View Full Version : mag newb - lots of questions

05-19-2004, 08:30 PM
hello everyone

after looking at how many times my spyder breaks or jams, i have decided to get a higher-grade gun. I have chosen to get a mag (probably this summer when i can get a job and make some cash) because it seems simple enough for me.

however, i am unsure of what to get. after reading through these forums, i have come to the conclusion that i want a ULE body, x valve, and possibly one of those logic vert grips (very nice:)).

what i want to know is the following:

should i order a custom RT mag from the airgun designs website where you can customize what you want on it?

if so, can i take that sight rail thing off of it?

and i noticed that on the picture of the RT at the website, there is a gap between the fore grip and the trigger, can i change that so it goes right into the asa? or do i need to buy a different rail body? for example:
http://www.hunt101.com/img/158814.bmp (http://www.hunt101.com/?p=158814&c=500&z=1)

all help is appreciated :D


05-19-2004, 10:53 PM
I am still pretty new to mags myself but I am pretty sure that you can do both.
(anyone more experienced that can correct me go ahead)
One of the nice things I have learned about mags is that they are all compatible with each other for the most part.
You really won't be all that disappointed with any model.

05-20-2004, 11:57 AM
The logic vert frame is a great choice :) i have one myself. Ok to build a mag from scratch is often better but costs a bit more. Building it from scratch gives you exactly what you want. AGD cant alway give that but they give things much cheaper. Im pretty sure you can change the grip. The body you see on the one with the logic vert frame is a deadly wind dallara body. It is about $225. The thing that the foregrip is on in the RT is just a piece of metal made to the rail out more. I don't know for sure because mine is built from scratch but i think you can remove it. If you want one of the most kick *** markers around build what i have. The angel mini-reg really isn't nessecary but i had it from back when i was using CO2 on a classic valve and i keep it on there since it looks kool, and i need a foregrip. I can easily do 20 bps on my gun and it looks kool as hell and is lighter and more compact than any gun in its class. It does cost about $2000, but my dad owns a pball store so i can get most things REAL cheap.

05-20-2004, 12:27 PM

I can easily do 20 bps on my gun and it looks kool as hell and is lighter and more compact than any gun in its class. It does cost about $2000, but my dad owns a pball store so i can get most things REAL cheap.

05-20-2004, 01:52 PM

I think you should go to the Dealer's Forum and send a message to RogueFactor. Rogue produces a modified/milled rail that is sloted in the front so that you can directly mount the foregrip in several positions without having to use the RT brackets. I haven't seen one close up, but from the pictures it appears to have about an inch or more of play, so you can put the grip directly up against the trigger guard or further forward as in a regular RT. Also, Rogue is producing a vert frame as well, so you would probably find it most cost effective to order the whole setup preconfigured from him - just ask to be placed on the preorder list for a RogueMag with wingless rail and vert frame.

With this option, you wouldn't have to buy a full RT/ULE, and then ditch the frame for another separate $100+ frame - plus, you'd get a lighter, custom rail that will do what it sounds like you want.

Welcome to AO.

05-20-2004, 05:33 PM
thanks alot everyone :D

i think i will go with dryden's advice, but i still have plenty of time to decide.


05-20-2004, 05:59 PM
Get the rt custom, except don't get an intelliframe with it. Then just swap in the vert frame.

05-20-2004, 07:25 PM
well thats what i was going to do... but i'd also want a rogue rail on the gun... and rogue is also soon coming out with a vert frame... so i figured id wait until that is released, then buy the whole bundle (identical to AGD's rtp deal) with the rail and frame. :cool: