View Full Version : URGENT HELP NEEDED!! (Smart Parts Related) PLEASE READ!!!

05-15-2004, 10:46 AM
sorry for the caps in the title, but time is short...here's the deal:

Several months ago, i (along with many of my fellow AKA owners) sent an email to the Dept. of Justice's Anti-Trust Division about the current Smart Parts situation...after getting a standard "the information has been sent to the appropriate staff member" email, i figured nothing was going to come of it...

then, out of the blue yesterday, i get a call from a DOJ lawyer who wants to discuss the situation with me at length over the phone!!! i was suprised to say the least...lol...

He's going to call me back Tuesday at 2:30pm Central to further dicuss the situation...between now and then i need to get a very clear picture as to exactly what i want to say and, this is most important, exactly what the facts are...

so, anyone in a position to know what's really and factually going on, i need to know what i should tell him...i need to have a very clear position to relate to him...

i also posted this on PBNation here (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=5408805#post5408805)

i'm still kinda in shock about the whole thing and i'm pretty nervous because i want to make the best impression i can...

i can be contacted here, on PBNation, or by email (stonecoldsoldier_2000@yahoo.com)

this is a great opportunity to get our displeasure at the unethical/possible illegal actions of Smart Parts heard by someone who can actually do something about it and i want to make the most of it...

05-15-2004, 10:58 AM
hmmm, well your dealing with a multi million dollar corperation, so have fun

remember, they will hit you when your down, so do the same back

now, they are gonna go through everything they can, so you do the same...

be sneaky, dont let your gaurd down, and have fun

give em hell, cause i want an x-mag :D time to get agde to get one more bodies now

also for those who dont understand this, he is takin on SP because they made a patent (to protect their electronic markers) then they made the patent even broader by adding more (the more are any electro marker using any on/off switch, which include microswitches, and beam break eyes), by doing this they are stunting the devolopment of new technology, which is againt the law

be careful

05-15-2004, 11:06 AM
The most important thing is to discusse the sneaky underhanded way they obtained the patent. Doc's pages do a great job of explaining this.

05-15-2004, 07:43 PM
UP !!!!

This could be crucial to the fight against Smart Parts ! Perhaps Tom could chime in ?

05-15-2004, 09:50 PM
get in touch with Aaron at AKA and try to get him in on a conference call...

05-15-2004, 09:53 PM
wow let see what happens :eek:

05-15-2004, 09:56 PM
yes, i know they have the patent, but to my understanding, patents have to be something new, and orginal, and really never though of before. Common, i would have though of a electronic trigger. I would just not know how to trip the sear. I hear of something like there were electro markers dating back before smart parts, but i dont have proof.

Chojin Man
05-15-2004, 10:09 PM
This site has a lot of info on it.....


This is the USN patent from the same site.

Which I believe establishes prior art for a electronicaly fired pneumatic marker.

Good luck!

05-15-2004, 10:16 PM
get in touch with Aaron at AKA and try to get him in on a conference call...

i thought of that, but AKA may not be able to say anything about the situation because of non-disclosure agreements that were probably part of the agreement with Smart Parts...

i PM'ed Dan Voils (Auctionjunkie! on PBN) and he said he'd do what he could, but said the AKA folks themselves probably won't be able to say much because of NDA's...Dan is kind of in a grey area, though...he's close with the Alexanders and spends a decent amount of time at the factory(from what i understand, at least) but he doesn't offically work for AKA, thus is probably not covered under the NDA...

i'm currently trying to familiarize myself with the patents in question...

one thing i definately need to know is the full story of the relationship between PnueVentures and Smart Parts and exactly what happened with the original Shocker...

05-16-2004, 12:37 PM
Call me in the afternoon on Monday. Tell Joann its about the SP case and I told you to call.


05-16-2004, 01:29 PM
sorry for the caps in the title, but time is short...here's the deal:

Several months ago, i (along with many of my fellow AKA owners) sent an email to the Dept. of Justice's Anti-Trust Division about the current Smart Parts situation...after getting a standard "the information has been sent to the appropriate staff member" email, i figured nothing was going to come of it...

then, out of the blue yesterday, i get a call from a DOJ lawyer who wants to discuss the situation with me at length over the phone!!! i was suprised to say the least...lol...

He's going to call me back Tuesday at 2:30pm Central to further dicuss the situation...between now and then i need to get a very clear picture as to exactly what i want to say and, this is most important, exactly what the facts are...

so, anyone in a position to know what's really and factually going on, i need to know what i should tell him...i need to have a very clear position to relate to him...

i also posted this on PBNation here (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=5408805#post5408805)

i'm still kinda in shock about the whole thing and i'm pretty nervous because i want to make the best impression i can...

i can be contacted here, on PBNation, or by email (stonecoldsoldier_2000@yahoo.com)

this is a great opportunity to get our displeasure at the unethical/possible illegal actions of Smart Parts heard by someone who can actually do something about it and i want to make the most of it...

Setup a tape recorder on the phoneline;)

05-16-2004, 03:06 PM
Call me in the afternoon on Monday. Tell Joann its about the SP case and I told you to call.


looks like tom is eager to help :)

05-16-2004, 03:18 PM
Call me in the afternoon on Monday. Tell Joann its about the SP case and I told you to call.


will do...

wow...i must say i never really expected to become this involved in the whole SP debacle...i'm not exactly an industry insider...i'm just a paintballer concerned about the direction our beloved sport and the industry that feeds is headed...Glen Palmer posted in the thread on PBN, so i think he's gonna help out with some information...i've also been in touch with Dan Voils, one of the AKA Master Techs...he's pretty close with the Aaron and the guys at AKA, but i'm pretty sure he doesn't actually work for them, so is not covered under and NDA's...

btw, Tom, what # do i call and any particular time you want me to call?

thanx for the help and encouragement everyone...

05-16-2004, 03:22 PM
their office phone: (847) 520-7507

05-16-2004, 04:16 PM
Call me in the afternoon on Monday. Tell Joann its about the SP case and I told you to call.


whoa!! :eek:
uping this thread for paintballers everywhere.

05-16-2004, 06:21 PM
let us know how it goes

05-16-2004, 08:10 PM
i really want sp to pay, wdp and this man right here are going to show sp...

(screams die sp loudly and is taken away for threating a large corperation)

05-17-2004, 02:35 PM
damn...hit a bit of a snag...i tried calling the AGD office number a few minutes ago, and all i got was an automated reponse saying i "couldn't access that long-distance company's network"...

is there any other number?

05-17-2004, 02:40 PM
Where you calling from?

Try it again 1-847-520-7507 Just stay on the line or follow prompts

05-17-2004, 03:04 PM
i'm calling from western Illinois...4-5 hours southwest of Chicago, about as far west in Illinois as you can get...

i'll try calling again, but all it gives me is a 1-800 number to AT&T where they ask me switch LD carriers... :(

05-17-2004, 03:19 PM
well if this is as worth it to you as i think it should be, do yourself a favor, run to a 7/11 or any other card shop or something and buy a 10 or 20 dollar long distance calling card, problem solved

05-17-2004, 03:42 PM
If you haven't reached Tom yet, email me your phone number and I will have Tom call you - he is in a meeting now anyway.

office @ airgun.com (no spaces)


05-17-2004, 04:43 PM
Wow... Tom makes house calls. :D

the larch
05-17-2004, 04:59 PM
I posted this thread over on Doc's there are alot of pretty smart people who have been keeping track of this over there.
here's a link to the forum. (great place to go anyday)
I believe "Have Blue" is the guy who has been on top of this the most.
Look for him.....really.

05-17-2004, 05:00 PM
If you haven't reached Tom yet, email me your phone number and I will have Tom call you - he is in a meeting now anyway.

office @ airgun.com (no spaces)


ok, i'll do that...i'm going to be leaving for work in a few minutes, though...could he call sometime tomorrow morning? the DOJ lawyer is supposed to call me at 2:30CDT tomorrow, so any time before then would work...

05-17-2004, 07:22 PM
And don't forget to let us know how it all turns out!!!! :) This is exciting!!

05-17-2004, 08:28 PM
wow man, I HOPE it goes well.
All I can say is keep it quiet untill Smart parts finds out whats up.......
so maybe this thread should disappear.......
untill the news is out :D ;)

05-17-2004, 08:45 PM
Yes finally they are getting someone to speakout against SP.
This is so much fun, I need to take my meds again. Then it will be off to nappy land.

05-17-2004, 09:03 PM
yes, i know they have the patent, but to my understanding, patents have to be something new, and orginal, and really never though of before. Common, i would have though of a electronic trigger. I would just not know how to trip the sear. I hear of something like there were electro markers dating back before smart parts, but i dont have proof.

well, yes... except the US patent office is famous for ignoring pre-existing patents that cover the exact same sorta thing, when granting new patents.

Mr. Frodo
05-17-2004, 10:09 PM
well, yes... except the US patent office is famous for ignoring pre-existing patents that cover the exact same sorta thing, when granting new patents.

I'm going to do some arm-chair lawyering, so take it for what it's worth: In the US, and maybe the UK too, you don't have to file for a patent immediately. As long as you're able to prove that you first came up with the idea, you can still be credited with the innovation. I've known people to have a notary endorse their plans or written descriptions. But, it doesn't keep others from copying the idea.

05-18-2004, 11:49 AM
pbspectre, sent you a piece that has an electronic trigger on a gun with a control ciruit prior to any SP or wdp stuff. enjoy

05-18-2004, 11:56 AM
Mr. Frodo (and others)

Currently I am in the patent process. Even if I have a previously working gun, and/or the drawings, if I do not sell the rights, design, or publish the design, another person can claim the patent instead of me. If the design is in public domain, such as I showed a copy of the internals on pbnaiton, then I could still patent it, but I might lose the right to sue another company for producing it.

In about a month I should FINALLY have the patent filed for the Shiva. I will let you guys know how it goes.


05-18-2004, 01:09 PM
I work in a major (top five) lobbying firm here in Washington. Have you ever thought about putting together a coallition of paintball corporations and approaching Congress about this issue? There are a variety of ways that this matter could be presented to members of Congress that could provide a solution to this problem. If you would be at all interested, I would be happy to discuss this with you. Although, as a manufactuer of DoD equipment, I'm sure you already have DC representation; if you don't, you should, and I would be happy to talk to you about that as well.