View Full Version : how about a new upgrade for people like me

10-07-2001, 07:12 PM
i was just thinking of all the great upgrades that might help me some. but my mind kept going back to the same idea. how about a great new aftermarket product that reminds me to turn on my revy!!! two games -in a row- both causing chops.

i am stupid. any ideas?

10-07-2001, 07:19 PM
put a sticky note on it:D alsio where at in akron ohio are u from i live in akron too

10-07-2001, 07:21 PM
Tape a thing on your Revy lid that says:

-Revy On-
-PowerFeed On-
-Warp Primed-

While you may not want to put something like that on your Revy, put something on the lid that serves as a reminder to make sure everything is the way it should be before the game starts. For myself and everyone else I know, we always fill the hopper right before each game or at least open, or look through the lid to see if you're full on paint. If you put something on the lid, you'll bring it to your attention that you need to check those things and you won't forget.

10-07-2001, 07:52 PM
as a team captian, its part of the job to check barrel plugs, safteys, and revs (and or warps) at the ten second warning!!!

just go from the front back.

barrel plug out?
barre tight?
saftey off?
rev on?
tank on?
fire a ball (if they let ya)
rock and roll

it also serves as a nice cool down period, gets everyone into the mood to play, its the familiar were here, we know what we are doing, lets get it on.

10-07-2001, 08:44 PM
thanks guys

and i actually live in Kent right now. about a stone's throw off campus