View Full Version : Power-tube Spacer Kits

10-08-2001, 02:00 PM
Do these kits really lighten up automag trigger pulls? If so how much, are they easy to install and are problems with them common?

10-08-2001, 02:18 PM
they are eaasy to use\install and do work, but they aren't stock and can break and or mess up gun...the usual, NO non-stock or AGD parts...:cool:

10-08-2001, 02:37 PM
They wont mess up your gun, AGD makes them, and they basically are stock. They come with one in your gun, you just change the size. I think a kit is like $10. I have a few spacers I could sell ya. Let me know. Oh and they ARE easy to install. Just unscrew the powertube tip with a coin, plop the old one out, put the new one in, rescrew the tip.


10-08-2001, 03:43 PM
sweet, where can I get some! and what do they really do?!

10-08-2001, 03:47 PM
Yeah, check AGD's parts list on their site. Not every gun can use the same spacer though, you have to change it and see if it leaks down the barrel, if it does, its to long. I have some, and they sell them on most paintball stores (Pbgear has them I think). They change the trigger pulls characteristics(I think like make it lighter and stuff). My ReTro valve came with some, so I have some I can sell ya!


10-08-2001, 03:50 PM
isn't that when yer goin downhill mt. biking, and front break to hard and go head first over bike...my pappa did that in Moab, slickrock hurts *ouch* :eek:

10-08-2001, 03:54 PM
I think it may be. Its my goodbye word. There is a whole post on friendly corner asking me what this is.


10-08-2001, 03:58 PM
I dont see any spacer kits on AGD homepage!

10-08-2001, 04:02 PM
http://airgun.com/Prices/index.html look, in the P section. Power tube spacer .215, and lots more. They sell them individualy. You can buy a kit, but I dont know if they sell it.


10-08-2001, 04:07 PM
not a lil'stinker, thanx fer the link man.

yea an Endo is the mt. biking thing, i jus' checked

ENDO - END OVER, haed over heels, rear tire over front, u get...:cool:

SO< how hard is it to get the Spacer Kit working? Does the spring just get tossed? Also what are the spacers made of? Will they bust easier than spring, or crap out on me ever?
How much lighter can I make my trigger?

Heh, just playin it safe!

10-08-2001, 05:02 PM
and do some Mags not get affected at all, meaning they come witht he best possible spacer out of factory?

I was also told that the stock trigger frame and setup is a "POS", cuz its plastic and that makes it worse...heh, I didnt say it

"the trigger is thin and hard and short,, a new frame doubles or triples the area of the trigger so it feels 3 times lighter"


10-08-2001, 05:47 PM
Ok, the trigger frame is Carbon Fiber. Stronger than the old aluminum ones, and lighter. If you have a spring in your powertube, then you have an old mag. They now come with spacers. Yes some mags come stock with the best spacer for them. The spacer is made of brass or something, and should never break. Its not to hard to get working, you just need to put the spacer in, and let it sit for a lil bit to settle(at least with mine) then gas it up and if it dosnt leak, you are good to go. Pretty simple. I think the mags that came with the old springs instead of the spacers(keep in mine this is not the spring on the bolt, old valves had springs instead of spacers inside the powertube, if this is what you are talking about) will take longer springs which will get a better trigger pull. My friend has an old mag, and it had a spring, and he could usethe longest spacer I have. Im not sure how much it will change your trigger pull because I actually put a shorter spacer in making it a little stiffer. Mine kept leaking with them all, mine needs to settle, and I just threw the shortest one in there and stopped messing with it. I havnt put a longer one in there because I like the trigger pull, and I always forget to do it when I have air. But it PM Ni_cD and ask him how it changes, he put a longer one in his. Ok, later.