View Full Version : Should I sell my classic and go ULE mag?

05-17-2004, 02:45 AM
Hey there
I currently have the classic mag run off of a 68/4500 apocalypse with a 12 inch dye xcel barrel.
I got the ULE trigger for it and I am very impressed with the weight and distance of the trigger pull. I am having a few problems with it but they are slowly being solved.
I looked at getting an X valve for it but then I thought hey My classic with how its set up could proably get 150 including the barrel on ebay. Ive seen ones simmilar to mine go for that.
I already have a 14 inch all american cocker threaded barrel sitting around so I guess it would cost me an extra 210 to upgrade to an X valve ULE mag. with black ULE body.
Im just curious if you guys think this is worth the money. My main marker is an angel but I still like to take my mag out.
Also is getting the Y grip or intelliframe a good idea or a waste of money. The Y grip looks sweet but 90 for a grip is a lot of money.

Thanks for the opinions guys and gals


05-17-2004, 03:12 AM
I'm totally happy with my ULE and X-valve upgrade over my Classic. It was a fairly large investment but it will last forever so I'm not disappointed.

05-17-2004, 05:45 PM
My current mag is 11 years old so Im guessing the X valve model will last another 10.

Any extra 200 or so to upgrade sounds like a good deal to me.
The extra 100 for the Y grip is the only thing thats makes it seem like a lot. I mean 100 dollars for a grip frame. Is there somewhere else I can get Y grips cheaper?

Is White Wolf Engineering a good place to buy from?

05-17-2004, 06:16 PM
I doubt you can find it cheaper, unless you can find it used, and they wouldn't be much cheaper I think.
I wouldn't even consider getting a x-valved mag without a nice grip frame, it's such a waste of performance putting a single trigger on it.
What kind of frame do you have on your classic? If it's nice, maybe you could use that on your ULE RTP.

05-17-2004, 06:38 PM
I just have the carbon grip with a double trigger and no trigger guard.
It isnt the most comfortable thing to hold escpecially since I have large hangs. A side effect of being 6-6 tall.

05-17-2004, 06:40 PM
What I had on my 68...my logic vert is sooo much better, and I imagine a intelli or y will be at least as good as a logic.

05-17-2004, 06:44 PM
Honestly I never really saw the point of double triggers on a mech gun. If it is walkable that is cool, but IMO it is just there for cosmectic purposes. I have yet to see a person walk a ULT mag. So a doulbe trigger will not be worth the extra bucks, just IMO.

05-17-2004, 07:01 PM
No, not walkable, but having a double trigger helps BPS a lot on a mech IMO. It's simply faster using two fingers than one.

05-17-2004, 07:07 PM
you best bet would be just to upgrade the 68 and get a lot a weight off of it kinda what i'm doing with my clasic. just go all alumin and light weight. for ex. instead of the SS body upgrade to a ULE and ur rail can be milled and get a lot of weight off.

05-17-2004, 11:11 PM
My friend from work has a mag:

ULE Body
Clamp low rise
X Valve w/lvl 10 bolt kit
ULE trigger
Double Trigger Intelliframe
10" Freak (No inserts, but could put one in for the right price)
CP Razor drop forward

It is fully walkable, i dont know how......he says he thinks its the shims, he got it about 4 years ago used, and i shot it and its so awesome being able to walk a mag and its not just 4 or 5 shots of walking .......its more like 13-15bps i think. Its for sale too if he hasnt already sold it his email is:

[email protected] ----- Just Check it out!!!