View Full Version : E. Carter Automag

05-15-2004, 01:03 PM

Browsing a haveblue directory linked in another thread and found this pic...

I'm not much for pistol setups, but I kinda like this one...

Anyone know anything else about it? (TK?;))

05-15-2004, 01:27 PM
Having done work for the Ducks before, I can say that is one heavy pistol. Those who think PPS markers are heavy need not even think about lugging this marker around the field. ;)

But I love the look. The only thing I think would be better is if the air system was at the rear and it was run on a remote. Now THAT would be cool (not that this isn’t. because it IS as well).

Good find.

05-15-2004, 01:43 PM
It appears as tho its capable of accepting a 12-gram in the frame... Is that what that screw-thingie is, or am I way off?

05-15-2004, 01:44 PM
If the body was polished then it would look 100% cooler. :)

wooah I was way off I had no clue what he was talking about obviousally.

05-15-2004, 01:53 PM
It appears as tho its capable of accepting a 12-gram in the frame... Is that what that screw-thingie is, or am I way off?
No, you are not way off. In the Ducks that is indeed how you do it. That is also why the grip frame is so huge (it is actually much larger than the picture makes it look). But being that it is set up to run off of the bottle, I doubt it can still work off of the 12-gram in the frame.

It looks more like the frame is just capped off. This is how it normally looks…


05-15-2004, 04:42 PM
Sam, that's not your duck is it?

05-15-2004, 04:45 PM
Sam, that's not your duck is it?
No. I did the grips and the stand. The Duck belongs to Carter Brown (Painthappy).

05-15-2004, 04:46 PM

WOW, thats really cool!!!!! it would prolly lose a little bit with a hopper on it, but on the stand it looks great.

05-15-2004, 04:58 PM
WOW, thats really cool!!!!! it would prolly lose a little bit with a hopper on it, but on the stand it looks great.
If you put a hopper on it, it would probably be a small one. I would recommend a stickfeed (for stock class play). The Duck is actually a pump marker (most people miss that). The whole top piece is the pump (to include the feed tube).

(picture from www.mcarterbrown.com )

So every time you pumped it, the ball storage unit moves as well….. so less is more in this case.

But it truly is one impressive marker. Dirty Harry has NOTHING on this bad boy. Like I said, it is actually larger than what the pictures make it look like.

05-15-2004, 05:06 PM
Some more shots of the Duck for those not familiar with it.


The other picture with it on the stand was taken outside my shop, and this one is taken in my shop before the stand is finished…


Duck are hard to come by and if anyone gets the chance, I recommend they get it.

05-15-2004, 08:09 PM
I havew been looking for a duck for about 4 years now. I have been willing to pay crazy amounts of money for one, but have not been in the right place at the right tome to get one.

05-16-2004, 05:22 AM
I havew been looking for a duck for about 4 years now. I have been willing to pay crazy amounts of money for one, but have not been in the right place at the right tome to get one.
The last one I saw on e-bay was priced at $3,000 (if I remember correctly). I don’t recall it selling though.

I know folks commented about it over at Carter’s site. They don’t come up for sale very often though. And if they do, you can most likely find out about it first over there.

05-16-2004, 06:28 AM
if i remember correctly carter said at one point that they have no problem building more ducks (at the right price) so if you are willing to pay a ton for one it might as well be a new one built for you :)

05-16-2004, 07:40 AM
if i remember correctly carter said at one point that they have no problem building more ducks (at the right price) so if you are willing to pay a ton for one it might as well be a new one built for you :)
That is true. But I don’t think anyone could agree on what the going price would be. LOL

I know there was some debate as to the $3,000 price tag asked for on e-bay as well. Some said it cost that much for it to be made, while some didn’t think so. I am in the camp that thinks it will be pricy but not THAT pricy. ;)

But you are correct, if the cost is similar, why not just get one special made…. Makes sense.

05-16-2004, 08:48 AM
Actually, now that I look at some of the pics closer (like the one in your shop with the chisels) I can kinda see that it is fairly large.

Its a very interesting gun, but I think if I had 3k for a single paintball gun, I'd be channeling towards other ends... :o