my opinion.

Both here and on PBN there have been reports of a player being shot in the eye in the staging area :mad:

Plugs and mask enforcement can always be improved.

Maybe the PBA should consider making condoms mandatory instead of plugs?

Just some thoughts.


05-15-2004, 03:29 PM
I don't know if anyone is involved with this group, but this is an issue I noticed as well. Barrel plugs aren't as safe as condoms in my opinion.

Both here and on PBN there have been reports of a player being shot in the eye in the staging area :mad:

Plugs and mask enforcement can always be improved.

Maybe the PBA should consider making condoms mandatory instead of plugs?

Just some thoughts.

This would be interesting… but the last time I knew there was no one organization or group that controlled any and all areas concerning Paintball and Paintball Businesses. So unless there WAS one (again, which I have not heard of) and they had the power to ENFORCE this rule, it is a paper tiger with no real claws nor power.

Insurance companies have more power in this area than any other group, or groups, IMHO. And from what I understand, they have already started to mandate this change.

05-15-2004, 03:31 PM
Plugs and mask enforcement can always be improved.


How can they make better mask enforcments? Make you where them in the staging area? The only solution i see to this problem is barrel bags.

05-15-2004, 03:33 PM
WHat about the Paintball Insurance company? They could regulate this. At both my local fields, barrel plugs are outlawed; only condoms. If you don't have one and you want to play, you have to buy theirs for $5 at the air-fill station. I'm glad; the first time I used the barrel plug that came with my Spyder, the o-ring broke and it fell out of the barrel without be doing anything.

05-15-2004, 03:37 PM
ADDED: Upon doing a quick search…. The PBA is no longer around as a single entity. It is now The National Sports Entertainment & Recreation Association. And indeed it IS an insurance entity.. not an "association of paintball businesses" as the name would lead folks to believe.

However, they are not the ONLY insurance company who offers policies to paintball fields… so, again, having ONE company put pressure on ALL fields is useless since they don’t INSURE all fields.

05-15-2004, 03:40 PM
WHat about the Paintball Insurance company? They could regulate this. At both my local fields, barrel plugs are outlawed; only condoms. If you don't have one and you want to play, you have to buy theirs for $5 at the air-fill station. I'm glad; the first time I used the barrel plug that came with my Spyder, the o-ring broke and it fell out of the barrel without be doing anything.
And this is what I was talking about. Insurance companies can force this policy…. And like I said, I think they have already started. But there is more than one insurance company that provides policies to fields, so it would have to be done across the board with every insurance company (which may end up happening anyways).

05-15-2004, 03:44 PM
And this is what I was talking about. Insurance companies can force this policy…. And like I said, I think they have already started. But there is more than one insurance company that provides policies to fields, so it would have to be done across the board with every insurance company (which may end up happening anyways).

The field i work at now has started to do this a couple of months ago.before, I tried and convince the owner and the other manager that they should just invest in barrel bags and then only allow them. they said there was not a problem. And then, one of our empoyees shot a customer in the leg. And HE had the idea to start using barrel bags. But now, our insurence company is pushin it.

05-15-2004, 07:45 PM
I don't know if anyone is involved with this group, but this is an issue I noticed as well. Barrel plugs aren't as safe as condoms in my opinion.

No way.....

05-15-2004, 08:06 PM
ya a coupple of my fields reqire Barrel condoms

05-15-2004, 08:14 PM
...they need a bag for noobs...

...i am going to bag me some now :cool:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
05-15-2004, 08:18 PM
stop picking on newbies you evil sophmore!

05-15-2004, 08:25 PM
Lol Haahhaaahhaahahahahaha

05-15-2004, 08:56 PM
My field only allows Barrel Bags. This one gut got in an argument of why he had to use a barrel bag instead of his plug. We explained the dangers then he accidently shot his gun and the plug flew off hit the cielling and then hit someone. After that he just bought a barrel bag and left us alone on the subject.

05-16-2004, 01:13 AM
you sir, need a large blunt object, perhaps a medieval warhammer, attached to your wrist by a leather cord so that you may smite noobs from the earth whenever they transgress with such careless foolery.

seriously though, if I see another one do something that stupid it will be to soon.... :rolleyes:

05-16-2004, 05:37 AM
with todays electro triggers, there is often more than one shot involved with an accidental discharge. the first one blows out the barrel plug and the second goes who knows where.
i much prefer socks and i think any field that doesn't require them exclusively is behind the times.
05-16-2004, 11:53 AM
Yeah, well, but the barrel condoms can't fit my pistol :p

05-16-2004, 12:07 PM
Yeah, well, but the barrel condoms can't fit my pistol :p
Not true. You just can't use an "off the shelf" barrel condom. There ARE other options you know.... or maybe you didn't know. ;)

05-16-2004, 12:42 PM
Hey, you know what they need? How about a bag with an elastic, adjustable cord on it that won't come off when a marker gets fired into it? Man, thats a great idea. Oh, wait. Nevermind.Hehehe. :p

05-16-2004, 01:27 PM
In a few years I suspect that barrel condoms will be required and that plugs will be banned.

05-16-2004, 01:49 PM
In a few years I suspect that barrel condoms will be required and that plugs will be banned.They are at any major event and most "big time" fields.

05-16-2004, 02:40 PM
Why not make barrel plugs have a foam "parachute" at the end. Then it's more obvious when it's in the barrel, and if someone does pull the trigger and it goes flying out, it won't be able to go very fast... the parachute will create a lot of drag and if it does hit you it won't be very hard. Granted, this probably isn't a better option than barrel condoms, but it might help the non-noobs pick out the noobs a bit easier, so you can keep your distance.

The Spanish Inquisition
05-16-2004, 03:05 PM
NO NO ! instead of a barrel "PLUG" you could get a U shaped pipe that plugs onto the end of the barrel and points back at whoever is holding the marker. Mabey that will solve the problem. :)

05-16-2004, 08:06 PM
I got shot in the Sack with a barrel plug. it hurt but atleast it wasnt a ball.

05-16-2004, 08:14 PM
I got hit in ther forhead with a big plug once.

05-16-2004, 08:16 PM
...i got/get/will be shot in the back by my own team when i play open games...

...never underestimate the firing power of 14-20 noobs with rentals behind a huge laydown airbunker...

(especially if they think someone facing away from them is not on their team...)

05-16-2004, 08:21 PM
best substitute for a plug is a squeegee or your finger. :)

05-16-2004, 08:39 PM
I'v been to 7 different fields, one in SanFransiscon, one in Las Vegas, one in canada, and 4 in colorado. Absolutly none of the above gave out barrel condoms instead of barrel plugs.

Another thing that gun manufactures could do is make safe/not safe marking when they put in the safetys. When ever I shoot my barrel condom It is because I'm not sure if the safetys on (i'm really stupid.

05-17-2004, 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by bokarham (im really stupid

You said it. lol

05-17-2004, 03:59 AM
Another thing that gun manufactures could do is make safe/not safe marking when they put in the safetys. When ever I shoot my barrel condom It is because I'm not sure if the safetys on (i'm really stupid.


But seriously, condoms are much safer.
Also, many times the ball wont break in the condom :)
cant say the same for a barrel plug that'll just clog your barrel with paint :(

05-17-2004, 03:37 PM
I don't now, nor have I ever trusted barrel plugs. Recently, I found out something that makes me leery of bags as well. I read that they're only designed to stop the first shot - after that, they can pop off the end of the barrel. I was appalled, especially in light of the firing and bounce capabilities of todays electro markers - if one falls and bounces once, it could feasibly fire 2-5 paintballs (or more).

For some reason, I wasn't "warm and fuzzy" with the elastic cord idea on the bags, so I made my own bags out of black denim with a shoelace cord and drawstring keeper, with a red denim "flag" on the end for visibility. The first one I made and tested only stopped the first 5 shots at about 310 fps before the side blew out, so I failed it and redid the stitching and cord so it could survive at least 10 shots without visible deterioration or movement. That was my criteria.

Either way, though, I believe the most important safety device is me - safety on, don't touch the trigger, put it somewhere so that if it gets kicked, something dropped on it, knocked over, whatever, I've done everything I can to make sure the barrel will be in a safe direction, just in case. I've yet to have an accidental fire incident, but I believe that it can happen anyway. I insist on knowing that, if I'm chasing my marker across a parking lot like a little kid chasing a large ball, and it keeps going off, the bag will stop every ball.

05-17-2004, 04:00 PM
I don't now, nor have I ever trusted barrel plugs. Recently, I found out something that makes me leery of bags as well. I read that they're only designed to stop the first shot - after that, they can pop off the end of the barrel. I was appalled, especially in light of the firing and bounce capabilities of todays electro markers - if one falls and bounces once, it could feasibly fire 2-5 paintballs (or more).

For some reason, I wasn't "warm and fuzzy" with the elastic cord idea on the bags, so I made my own bags out of black denim with a shoelace cord and drawstring keeper, with a red denim "flag" on the end for visibility. The first one I made and tested only stopped the first 5 shots at about 310 fps before the side blew out, so I failed it and redid the stitching and cord so it could survive at least 10 shots without visible deterioration or movement. That was my criteria.
You get what you pay for with Barrel Bags. And I know for a FACT that mine will stop more than 10 shots. I have tested mine with so many shots the paint was dripping through the end of the bag. And that was with the velocity cranked WAY past 310 fps.

I find that too many barrel bags simply are not built correctly, and that does not mean JUST the materials used. I have seen many that use great materials, but the construction didn’t take into account many factors.

Anyone who has used my Barrel Wraps knows that if they are made right, they will not only last, but hold up to everything you throw at them…or shoot into them.

And I am sure Rogue Factor’s bags are the same….

05-17-2004, 04:13 PM
why most fields wont do it?

National sells barrel plugs as cheap as $0.35 to fields. Barrel condoms/socks start at $2.25 (and those are the CHEAP barrel condoms. They break after 2-3 shots its $3.00+ for a GOOD barrel bag). Newbs lose barrel plugs like nobody's business on the field. its simply not economically sound right now for fields to do it by choice--especially for a small field.

SOME insurance providers are considering it, however only one company I know of requires it...and its a small insurance company

06-11-2004, 03:42 PM
Hey, you know what they need? How about a bag with an elastic, adjustable cord on it that won't come off when a marker gets fired into it? Man, thats a great idea. Oh, wait. Nevermind.

Not entirely true friend.

While at a field a few years ago I had my barrel bag on my emag, accidentally hit the trigger and the bag flew like a bat out of hell. The cord was fairly snug (or so I thought) so yeah, it was most likley my error but on one other occasion I had the bag snugly with enough room to move to absorb the hit but instead the ball went right through the dang thing.

Ingenuity is no prevention from stupidity.