View Full Version : Which would you take.... viking or matrix

05-17-2004, 02:11 PM
I'm stuck between two markers, not sure what deal I'd get on either...

-A concern I have is parts for the Viking.
-As of now neither have eyes - no big advantages there.
-I know the ST matrix is probably(?) more rare.
-Which is easier to maintain?
-How efficent will the matrix be with the setup?
-Which is worth more?

03 Red Feather lite Viking
Black Razor trigger
Dye ultralite
WAS eyes/ Eye covers... not installed. gun needs to be drilled


#2 heres some more if these aren't good enough :) (http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/[email protected]/album?.dir=/6b65&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/[email protected]/my_photos)

Dust Colbalt Blue Shocktech Matrix
SN 01429
LED Board w/ GUN20 Chip
Black Image Bolt Kit
Black PBC Collar Locking Feed Tube
Silver Freeflow (Omega) LPR
Black New Designz Vertical ASA w/ gauge and Black New Designz 15* ASA
Black CP inline reg w/ Macroline fitting and Stock Centerflag
Black Kill Zone Dovetail rail with Black On/Off Adapter
Black Matrix LCD grips/Clear DYE LCD grips
TONS OF NEW O-RINGS - bought 2 weeks ago.



No sKiLLz
05-17-2004, 02:20 PM
Out of the two? Featherlight. No contest. Why the hell would anyone ever buy anything Shocktech? Especially their Matrix?

05-17-2004, 02:20 PM
That viking is insanely nice looking, go for it.

05-17-2004, 02:23 PM
i don't own either, but from my reading about the two, the viking is very reliable. i've heard from a good amount of people that trixs have some problems. but like i said i don't own either, that's just stuff i've read on the net. a lot of people say the viking is a tank(very reliable), so that's why i'd choose it, plus it's way fast. my .02

05-17-2004, 02:43 PM
I say Viking, don't worry about parts for it, AKA is still making markers and will continue to support them. Destructive Customs has finally come out with eye covers for the 03 Featherlights so you dont have to worry about that either. Maintanence on a Viking is a no brainer, wipe it down after you play, a few drops of AKA lube (AKA lube ony, don't use other brands) and that's it.

On a side note, The Matrix and the Viking shoot entirely different, if you like the way one shoots go with that one.

05-17-2004, 02:51 PM
no skilz - why not? whats wrong with their stuff?

MMM - can you describe this? ive never shot a matrix, but i did shoot an 04 destructive viking

thanks so far everyone

No sKiLLz
05-17-2004, 03:05 PM
Shocktech Intimidator: $1599
Shocktech E-blade cocker: $1188-$1499
Shocktech Bushmaster: $777
Shocktech Mech Cockers: $645-760

Do any of these prices seem abnormally high to you? Shocktech thinks we're stupid, and will buy stuff because their name is on it. If you are going to look into a Matrix, start with something that has some value. If I were to buy another Matrix, Shocktech would be last on my list.

05-17-2004, 03:20 PM
the viking just because it is all around awsome, when the MATRIX is only awsome in certain aspects.

05-17-2004, 03:27 PM
hey pete reread please ;)

but noskilz, is there anything wrong with the ST stuff by itself - just overpricing it? im not defending it, im just curious.

like the dark angels and such are way higher than a standard, and they simply look different as well.

thanks, keep em coming

05-17-2004, 03:36 PM
hey pete reread please ;)

oops I misread the title.
Stupid public school. plus I was just reading a thread about shockers. My bad

No sKiLLz
05-17-2004, 03:36 PM
For your money, you can do much better. The major difference would be the lack of ACE. The better alternative would be DM4, NYX, FF, or DYE Matrix. The DYE Matrix is the least expensive, but do yourself a favor and use the money you save to change out the regs.

05-17-2004, 03:39 PM
but noskilz, is there anything wrong with the ST stuff by itself - just overpricing it? im not defending it, im just curious.

There's nothing wrong with Shocktech stuff, you're just paying for the name. Most of the time there is something out there that will perform just as good, if not better for less money. A good example would be the timmys. Shocktech timmy vs Alias. Just FYI, I own a shocktech marker. A bushmaster.

Edit: I voted Featherlight, like NS said, no contest.

05-17-2004, 03:43 PM
same here go for the viking

That viking is insanely nice looking, go for it.

05-17-2004, 03:46 PM
viking seems like the majorities opinion

anyone know how much the viking weighs? (03 featherlite)

05-17-2004, 03:56 PM

Like MMM before you could not put eyes on '03 Featherlights, which sucked! But now DC is making eye cover that allow it. So I would opt for the Featherlight and just wait for the eye covers. You should get a SCM also.

Performance wise it will be a great marker even w/o eyes just make sure you're using a halo. It shoots the same as the '04 once you put the SCM on.

05-17-2004, 04:25 PM
I assume he has the correct eye covers...

Can someone explain how to operate the board?

as well as weight/size of these markers


05-17-2004, 04:28 PM
I assume he has the correct eye covers...

Can someone explain how to operate the board?


Actually there are no productions Eye covers for the '03 Featherlight yet. DC has posted some prototypes but from what I've seen they are not for sale yet.

You're going to have to wait and buy the eye coves when they come out.

'03 Featherlights are 2 lbs 8 oz.

The manual will tell you how to operate the WAS board.

05-17-2004, 04:34 PM
do i need a datalink cable or anything?
is there a screen/lcd/led?
where/how do you turn it on?

will i NEED eyes?

thanks for all the help guys

No sKiLLz
05-17-2004, 05:24 PM
No offense, Russ. :(

05-17-2004, 05:43 PM
No offense, Russ. :(

None taken, everything you said was absoloutely true. In my case, at the time I bought my ST Bushy, it was the lightest electro in existence. So for the extra $, I felt (and still kind of do) feel like I got something for the extra money. The gun rips, you've shot it. The ST Bushy is the only gun of theirs I've ever considered worth the price tag. I was just bringing up my ownership to give weight to the arguement that ST stuff usually isn't worth the price tag. :)

05-17-2004, 05:59 PM
Get a DYE Matrix, Dm3 with the eyes..... insane speed, thats if you want a trix.

05-17-2004, 06:02 PM
As much as I love matrices, I would have to say Viking. BUT, I would probably rather have a matrix, just not that one over the FL. If you get a matrix for that much buy a used ACEd LCD or something, more bang for the buck.

RT pRo AuToMaG
05-17-2004, 06:15 PM
The shocktech matrix is a load of BS. Nothing different about it except that it says shocktech on the side, it's not lighter or anything. What you should do is buy a Dye Matrix, SCM LPR, Sidewinder (or faveroite inline reg), Evolve bolt kit, nice barrel kit, ND breech, Hybrid frame and then get the matrix milled at www.demonguns.com. Not only will you have no kick at all, but you will also have a light and extremely fast gun (we're talking OMG I JUST CRAPPED ON MYSELF fast)

Just to give you some numbers:

Matrix BPS with Tadao 4.0 board: 25+ (you can reach around 23 if you have fast fingers and a fast loader)

Matrix Efficientcy with Evolve bolt kit: 2100+ shots per full 68/4.5k fill

Matrix weight with milling: between 2.9 and 3.2 lbs (got those numbers b/c ironman trix weighs 2.9 lbs, and milling is slightly heavier than ironman milling)

That setup (everything including milling + one color anodizing from xpb, excluding a barrel kit) will cost about (assuming matrix itself costs $825) $1544, or you can just find a used one to your liking for about 700 with most of the stuff I mentioned except for milling. Then you also can get a DM4 used for about $1000, but personally, I'd get a milled matrix over a DM4 because the DM4 has a lack of upgrade parts and still has a few very minor problems with the board. Try to find a used ironman matrix, they go for around 1200 and are extremely light and very nice.

No sKiLLz
05-17-2004, 06:50 PM
The shocktech matrix is a load of BS. Nothing different about it except that it says shocktech on the side, it's not lighter or anything. What you should do is buy a Dye Matrix, SCM LPR, Sidewinder (or faveroite inline reg), Evolve bolt kit, nice barrel kit, ND breech, Hybrid frame and then get the matrix milled at www.demonguns.com. Not only will you have no kick at all, but you will also have a light and extremely fast gun (we're talking OMG I JUST CRAPPED ON MYSELF fast)

Just to give you some numbers:

Matrix BPS with Tadao 4.0 board: 25+ (you can reach around 23 if you have fast fingers and a fast loader)

Matrix Efficientcy with Evolve bolt kit: 2100+ shots per full 68/4.5k fill

Matrix weight with milling: between 2.9 and 3.2 lbs (got those numbers b/c ironman trix weighs 2.9 lbs, and milling is slightly heavier than ironman milling)

That setup (everything including milling + one color anodizing from xpb, excluding a barrel kit) will cost about (assuming matrix itself costs $825) $1544, or you can just find a used one to your liking for about 700 with most of the stuff I mentioned except for milling. Then you also can get a DM4 used for about $1000, but personally, I'd get a milled matrix over a DM4 because the DM4 has a lack of upgrade parts and still has a few very minor problems with the board. Try to find a used ironman matrix, they go for around 1200 and are extremely light and very nice.
Please don't. You are doing Matrix owners a disservice.

05-17-2004, 08:08 PM
I love this picture:


05-17-2004, 08:36 PM
is that an impulse at the end? (right)

05-17-2004, 09:14 PM
nyx matrix! i'm thinking of getting an nyx trix myself after i've been deciding between that and a new shocker

05-17-2004, 10:49 PM
Mark 426- you have access to an 04 DC Viking and not a Matrix? Wow, trixes are normally as ordinary and common as water out here. I have not shot a Matrix myself but as I understand it they shoot very "smooth" compared to the Viking but that it varies from Matrix to Matrix. They are also grossly inefficient compared to the Viking. Now to me that wouldn't be a problem since I don't pay for air but for the average joe that needs to be a consideration. Now back to the smooth part, that's a pretty relative statement and the only reason it makes sense to me is because my husband and I were discussing it and the way he described it was that it kind of felt like the marker wasn't actually shooting. It has it's pluses but I'm a back player and when I start unloading streams of paint I need some 'feel' to see if I'm skipping. I have played with cockers where the smack of the back block was a little too much feedback from the marker but it's all personal preference. Also keep in mind that, again, not all Matrix's have that same feel (I have at least 7 frriends that own/ed them and that was their comment).

05-17-2004, 10:57 PM

are those your initials by any chance? :D
and what do you personally shoot?

but anyway, i shot a naughty dog intimidator (played with it for a game), an xmag, 04 fly and an 04 DC viking, but i only know that there was one matrix at our field ever. odd isnt it?

its nice to not have any external parts, but its also nice seeing something move to make sure its working alright.

im pretty sure the viking is going to be mine..

thanks a lot!

05-17-2004, 10:59 PM
The viking is a fine choice, just trust me when I say that eyes really transform the gun. Destructive customs is working on the covers to make it practical for your gun.

05-18-2004, 10:30 AM
i would say neither, and go for a Cyborg. I've had close experience with the workings and performance of this marker, and would say it is one of the simpler high end electros, in both the mechanical and maintenance aspects.

the gun itself weighs 2.1 lbs without a barrel, and this is MacDev's first production run; they left a lot of material on the gun. I would say that it's comparable to a matrix in both noise(lack of) and recoil(again, lack of). there is a small break-in period required for the gladiator reg, but afterwards the only maintenance you need for it is to clean and re-lube after 20,000 shots, thats it. it's also very new in the market, only about 300 of them made so far. so if you don't like it, your resale value may end up being higher than what you will pay, about $980.

the only cons i can think of are
a)any order you place today will probably be an eight(about) week wait.
b)lack of colors, but that's not too important to me
c)the trigger. current adjustability can allow you to keep up with the best of 'em, but with some improvement to some design flaws, it can be allowed to go even faster. i believe this will be MacDev's next project for the 'Borg.

explore their website (http://www.macdev.net/us/index.htm) and watch their video (http://www.macdev.net/Video/Cyborg05.wmv).