View Full Version : Side Trigger Slop/double fire

10-08-2001, 09:23 AM
I have a five year old minimag and my friend just bought one a month ago. He has been having trouble with his gun double firing so I took a look at it. When I shoot it, I have much better results than he does, but nonetheless it's feels different and occasionally double fires.

The gun is new so the bolt and sear look fine. But, I noticed that the horizontal metal pin holding the sear is different from the one on my old minimag - the pin on the new minimag does not extend all the way across the groove where it sits and the circumfrance of the pin is noticeably smaller than the groove. The result is that the sear (and the trigger) has a good deal of side to side play. I suspect that every so often the sear shifts slightly to one side (on its horizontal axis - yaw) when it catches the bolt so that it doesn't have a good grip on the bolt edge, causing the double fire (and resulting chop).

Did AGD make this design change or is the fit & finish on this particular minimag below standards?

10-08-2001, 11:42 AM
is it firing and going pling pling or jsut pling and two ball come out?

10-08-2001, 02:18 PM
It's not that the minimag double feeds (two balls per one shot), but rather with one trigger pull two shots come out (the first is fine, but the second shot occurs so quickly that the second ball often gets chops).