View Full Version : Do you think paintball is a dangerous sport

05-18-2004, 04:40 PM
For my statistics class I have to poll people who dont play paintball and those that do, and compare the two groups. I am assuming that everyone here plays, but just incase I made the other categories. Please only post what YOU actually feel. Don't just go along with what everyone is voting or vote incorrectly for what you feel. I need these statistics to anaylze for class.

I can't put a poll because the order of the poll answers could influence the results (prolly not in this case, but just to cover my butt)

Just post if you consider paintball dangerous and your experiences with the game. Thank you

PS - I hate teachers who give us major projects with less than 7 days remaining in our senior year :(

05-18-2004, 04:50 PM
Not if you are playing with people who know what safety precautions to take, but otherwise yes it is.

the larch
05-18-2004, 05:00 PM
define dangerous. We need a frame of reference.
Danger is something that is found in degrees, some things are more dangerous than others, but EVERYTHING is dangerous in some ways.
All activities have risk. Paintball is more dangerous than dandelion hunting (sometimes), but less dangerous than blindfolded naked handgliding, usually.

On a hunch, I will compare the danger of paintball vs regular extracurricular sports found at most schools.
While paintball almost ALWAYS results in injury (paintball bruising) when you play, I would say that paintball is less dangerous than most highschool sports. The reason I say this is that paintball is almost NEVER a contact (body to body) sport. Nothing breaks a body like being hit by another fast moving body. Direct damaging physical contact is much more likely in these sports than in paintball.
So, while you may be more likely to be injured in paintball, you are in much less danger of going to the emergency room bleeding, broken, or dead.

05-18-2004, 05:49 PM
you're not going to get many people to give a yes or no answer...it can't be answered like that

it CAN be dangerous, yes, VERY dangerous. The sheer fact that we hold a tank of 4500psi air to our necks is quite dangerous.

however, in terms of injuries...it has very few

05-18-2004, 05:51 PM
Paintball is more dangerous than dandelion hunting (sometimes), but less dangerous than blindfolded naked handgliding, usually.

I prefer blindfolded naked skydiving from an unknown altitude, personally!

05-18-2004, 05:59 PM
...paintball is safer than

taking a bath
...and jogging...

(wierd huh?)

05-18-2004, 06:06 PM
i think the actual danger of serious injury (ie- hospital visit, or death) is very limited when all the correct precautions are taken and all the universal rules on painball are in act and enforced. if some newbies tippmann is shooting 450 (lol, my tippman+flatline+marbilizer paint did it), and you shoot someone pointblank in the goggles, i wouldnt be suprised to see the goggles broken and the player seriously hurt. but, if the correct rules were followed, the gun would be shooting 300 or below. also, n2 hydrotesting plays a big role in n2 tank saftey. although ive never heard of a n2 tank burst because of wear and tear, its a good idea to get your n2 tank tested to be on the safe side.

conclusion- paintball is extremely safe if the correct rules and regulations are in act and enforced.

05-18-2004, 07:06 PM
conclusion- paintball is extremely safe if the correct rules and regulations are in act and enforced.Well put. Yes, paintball is a very safe sport, particularly one of the (though I loathe the term) extreme variety.

However, with the growing number of uneducated players buying SCUBA gear, 20 lbs CO2 tanks, flash filling their own cylinders without proper safety precautions or even basic scales, re-routing all the plumbing on their own markers with plastic hoses cause it looks cool, lack of education regarding hydrotests, etc etc ... I think that paintball is due to take a very public turn for the worse. I certainly hope this isn't the case, but it's bound to happen.

I mean really, when was the last time you saw someone buy a hose or a fitting and ask, "Is this rated for 800psi Working Pressure? How about 1,000psi, or 3,000psi?" A local shop owner once tried to pawn off a couple of elbows of questionable origin and some hoses and I asked him what the parts were rated for, and he looked at me like ... ;)

The kick in the head is going to be that when the day comes when someones' marker goes kabloooey, it's not going to occur while it's tucked under it's owners' armpit. It's going to occur in the supposed 'safe' areas like a staging area or check-in point with dozens of people around.

I am reasonably certain (as well as I could ever be) that my gear is okay. But I'm not so certain about your gear when you're standing behind me in line at the vending machine.

I won't even mention the intelligence of mounting a 68ci/4500psi bottle at the end of 3 foot long lever and then diving on top of it. :eek:

05-18-2004, 07:53 PM
Is paintball safe? Yes

05-18-2004, 08:18 PM
paintball is not dangerous. Anything is dangerous if the proper safety measures are not taken, and paintball is no exception. As long as everyone plays by the rules, it's a safe sport. It's like calling soccer an unsafe sport because some psycho punched some guy in the face during a game.

05-18-2004, 08:32 PM
Do you think paintball is a dangerous sport????????????

"you're not going to get many people to give a yes or no answer...it can't be answered like that"

Sure it can. Sounds like a simple yes or no for the Stats.

My answer for your Stats......yes

05-18-2004, 08:34 PM
This is like a trick question. 'Danger' is relative and open for interpretation.
Do I think paintball is dangerous? Yes.
Do I think walking across the street is dangerous? Yes.
Do I think paintball is more dangerous than skiing? No.
Do I think paintball is more dangerous than ice dancing? Yes.

Leader of Men
05-18-2004, 08:47 PM

It's safe, as long as you make it safe.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
05-18-2004, 09:07 PM
in my 5 years of playing i've never seen a serious injury during a game.

so i would have to say that it's a safe sport...with the exception of a few dumb-butts out there that look down the barrel of a loaded marker and somehow pull the trigger.

05-18-2004, 09:24 PM
it all depends, i saw a group of ~8-10 year olds, who, whenever they got hit, would yank off their mask, and start picking up paint, some were even playign from teh deadbox (they would jump behind it off teh break) and of coures, they were playing from there with no masks on. so, can it be dangerious? absolutely

but if you have an ounce fo common sence, should it be? not at all

05-18-2004, 09:43 PM
potentially yes
statistically no
In reality, if the people playing actually know what they're doing then it is safe.


05-18-2004, 11:55 PM
potentially yes
statistically no
In reality, if the people playing actually know what they're doing then it is safe.

I agree. The though of using the little "bombs" we call tanks can make me nervous sometimes. It does not stop me from playing and having 3 in my house.

05-19-2004, 02:19 AM
is it dangerous no...

more people were seriously injuried or killed last year in football than in the entire history of paintball to my knowledge...

can some idiot make it dangerous...yes they can but then again that same dumbass behind the wheel of a car is deadly...

the big thing that scares people is how serously masks are stressed..sometimes if i have a dumb crowd i tell them that the ball can push their eyeball up into their brain and then they are dead.. has it ever happened no...can it happen probably not..does it keep them from taking their masks off?? for the most part.

05-19-2004, 05:02 PM
Think about it, Mask is all you need to play for protection, Now look at football you need a redicilous amout of padding, and some extra areas is even your preferance. How about baseball, I mean atleast in paintball you run away from the ball itsdead of into it trying to catch it.

Besides I get injured mostly from landing after I slid into the ground, a paintball has never harmed me at all. Like a small tiny bruse is something to dwell on while mean tip people are litterly falling into pieces as we speak playing so called mor civilized sports.

05-19-2004, 07:19 PM
...paintball is safer than

taking a bath
...and jogging...

(wierd huh?)

And don't forget bowling too... Let's face it I'd rather have a paintball fall on my foot than a bowling ball