View Full Version : Help Identify Spider from camping trip.

05-16-2004, 05:32 PM
Went camping and met a few friends. First Mr. Copperhead that my friend almost stepped on. Luckily he was friendly and didn't strike or get mad at all even after i picked up up with a stick and moved em.

Next we found this spider near our sleeping bags. Not sure what kind it is, keep in mind this is in Missouri. I was thinking some kind of wolf spider just because we have those things everywhere. I couldn't really find a good match

05-16-2004, 07:11 PM
that wouldnt be a brown recluse would it? i really havent ever seen one in person, but that fits the description. wouldnt want that thing near my sleeping bag, i have arachnaphobia like no other.

05-16-2004, 07:24 PM
Its cool how it only looks like it has 6 legs. Did it always move like that? Mabye that kind of spider is slowing evolving away from 8 independant legs

05-16-2004, 07:26 PM
Well, on that tarp, it looks a bit too big to be recluse. But you never know, them things are beasts though they can do some serious damage, and they native up here in washington. :eek:

05-16-2004, 11:46 PM
its not a brown recluse, trust me. brown recluses are known in the south as "fiddle backs". They have a very distinct dark head marking that looks like a fiddle. They also have six eyes arranged in three pairs. It is a widespread myth that brown recluses are found everywere, theyre not. They inhabit the central midwestern united states from Texas to Tennessee, and from Louisiana to Ohio. I dont see any fiddle marking on that bad boy.

I dont think its a wolf spider either, theres over 2000 species of them but they all have two large foward looking eyes in the middle of their face and a row of four smaller eyes below.

I think its a either some species of Huntsman spider or Sac spider.
You cut it real close with tha Copperhead though, yikes :eek:

heres a brown recluse pic for reference.

05-17-2004, 02:01 PM
Yeah, most def. not a brown recluse. Man those things SUCK!! my friend was bitten by one, and let's say it sure didn't turn out too pretty. I do believe that is some sort of wolf spider though. it really looks like it.

On another note, that's crazy how camouflaged that copperhead is!

05-17-2004, 11:24 PM
Yea my friend just about stepped on it, he freaked out. Then he's like "It's right there" and i looked at the spot for like a minute then finally noticed it.

And the spider; I didn't thnk it was a brown recluse, I've seen those before. Only reason why I thought it was a wolf spider is because there are tons of different kinds and it didn't look like any other missouri native spider i searched for.

05-17-2004, 11:33 PM


05-18-2004, 07:12 AM
Yeah, most likely some sort of wolf spider. How big is that thing? I really can't tell with the lack of a good reference in the pic. I have seen spiders like that before. They can get to be a good 3-4 inches across.

Try flipping on the light in your room to find one camping out on your pillow as you're getting ready to go to bed. :eek: Kinda catches you off guard.