View Full Version : Paint, what's good Medium Bore, and whats crap.

10-08-2001, 02:15 PM
Is Marbelizer med. bore?

I find BIG BALL and ProBall worked well on my BIG SHOT.

Zap Performance was pretty bad as was Marbelizer, and PMI on my BIG SHOT.

Any paint out there that should be avoided? Other than the obvious (BE)

oh yea, howz Diablo Midnight work out, and that new Anarchy, and I hear Nitro Duck sell paint now

just say something cool about paint, if not informative

10-08-2001, 02:50 PM
Nitro Duck bought out First Choice paint. Its a nice medium bore, but gets old quick, and gets this dust stuff on it. And if you rub it around your hands it gets sticky, and its not the best choice for a warpfeed. Marbs are small bore. Team Colors, and other 32 degrees paints are medium bore. Most Wal-Mart stuff is small bore(that diablo/sheridan stuff, sheridan, I think super swirl), ProBall is now a medium bore, used to be small bore. So you may still find some small bore proballs, or maybe the ones at my feild are swelled up, but Ive heard from other people at other places that they are medium. PMI and Big Ball are medium bore. Im not sure what zap is, and I think Diablo Midnight is small bore, and diablo blaze is small bore. Thats about all I know.


10-08-2001, 04:21 PM
i played with anarchy paint last week and i think it may have been medium bore but it worked very well with my bigshot.

10-08-2001, 04:31 PM
why dont we develop our own paint to barrel paint charts, the Mag form ppl \players...I can never find a good chart from anyone.

10-08-2001, 04:34 PM
here in Kansas, Im using the .695 insert on my freak system for Marbalizer.

10-08-2001, 05:59 PM
Ok, maybe I'll work on a chart...Although it seems that paint is diffrent sizes in diffrent places (Probably because of weather...)


10-08-2001, 07:13 PM
RPS Paints - (all of 'em) Medium Bore. PMI Premiums (Hot Pink, used to be my fav's) have been prone to breakage as of late. Flash paint REALLY breaks a lot in the barrel. I'm especially fond of the new JT branded (yellow) paint that's around.

Anarchy - Small Bore, nice stuff, bright fill

Pro-Ball - I bought a case of Yellow and a case of Platinum's 2 weeks ago. The Yellow was so big that some actually got stuck in the barrel (a .689" CP) No BS!

Diablo Inferno - Small Bore, again, good stuff

Team Colors - I just haven't given this stuff a good try. The few cases I've bought, haven't displayed good accuracy and I get more breaks than "normal"

The thing about paint (and paint size charts) is that paint varies from lot to lot, and between different colors of the same brand. Paint is like Forrest Gumps' chocolates, "you never know what you'll get" :D

10-09-2001, 12:51 PM
Yeah, proball is the weirdest! It used to be all small and stuff, and now its like .689. The last Team Colors I used broke more than usual. It was bought at a gun shop though, and I had to go through three boxes to get a full case of unbroken paint. So I had to mix and match between the three boxes. But I had ordered some paint from 888, and loved it! I didnt get a single break all day! And Big Ball used to be small bore, now its medium! I don't get it! Ok, well maybe make a paint chart telling what it GENERALLY is,like Team Colors .687-.689 or something like that...Yep.


10-11-2001, 08:06 PM
There are two Proballs being made right now. National North's Proball and National South's. North has Zap make there's,We have Nelson make ours. I use a .687 on are Proball. We include a ball sizer in every case to prove how round it is ball after ball. Try it and see for yourself.

10-11-2001, 09:30 PM
Ok, I'll have to look for this ball sizer next time I get proball. They should make them less bouncy!


10-12-2001, 07:13 AM
The sizer lets chemicals out that make the shell more brittle......!

The new shell design is a tourney quality shell that we made or brittle. So its not brush cutter any more. Just go get some from your local store and try it.

10-12-2001, 07:27 AM
A local shop sells 2 types of proball. One, proball Classics, is made in Canada. The other, I'm not sure where it's made, but it comes in a predominitly black case. Both sel for $60. The classics used to be small, but the last bunch that came into the store were VERY large. I've never seen anything like it. The classic platinums suck. Very out-of-round. Flys all over the place!

Temo Vryce
10-12-2001, 07:28 AM
I'm not too sure about what's medium bore or not but I can give you some advice on what to avoid.

RED FILL BAD!!!!!!!!!

BE is good if youlike eating the balls it's kinda sweet. They're the best ones I've eaten yet. I do it on occation when someone asks if the paint is toxic in any way. I just tell them that they taste bad but you can eat them see *chomp*. I hope this helps you out.

10-12-2001, 08:21 AM
I've had fairly good luck with Team Colors, I shoot that quite often. Its a LITTLE inaccurate (I'm guessing the paint isn't quite as round as possible?) but I don't get ballbreaks with very often at all. Pretty reliable paint, in my opinion. Good breakage on target, holds up well in the gun (no breaks), medium/average accuracy (Not great, could be improved, but not terrible.)

Another paint which I had excellent luck with was Zap Perfomance Plus Kryptonizer. I shot through about 2 cases of this stuff with my stock MM barrel, and enjoyed great shooting all day. No breaks besides two chops which I know were my fault (first experience rapid shooting a Retro), and accuracy was great. That was only from one batch though, that Zap delivered a truckload of to the event, so it may have just been really fresh. I did hear a couple people complaining about it there, but myself and MagDog were shooting it, and had great luck. Maybe its just mag-friendly paint :)

10-12-2001, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by AkaEnder
here in Kansas, Im using the .695 insert on my freak system for Marbalizer. geez...marbs are a .688 paint, alog with el tigre, the rest of RP is medium, (.689-.691) Proball used to be .687, but now it is made by ZAP and it is medium. Diablo is med, unless u get blaze (.687) or hellfire(.685) ZAP Performance Plus is .689 Nelson is medium. Team Colors is medium, and I am not fond of it at all. I would rather pay $49 for ZAP Perf+ than 32junk. Also, PMI Premiums are medium. I have a chart in front of me. I dont know how accurate it is, but I use marbs in my DYE Boomer and Stainless(.688) and they fit perfect. I think .695 is a bit large. I also use mostly ZAP Performance in tourneys, with my ever trusty AllAmerican (.689)with supreme paint/barrel match. With these two combos, I shoot quick, efficient, and dead accurate. I have yet to chop due to the gun/barrel/paint combo.

just my $.02 and whoever created the chart on my website.

10-12-2001, 01:28 PM
Performance plus stuff rocks, except will break in the barrel when it gets cold out because it gets too brittle. I'd use that stuff.

RP except marbs were medium but now with the new stuff it all seems to be small.

10-12-2001, 02:37 PM
Proball is no longer ProBounce?! YEAH!


10-12-2001, 05:20 PM
ZAP Performance, and ZAP Performance Plus. Is there any dif.???

I bought a container of 400 ZAP Performance from DICKS, and used it on my BIG SHOT...it shot like poo, very smelly poo. It seemed waaaaaaay too big.

So far BIG BALL, and ProBall are the BIG SHOT buddies, and I'm not sure what'll match my DYE ALum' best...

Hey, what barrel lenghts do u guys think are good for what??
I think for HyperBall\Speedbal short barrel, Sup'Air and woods get 14'.


10-12-2001, 06:20 PM
You dont need anything bigger than like 11", unless you just want it quieter. I like my 10" the best, and I have 2 12"s.


10-18-2001, 08:02 PM
Are Proball is made in the US. What local store do you shop at.

10-18-2001, 08:22 PM
marbs are my favorite.............. med. bore

10-18-2001, 08:27 PM

The Proball classics and platinums of which I speak are both made in Canada.

Capital Paintball in Coventry, RI 401-823-5402

JT, JT, JT...:D