View Full Version : ebay xmag

05-18-2004, 06:20 PM

does this seem odd to anyone besides me?...a seller that joined 2 days ago which i suppose justifies the zero feedback, but if someone just signed up to sell their x-mag, wouldnt they know that CO2, a JT nvader mask, and a revvy arent the correct equipment for a 1300 dollar marker? i think its a scam...

05-18-2004, 06:22 PM
Probably a scam... I wouldn't buy from anyone without a significant amount of feedback.

05-18-2004, 06:23 PM
That picture looks like its a CG picture that he Photoshopped the background out of....


05-18-2004, 06:28 PM
Holt crap, it comes with the Co2 tank, revolution hopper, AND the feed adaptor elbow. What a steal!

Wow, the scammers really are hitting the PB world hard lately. I think I will send this guy an email.

05-18-2004, 06:34 PM
Why would it even come with an elbow? :confused:

05-18-2004, 06:36 PM
didn't a guy get his x stolen a little while ago, out of his garage?

05-18-2004, 06:37 PM
I sent him an email.

"Is this a scam? Whay are you giving a CO2 tank with a gun that only uses HPA?"

Lets see what he says lol.

05-18-2004, 06:49 PM
No, no, you lead him on, THEN hit em' ;)

05-18-2004, 07:12 PM
Maybe he is talking about the different breaches when he says elbow?

05-18-2004, 07:15 PM
Even if he really has the gun, that means he used CO2 with it, which means its ruined anyway.

05-18-2004, 07:19 PM
its a freakin scam.. you cant shoot more than 5-7 shots with a rt valve. i have tried and replaced most of the orings after i was done with my experiment

05-18-2004, 07:21 PM
I dunno, if i spent that much, i would know the difference between a breech and an elbow...lol

05-18-2004, 07:42 PM
Perhaps not a scam, but an uninformed seller. I have seen lots of sellers who somehow end up weaseling good deals on all sorts of items. They have no idea how they work, and they typically have very little knowledge about the product other than the fact that they got it cheap, and have a good idea that it typically garners more than what they paid for it. I have actually gotten some steals on factory-sealed recording gear that way, sometimes selling it at a profit, myself.

Of course, if he doesn't e-mail back, then you know for sure. But, it isn't too uncommon to find people who simply are looking to supplememt income by buying stuff at wholesale or less, and selling it for profit.

05-19-2004, 04:38 AM
Perhaps not a scam, but an uninformed seller. I have seen lots of sellers who somehow end up weaseling good deals on all sorts of items. They have no idea how they work, and they typically have very little knowledge about the product other than the fact that they got it cheap, and have a good idea that it typically garners more than what they paid for it. I have actually gotten some steals on factory-sealed recording gear that way, sometimes selling it at a profit, myself.

Of course, if he doesn't e-mail back, then you know for sure. But, it isn't too uncommon to find people who simply are looking to supplememt income by buying stuff at wholesale or less, and selling it for profit.

yeah, my friend got an IR3 for $300 :) In good condition too.
Still, an Angel is an Angel. Pretty well known even for someone who doens't know much about paintball. Not too many people know about Xmags, let alone HAVE one.

05-19-2004, 06:20 AM
aw man... thats typical.... thats exactly what Im lookin for!
Lets see if its a scam or not....

05-19-2004, 07:37 AM
He doesn't accept Paypal either. This means that you aren't under buyer protection. I don't know if it's a scam, but it just doesn't sounds right.

05-19-2004, 07:48 AM
doesnt CreativeMayhem live up there?
lets see if we can send the captn Canuk to save the day...or beat some arsh

05-19-2004, 09:12 AM
I just asked him for the serial number. Let's see if he responds.

05-19-2004, 09:25 AM
hrmm...mb it is AGD Rules, he lives up there. That kid was a moron, it took a lot of trying, though I finally got a friends stolen mag back.

05-19-2004, 09:26 AM
the guy that had his stolen from his garage lives in Tuscon AZ. If the guy replys ask him what the serial # is. If its something very low let us know. I think Bunkerhuggers stolen Xmag was ser # 14ish

05-19-2004, 10:21 AM
That guy is listed as being in Calgary Alberta a couple thousand kms from CM and I.

05-19-2004, 12:14 PM
No reply to my email. Doens't look like he is going to reply either.

Duck Hunt
05-19-2004, 12:38 PM
I sent a email to the highest bidder warning him this may be a fruad and gave him some reasons why it might. Ironically he had a rating of 1, which makes me think this IS definitly a scam, since whoever voted with that name probably works for with or IS the same guy auctioning the "Xmag" ah well =)


Recon by Fire
05-19-2004, 01:27 PM
A blatent scam, I say we run the bid up to a few million dollars :)

05-19-2004, 01:31 PM
I agree. Ill make a new email address and a new ebay acount and Ill donate my $30,000 in monopoly money! Anyone else want to donate to the cause?

05-19-2004, 02:13 PM
I agree. Ill make a new email address and a new ebay acount and Ill donate my $30,000 in monopoly money! Anyone else want to donate to the cause?

Don't fight stupidity with stupidity please. :mad:

05-19-2004, 03:30 PM
Did anyone else notice that the seller kept saying to contact him for a great price? He said it like two times, and it seems strange.

05-19-2004, 03:41 PM
The response I got:

Dear Sir,

The item is brand new never used and available for sale. The Gun is fantastic it works perfectly...you will love it for sure. No damages or scrathes. It comes with all papers and accesories and also the original box.

I bought it from London 2 weeks ago from a discount store and I didnt used it because I didn't have the time to play. Now I need some cash and I decided to sell it. The price is a lot lower than the advisrtised(1100US$)

Included FOR FREE:

20oz CO2 tank (refillable)
Upgraded JT nVader anti-fog Thermal Goggle System
Electronic Agitating 12Volt Revolution Hopper
Feed Adapter Elbow

This is all the equipment you need to play the day you get your package.
Just add air to your tank and load up paintballs and you are ready to hit the field.

I am overseas in London, UK now I have some business here and also this is where the item is located.

I am a beginner in this kind of online deals so I can only accept:

1. MoneyGram wire transfer
2. Western Union wire transfer
3. UPS Third Party Service

I do not take PayPal because I am not registered and I am not very comfortable with them.

Please choose one of these and I will reply with more details.

I preffer MoneyGram wire transfer or Western Union wire transfer in case you want a fast deal. I used them before for a few times and they always served my interests in a professional manner and helped me gain buyers.

But feel free to choose any method you like from these and let me know.

Shipping : UPS 2 day air insured my expense.
Shipping and handling taxes to your location are paid by me.

I accept US Dollars payment. My price for a deal right now is 750US$ shipping included. Let me know your max price since the item is available for sale.

Please reply instantly


Now, how to have fun with this???

Mr. Frodo
05-19-2004, 03:49 PM
International tansaction, Money Gram wire transfer, Western Union wire transfer, UPS third party... Yuck! It reaks of fraud. Well, if he's willing to use UPS, what about using their COD service? You always have the option to open and inspect the package before you give the UPS guy your money.

Recon by Fire
05-19-2004, 03:51 PM
Bought it in the UK? Funny, that is a US version. Tell him you want an actual pic, no photoshop crap :)

05-19-2004, 03:51 PM
Ok it's a scam....but lets give him some more rope to hang him with get a phone number you can call him on......don't matter if it is a UK number as that's where I am ;), I'll soon let you know if the guy is legit, if you do get the number PM it to me, don't post it up as too many will call him, I will post it if it is dodgy.

It reads the same as this thread in the details he has given you. http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=137821

05-19-2004, 04:38 PM
This sounds like the same guy I emailed about an emag on ebay once before. He supposedly lived in Vancouver that time. But, he had just taken the gun to London, UK with him where he had originally puchased it because he was on business there. He also wanted money transfer. It was definately a scam then and I think this is a scam by the same guy now.

He told me "Don't worry about the money. After it arrives at Western Union, I won't touch it until the gun arrives at your door. I am an honest person." LOL.


05-19-2004, 05:28 PM
Still no response to my request for a serial number. I'm voting for 'scam' as well.

05-19-2004, 05:52 PM
Oh, there is no question that its a scam. The question is how to jerk this guy's chain a bit?

05-19-2004, 06:50 PM
I have been in communication with the seller of the xmag and we have a deal. He said he is going to bring it to UPS and they notify me that they have the package and then I transfer the money. It seems alright to me, but it is still iffy because I asked to do a COD and he kinda avoided the subject.
I also asked for a real picture and am still waiting on that. Is there a way to get screwed-over thru UPS third party shipping? I dont like the fact that he is overseas either, I cant do anything if I never get the mag.
Should I put my faith in humanity and go for it or does it smell of a scam?
Anything you've learned from talking to the seller please PM me.
:confused: :confused: :confused:

05-19-2004, 07:17 PM
If it were me, I wouldn't do it. Just because he takes a box to UPS, and they say they have a box, doesn't mean that you are going to get the gun. Vendetta had a deal go bad on him where after all kinds of problems, he finally got a package....it had an empty Xmag box in it. Personally, I try to avoid overseas transactions, and there is no way that I would do it any other way than a credit card. If you really must do it, I would request a picture of the gun taken with something identifiable (a printout of your email, etc.) as well as getting the serial number and checking it to make sure it isn't already registered.

05-19-2004, 07:47 PM
I have been in communication with the seller of the xmag and we have a deal. He said he is going to bring it to UPS and they notify me that they have the package and then I transfer the money. It seems alright to me, but it is still iffy because I asked to do a COD and he kinda avoided the subject.
I also asked for a real picture and am still waiting on that. Is there a way to get screwed-over thru UPS third party shipping? I dont like the fact that he is overseas either, I cant do anything if I never get the mag.
Should I put my faith in humanity and go for it or does it smell of a scam?
Anything you've learned from talking to the seller please PM me.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
IT IS A SCAM! never trust someone from the UK! :p
If you buy it I will drive over and beat you!!
The real question is how do we scam the scammer?

the larch
05-19-2004, 08:24 PM
Using UPS third person is a SCAMMERS dream. They don't look in the box, or take information from the shipper.
Can't believe I even have to write this.
The marker doesn't exist.
Screw with the guy, but don't even think that he is for real in any way shape or form. NO ONE buys a $1300 marker and doesn't know what he has. ;)

05-19-2004, 08:28 PM
Well, a lot of us could agree to send the money, and give him the run around, OR we could set him up with the British Authorities, if they are interested. We should see how many of us can make a "deal" with him.

Chojin Man
05-20-2004, 01:29 AM
I emailed him to ask if he would do a escrow transaction. This is the response. Pretty much the same as Steelrat's except that he decided to change what he is going to throw in for free.

Dear Sir,

The item is brand new never used and available for sale. The Gun is fantastic it works perfectly...you will love it for sure. No damages or scrathes. It comes with all papers and accesories and also the original box.

I bought it from London 2 weeks ago from a discount store and I didnt used it because I didn't have the time to play. Now I need some cash and I decided to sell it. The price is a lot lower than the advisrtised(1100US$)

Included FOR FREE:

HPA tank
Electronic Agitating 12Volt Revolution Hopper

This is all the equipment you need to play the day you get your package.
Just add air to your tank and load up paintballs and you are ready to hit the field.

I am overseas in London, UK now I have some business here and also this is where the item is located.

I am a beginner in this kind of online deals so I can only accept:

1. MoneyGram wire transfer
2. Western Union wire transfer
3. UPS Third Party Service

I do not take PayPal because I am not registered and I am not very comfortable with them.

Please choose one of these and I will reply with more details.

I preffer MoneyGram wire transfer or Western Union wire transfer in case you want a fast deal. I used them before for a few times and they always served my interests in a professional manner and helped me gain buyers.

But feel free to choose any method you like from these and let me know.

Shipping : UPS 2 day air insured my expense.
Shipping and handling taxes to your location are paid by me.

I accept US Dollars payment. My price for a deal right now is 700US$. Let me know your max price since the item is available for sale.

Please reply instantly


05-20-2004, 01:41 AM
If you want a great example of a counterscam, click here:

05-20-2004, 04:48 AM
If you want a great example of a counterscam, click here:
Didn't you read my post at the top of this page?

Still waiting for the phone number for this scammer, and there are no discount stores in the UK that would sell something like this as brand new, pawn shops yes but not discount stores, and due to the paintball situation within the UK the number of places you can play with your own equipment outside of a tournament you can count on one hand so that shoots down the reasons fgiven or having the Xmag and not being able to use it. Report the post to Ebay, link to this thread here if they want more information.
It is annoying that people will do this as there are bargains to be had on Ebay as sometimes things do get missed and people don't bid on something but not high value items like this, it is normally a regular paintball marker but a bidding war starts and it goes for silly money.
I see stuff nothing to do with paintball sell for above retail frequently or very close to retail and then the shipping costs jump it right over retail cost and it always seems to be new users (less than 30 days) who do it or people who if you look at their feedback just seem to enjoy wasting money on Ebay.....Ebay rant over ;)

05-20-2004, 05:12 AM
Ask him exactly where he is in London and post the info here. I work in London every weekday so if it really is a geniune deal (and it seems pretty certain it isn't) he won't have any problem meeting up with me to verify the marker's existence.

In fact ask him what the weather's like in London, where the nearest tube station is, what hotel he's staying in, what the nightly rate is. Then say you are ready to transfer the money and when he agrees, tell him I am on my way over to pick up the marker.

05-20-2004, 08:41 AM
this is defintely a scam.. take a look above -- he changed what was included.... Before, it was offered with a co2 tank but now (i'm sure once it was pointed out to him) it now happens to come with a HPA tank?


05-20-2004, 09:06 AM
We have made the deal to do UPS third party shipping and I just got the email from UPS saying they have it and will ship it as soon as payment is sent. Here is what I got from UPS:

UPS Third Party Service reduces risks associated with Internet
transactions by acting as a licensed neutral third party for online
transactions. The seller delivers the package to one of it's nearest UPS agents
for the evaluation of contents. The package will remain in UPS custody
until the receiver will send the payment through a Money Order
Service(WesternUnion or MoneyGram) and will provide all the transaction details
to the seller for verification reasons. After verifying the funds, UPS
is ready to ship the parcel to the designated address.

Pending Delivery Shipment
Transaction Date: 20 May 2004

Address Information

Ship From:

Ship To:
WA 98371

Shipment Information
Service: UPS Worldwide Express
Guaranteed By: 48h after the payment confirmation
Declared Value: 950

Description of Goods: Airgun Design X-Mag Paintball Gun Package
Status of inspection: Complete
Shipping: 89.86

Package Information
Package: 1 of 1
Tracking Number: Pending*
Package Type: UPS By Air Box
Insured Value Amount: 950

*Note:You will receive the Tracking Number after the payment is
confirmed. We are able to inform you that the package is in the UPS custody
and we need the payment confirmation from the shipper in order to proceed
with the shipment. The sender has indicated Western Union money
transfer as it's preferred method of payment.

Does this look legit? It doesn't seem very formal to me. Chojin I gt the exact same email from him!?! Can someone PM who has used western union before, I have an idea but I want to make sure it would work first.
Im not going to get ripped off :mad:
Oh yeah about the tank. He posted it was CO2 on ebay and when I told him CO2 doesn;t work with the mag- he said he was new to paintball and didnt know the names!?! He says it is a JAVA 4500

05-20-2004, 09:09 AM
Also, he hasn't canceled the ebay auctions so maybe he plans to rip off the winning bidder as well. With his address is there a way to check the guy out?

05-20-2004, 09:10 AM
Im not going to get ripped off :mad:

If you buy from this guy, you are going to get ripped off. Its pretty damn obvious to everyone but you apparently.

And yes, one of the AOers from London can do a drive-by and see whats up at the place possibly.

05-20-2004, 10:37 AM
306 Lynton Road is in SE16 not SE15 and SE15 is about 2 miles+ from the SE16 area, There is NO Lynton Road in SE15 YOU ARE GETTING CONNED !!! is that clear enough?
Also no-one in the UK sells Java tanks...and if they did they would have either HSE numbers or PI markings both of which you as an american can't use in the states.

05-20-2004, 10:49 AM
Well, thanks a lot. I am going to tell ebay as well so they know what is going on.

05-20-2004, 12:07 PM
And people are bidding on it?! good god do people like getting scammed?
Or do they just not know any better? "hey, it looks to good to be true LETS BID ON IT!"
E-bay = a scammers paradise.

05-29-2004, 12:41 PM
This is what I just got in the mail from probally the seller

Please note that this E-mail was generated by FBI and IFCC(Internet
Fraud Complaint Center) E-mail services and any attempt to reply to this
E-mail cannot and will not be answered or received by FBI or IFCC.

The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) is a partnership between the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar
Crime Center (NW3C). IFCC's mission is to address fraud committed over the

Our records show that you have been contacted by Davis Brian from
London, United Kingdom regarding an internet transaction. We are now able to
inform you that this person is an internet scam artist. For almost 2
years he had ripped off over 100 internet buyers using Western Union for
payment. We were not able to catch him until now because we don't have
enough proves. Here is what we suggest:

Please pretend that you are interested in buying a product from him and
accept any offer that he will make you. Follow all the instructions you
receive from him regarding the payment procedure via Western Union wire
transfer. We will watch this particular transaction and arrest him when
he will try to pick up the funds at the Western Union office.

This way we will be able to stop his illegal activity and you will
receive all your money back in full amount and a 1000$ bonus from FBI.


Regards, FBI team.

Is this super BIZARRE or what!?!

05-29-2004, 12:46 PM

You gotta give the guy an A for effort with that..

05-29-2004, 12:52 PM
notice the great grammar that the FBI has...they need to go back to grade school

05-29-2004, 02:33 PM
If you send him money after all this, you deserve to get ripped off.

05-29-2004, 03:14 PM
If you send him money after all this, you deserve to get ripped off.
lol yeah and maybe beaten and raped

05-29-2004, 03:22 PM
Wow...he could have atleast made the email from the "FBI team" a little more professional!

05-29-2004, 03:36 PM
This is what I just got in the mail from probally the seller

Please note that this E-mail was generated by FBI and IFCC(Internet
Fraud Complaint Center) E-mail services and any attempt to reply to this
E-mail cannot and will not be answered or received by FBI or IFCC.

The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) is a partnership between the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar
Crime Center (NW3C). IFCC's mission is to address fraud committed over the

Our records show that you have been contacted by Davis Brian from
London, United Kingdom regarding an internet transaction. We are now able to
inform you that this person is an internet scam artist. For almost 2
years he had ripped off over 100 internet buyers using Western Union for
payment. We were not able to catch him until now because we don't have
enough proves. Here is what we suggest:

Please pretend that you are interested in buying a product from him and
accept any offer that he will make you. Follow all the instructions you
receive from him regarding the payment procedure via Western Union wire
transfer. We will watch this particular transaction and arrest him when
he will try to pick up the funds at the Western Union office.

This way we will be able to stop his illegal activity and you will
receive all your money back in full amount and a 1000$ bonus from FBI.


Regards, FBI team.

Is this super BIZARRE or what!?!

Forward this to the FBI with an explanation of whats going on and see what happens. Could be some fun, maybe get INTERPOL involved to. :D

05-29-2004, 03:55 PM
WOW LOL forward it to them lol yeah hes right^^^^ He'd be in some REAL trouble then :p

05-29-2004, 04:01 PM
forward that to him....get his scamming *** thrown in jail (of fined)

05-29-2004, 05:30 PM
I just sent the FBI a copy of that email and told them I still have all the other email I got from that guy.
I'll post whatever happens, that's if anyone cares.

05-29-2004, 09:34 PM
that's if anyone cares.
Oh we care, if that arse gets tossed in the slammer, It would be a very good day!