View Full Version : new feedneck

05-15-2004, 08:17 PM
well, i was sitting around one day, i noticed there was nothing left to do, so i went to annoy people at walmart.

i was sitting around, i noticed that the people were already annoyed because no one was there except me and a couple of nighty night freaks...

as i just went around playin with the store models, i saw this squishy gel stress reliver, kinda like the foam one, except this one will not change shape over time, it always resets

now i bought a couple to look at there design and such

so i have off my vert feed neck made for my halo (so it is wider), and i take a very narrow hopper...

now i put the ball inside my feedneck, it covered up the bottom, and it kinda poped out on the bottom, but i made a small idnet...it took upo most of inide but there was a bit of opening to put the loader on...it was secure...i left it there for about 10 day, then took the loader out, the gel went back to what it was before

i was amazed...im right now working on these...i have on on my cocker...they will hopefully be made for most markers, be in all types as for high low and medium...

i just want to know what you guys think of my idea

and what do you think it should retail for

05-15-2004, 08:26 PM
i'm lost here... pics? :confused:

05-15-2004, 08:41 PM
So you can plug the hole of the hopper so that it is easier to load? I have no idea what your talking about. You put something somewhere, made an "idnet" and ten days later it was back to normal. OK cool, Ill take 10!

05-15-2004, 08:50 PM
well your feedneck on your marker, it either just fits a certain size or hopper, or it has a screw on the side to adjust it...or it uses shims...other ways such that require taking of the loader and making adjustments

what im saying is this gell lining in side the feedneck on your marker...just like the gel stress reief things... the feedneck is very large inside...i did some work...its even too large for a halo without the gell inside thee feedneck

but the feedneck will make a nice seal around the hopper, then once you remove your hopper it will reset...

its pretty damn sweet, no more adjustments...you can put a hopper that needs a larger feedneck to fit, and a hopper that needs a smaller one...and it will form its self to it...with no adjustments

in basic terms, its just this reseting solid like goo lining you feedneck so it will fit all hoppers if ya still dont really understand

when i finish more i will post pictures...but what do you think of my creation

05-15-2004, 08:51 PM
I think that he is using a gel material to hold a smaller hopper in the feedneck. Kinda like a A4. I guess? :confused:

05-15-2004, 08:53 PM
sounds like its the same concept as using o-rings inside the neck just like my NW neck on my HB

05-15-2004, 09:16 PM
but this is self comforming...no o-rings...i dot know about the a-4, part but you kinda have the concept...it will work with all loadersbecause there is a conforming material inside...

to kinda see what it looks like take your index finger and bend it to about where your skin of your thumb meets your hand...

there should be a little space betweenthe tip of you index finger and the begining of it.if not mive your figer further down your hand..

the hole in there shouldnt be more than a hopper...now something like that is in a feed neck so any hopper fits

it is actually very simple

05-15-2004, 09:21 PM
/me wonders if someone stopped by the crack house on the way home...


05-15-2004, 09:28 PM
it works probably better than 99% feednecks out there

the only problem i seem to have is buying enough of these buggers...i have too mass orderer em...i bought wally world out of em...and then i found some at a little unknow store i got to...they are now out too

i figure i will make about 400 or so...they are pretty damn simple

Target Practice
05-15-2004, 09:40 PM
Or, you could just go and get a Rougeneck. Vioala! No more problems.

05-15-2004, 09:53 PM
but the rogue neck i dont really like...a freind of mine has one...

i have my angel threaded on on my angel speed now too...its sweet...

pcis soon to come,

so far i havent gotten any suggestions for a price yet

05-15-2004, 10:13 PM
ill take a low rise on an imp if it works and is cheep
and about price....hmmm.... how does free sound?

05-15-2004, 11:12 PM
I think that before you decide to market this product, you need to really elaborate WHAT IT IS, and HOW IT WORKS. You're using a goo to mold around the hopper, securing it in place?

-How is this any more efficient or reliable than a clamping feedneck?
-Have you extensively tested the "goo?"
-How many hundreds of different hoppers have you stuck into your feedneck in order to see how long the goo lasts?
-What quality control will you have to ensure that each product is top-notch?

If you're interested in marketing a product, you're going to need all of this information. You're going to need to know how long it will last, how much is necessary, and how to correctly spell simple English words, such as "indent." Try to slow down and really present your project to us...your post is almost unintelligible.

Also, who will mill the feednecks for you? This endeavor might end up costing you a fortune...

05-15-2004, 11:31 PM
nice Idea i might be interested in a cocker one

05-16-2004, 11:35 AM
-How is this any more efficient or reliable than a clamping feedneck?
ahh, i knew this would turn out...
nothing to actually damage...the most you can do is put a ding in it if you throw it against the tree
-Have you extensively tested the "goo?"
well i put it in a microwave, in an old toater, a freezer, fridge, i have run it over...i have left loaders n it for time on end (right now the angel threaded one has my old halo on it), , ive burned it, threw it in liwquid nitro (that test wasnt fun), and im still testing it...

How many hundreds of different hoppers have you stuck into your feedneck in order to see how long the goo lasts?
i am working on that right now, i have had a halo on there, reloader, and a couple of VLs...im right now looking for acheap ricochet, a warped sports hopper, a zap, and an avalon...i think that that should cover most....as for goo lasting...the comapny said itd be about ten or so years before youd actually notice a huge difference....

-What quality control will you have to ensure that each product is top-notch?
well im am going to stick each one of the loaders in each one before i approve it...it will be simple, just test every single one before they are put into the batch...

Also, who will mill the feednecks for you? This endeavor might end up costing you a fortune...
nah, my other brother (no the porno one) and i do custom bkos...so we have a mill, well he does...he said if i slip the profits hes in.....

and how to correctly spell simple English words, such as "indent." well , i have an excuse i was tired,and it was i believe around 11

as for slowing down ok,
now there is this small goo-like substance, this goo like substance is made to line a feed neck that is even too larger for a halo, but with the gue lining inside of it, it will fit all hoppers, no problem.
what happens is that the goo around the side doesnt fill the whole feedneck but close, it leaves a small place, where you can look down and through the feedneck....it is truly very simple...if you place your hopper inside, the feedneck its self may be too big, but the goo makes a sure fit...the goo will make such a tight but soft fit so that it will not break your loaders neck....the goo substance will also not allow the hopper to fall out, to get it out you have to pull...now after your loader is removed, the goo goes back to its state as it began...it seems to be brand spankin new...

i still dont have a good price on these

05-16-2004, 12:11 PM
I'd love to see pictures.

05-16-2004, 12:18 PM
hopefully ill get em up tonight...

remember these will be prototypes, so they are a little messy

05-16-2004, 12:44 PM
1: How does the goo react with paint? If there is wet paint from a broken ball on the gel, will it lose its grip?

2: Will you make these in AKA threads?

3: Will they come annoed?

05-16-2004, 01:16 PM
how tight does it hold hoppers with smaller feednecks if it can also hold much larger ones hold all sizes? (ex-sanded revvy, vs brand new halo)

also pricing- $20?

05-16-2004, 01:57 PM
i was thining around 20 or so

i will try to get some aka one

so far i have broken balls on the goo, nothin happens...it doesnt seem to doo much except hold it there until you wipe it away...

as for anno...yeah...i may wait until annoed for pictures, just cause on my cocker, it kinda looks like crap (has a custom cocker so he doesnt want his cocker lookin like crap any time everr)

but yeah, i may ask tuna if he would like to carry some raw ones

im also trying to get a hold of som x-mag breeches and see what i can do

god i hope this works out well

also i have some other things up my sleeve for the near future

05-16-2004, 02:27 PM
Hey, thanks for answering my questions!

Well, seems like you're pretty set...once you get some pics, I might just be interested.

05-16-2004, 02:43 PM
also, the pics will show us, but can you give a description of teh size diffence between this and a normal feedneck? mabey do some comparison pics.

05-16-2004, 03:47 PM
well right now its 1/2 of an inch too large for a halo...but its still the smae side outside...it was a huge pain dremeling my model down and such...

its well re-enforced...

i f'ed up about 4 already

lets jsut say i wasnt happy

so its about the same outside but inside its re-enforced with a c looking design in there then the gel goo stuff

i figured that my pics will be when the stuff gets annoed

as for high rise low risew and stuff

im makin em all

im alsosoon going to be working on a z-mag w/ a whole new type of hopper (it feeds off of a 12 gram ....and its no where near your marker.....)