View Full Version : which is a greater necesity(sp?)

05-15-2004, 07:41 PM
i have a minimag (lvl 7 bolt) with powerfeed...im shooting regular co2, and i dont have an exp chamber...would it be more important to get an exp chamber or an electronic hopper (i.e. 12v revy)...

i have a remote coil to use for now without an exp chamber..but i hate using it cause theres nothing to rest on my shoulder

05-15-2004, 07:42 PM
it also has blowback..which makes it a little faster then average feeds...

theres a scenario game this weekend coming..if they dont have an exp chamber for minimag..im going with hopper

05-15-2004, 09:52 PM
Alright for one mags are blowfoward.

I wouldn't invest in a new hopper just yet unless you are out shooting your stock hopper. Mags where built on c02 so its not a problem there. Just for now get a revy and upgrade your mag later.

05-15-2004, 09:57 PM
do mags need their own type of exp chamber?

and would they be cheaper then a revy?

i was thinking maybe the cheaper of the 2 and a drop forward...the guy at the store told me mags are pretty bad for freezing up w/co2...which suprised me considering how old the design is

The Spanish Inquisition
05-15-2004, 10:38 PM
1.) Just mount your bottle vertically and don't buy anything.

2.) same as 1. but get a lvl 10 upgrade.

3.) get an expansion chamber on ebay $35 bucks. + 10 $for a cool drop forward. just make sure the drop forward is at a steep enough angle or you may still have some freeze problems.

4.) if you are outshooting your hopper. Move around more often!!!!!!!

05-15-2004, 10:55 PM
i thought an exp chamber would eliminate freeze problems?

05-16-2004, 12:54 AM
expansons only helps..do what the old school magers used to do mount the tank vertical then run it through a couple of feet of ss line ziptied in a cool little circle..now onto the rest..if its a minimag then the verticle asa should be on there if that is true then just run a tank off of that and get a revy..remember the expansion chamber is only a temporary fix if you plan to get a nitro tank..i dont see why not they are getting to be pretty cheap. and the extra house actually does work so you should get away with a horizontal mount.

05-16-2004, 02:01 AM
If you have a bottomline, you could run an anti-siphoned tank + the expansion chamber. That should take care of CO2 problems while giving you a shoulder rest.

05-16-2004, 03:37 PM
is it possible to overshoot a stock hopper without fanning the trigger...or even doing that?

05-16-2004, 11:48 PM
It's possible (and easy) to outshoot a non-agitated hopper. Especially if you get a paintball traffic jam in there and you have to shake it to get it to feed.

If you're going to get an expansion chamber/anti-siphon setup, get an official AGD expansion chamber/anti-siphon kit.

05-17-2004, 08:57 AM
im deciding on

i could trade my tanks and get nitro, and possibly a drop forward


get an exp chamber and a drop forward


an electronic hopper

05-17-2004, 01:36 PM
i was just talking to the guy on the phone..im thinking about getting anti-siphon, that way i could probably squeeze in an electronic hopper and drop forward..but i hear they cause problems or something...is there a risk to the gun w/ anti-siphon?

05-17-2004, 03:50 PM
i was just talking to the guy on the phone..im thinking about getting anti-siphon, that way i could probably squeeze in an electronic hopper and drop forward..but i hear they cause problems or something...is there a risk to the gun w/ anti-siphon?

Do you actually know what an anti-siphon is or are you just taking someone's word over the phone for it?

05-17-2004, 03:56 PM
Sell everything you can and get nitro. Its honsetly the best thing you can do for your marker.

05-17-2004, 04:09 PM
I'd go with anti siphon and expansion chamber. Keeping liquid CO2 out of your gun is more important than an agitated hopper. I doubt you can outshoot a regular hopper as it is. It will feed 8 or 9 BPS and you can probly only shoot 5 or 6 BPS. Just shake the gun if the balls jam up and you just "agitated" your hopper for free.

While an Automag can take liquid, it stops operating correctly if liquid gets in there. Most common problem, it stops shooting because the on/off gets frozen up. It doesn't hurt anything but you have to let the gun warm up before it shoots again which is a real pain when you are taking fire and your gun stops working. Repeated freeze ups will shorten the life of the o-rings.

05-17-2004, 05:17 PM
anti siphon has a tip curved up in the tank..so its always getting gas..and the guy at the proshop will be installing it...

do mags need their own exp chamber? or can they take any

05-17-2004, 06:54 PM
I find it very easy to outshoot my unagitated hopper. The easiest example would be when I post on someone. If I have to stop to shake, I potentially lose my shot.

Here's an exercise... Yes, I know it's terrible to have to sit down and think and add things up, but it's probably worth the trouble. Add up all the costs of expansion chamber + hoses + CO2 tank + anti-siphon + installation. Also keep in mind you can't always move anti-siphon CO2 tanks between guns/ASA's as it is orientation dependant.

Now, compare those costs to the cheapest HPA tank available, something like a 47/3k aluminum tank. It's a little heavy, maybe a bit short on the capacity, but it gets the job done, and in a fairly inexpensive way.

A reasonable interim solution would be some sort of remote line loop(as someone suggested earlier), a bottomline adapter (if you don't have one already) so you can shoulder the tank, buy the agitated hopper, and save up for HPA. If you're really that badly hurting for money though, you probably need to take a short break from paintball and work on getting some money. We've seen what happens when people overextend themselves financially into paintball, eh.

05-17-2004, 06:58 PM
i think im getting anti-siphon + drop forward

and saving my money for more games

i also play woodsball mostly and if i shoot fast it will only be for short periods of time

ill wait for hpa untill i get a job...and i wont get an electronic hopper until i get a trigger upgrade

05-17-2004, 09:17 PM
1) expansion chamber $32
2) hose $11
3) 20oz CO2 $20
4) anti-siphon parts $3
$65 if you do it yourself and need all of the parts. The cheapest presets (48/3000) are in the $80 range and I'm not sure those would be particularly fantastic. How many shots would you get out of 2000psi?

05-17-2004, 09:19 PM
i can get a 3000psi tank for $139 (canadian) and anything above i cant afford...

05-17-2004, 09:19 PM
or i can get 2 anti-siphons for my tanks for $13 a peice..and a drop forward for $50 bucks and order in an exp chamber

05-17-2004, 09:34 PM
just get a cheap nitrogen tank.


there's one for like 80 bux.

then save your money and get a motorized hopper after. which is like... 40 bucks?

for now just get nitrogen and dont' shoot so fast. you'll save paint. ;)

05-17-2004, 09:36 PM
There is absolutely no reaosn to have an expansion chamber and an anti siphon. When you have an anti-siphon, the CO2 is already gas, therefore killing the purpose of an expansion chamber. Get one or the other, but having both is overkill. Antisiphon is cheaper and does the job better. Go with that if you don't want a nitro tank yet. Then, buy an agitated hopper. If you think about it, drop forwards are pretty expensive for what you get when you are tight on cash. Get a 12v revy with X Board on ebay or on a forums somewhere for around 25-30 bucks, which is the price of a good drop forward. Better purpose, same price.

05-17-2004, 09:37 PM
just get a cheap nitrogen tank.


there's one for like 80 bux.

then save your money and get a motorized hopper after. which is like... 40 bucks?

for now just get nitrogen and dont' shoot so fast. you'll save paint. ;)

Thats not worth it, especially if you play woodsball alot. The only way I would get one of those is if I played at my field everytime I play, and if filling is free there. Otherwise, it will end up costing more in the long run. Save until you can get an 88/3000 or a 68/4500, preferably the latter.

05-18-2004, 01:36 PM
There is absolutely no reaosn to have an expansion chamber and an anti siphon. When you have an anti-siphon, the CO2 is already gas, therefore killing the purpose of an expansion chamber. Get one or the other, but having both is overkill. Antisiphon is cheaper and does the job better. Go with that if you don't want a nitro tank yet. Then, buy an agitated hopper. If you think about it, drop forwards are pretty expensive for what you get when you are tight on cash. Get a 12v revy with X Board on ebay or on a forums somewhere for around 25-30 bucks, which is the price of a good drop forward. Better purpose, same price.

I'm not really a big fan of anti-siphon/expansion chambers; hence my little reference to an official AGD expansion chamber/anti-siphon kit earlier that I presume nobody caught. Do a search on my name and "expansion chamber" and you'll find out my particular reasoning.

You're right that the long-term HPA costs might depend on availability/fees. I don't necessarily see a correlation between woodsball and HPA availability though; this argument has probably been made before. We won't know until the original poster tells us his situation. If it were relevant, you'd think he would have told us this. For all day air though, the 47/3k is really a pretty good way to get into HPA, and they can be had for even cheaper used.

Oh, and Destructo6, you forgot to add the cost of installation of the anti-siphon. This guy's not going to be installing it himself. I don't think we need to be encouraging people like this to be modifying their own CO2 tanks after recent events, do we?

I'll be frank: it sounds like this guy is under the influence of his local shop, which wants to sell him this crap like the dropforward, anti-siphon+installation, and the expansion chamber.

I still say bottomline, find some way to put the coil remote on-gun (or trade it for a long SS line and zip-tie the sucker since he's going on-gun anyways and won't need it), and the cheapest Rev he can find. If the on-gun remote line doesn't work out for him, what has he lost in the process?

If he doesn't want to listen, well, he's free to go support his local paintball shop.