View Full Version : New back up gun....what do you think

05-20-2004, 11:47 AM
I currently have an x-mag and i love it. well i want to get another gun what do you guys think is the best bet. Price really isn't a factory i'm willing to work overtime to get the best gun i can. ITs basically between 4 markers.

1. Macdev- Cyborg
2. Octane shocker
3. Trauma Matrix
4. Rat impulse

No sKiLLz
05-20-2004, 12:59 PM
How did all these "Vs." threads start popping up?

05-20-2004, 01:17 PM
th emarker i would recomand you dont have listed.
i owuld choose an evil omen with the pdp chip installed.very accurate,easy to use,light,and with the chip shoots up to 25bps.or you can wait till the evil pimp is released,it rocks!

05-20-2004, 02:20 PM
cyborg or matrix :cool:

05-20-2004, 07:37 PM
got to fondle a borg, now i would reccomend ti to anyone

05-20-2004, 08:16 PM
cyborg or matrix :cool:

I agree. The Matrix shoots a bit smoother, but the Cyborg weighs less and is easier maintenance. The Cyborg has a pretty stiff stock trigger though. If I hadn't gotten the lighter switch, I would've sold my Cyborg and picked up a Matrix.

05-20-2004, 08:29 PM
shockers suck and impys are only good if you pimp them out..

I've never shot a borg.. But i've owned a shocker, matrix, and my brother has an impy.. And hands down I would take the trix.. Second would be a pimp impy..

But I hear cyborgs are good.. My teamate is getting one in a week so if I see this again I will post what I think about it.

But I will say this.. Only downfall to a trix is it's weight.. Some would say it's size but i've owned small and big guns and I prefer big, small guns don't feel right in my hands..

So get the trix or the borg

05-20-2004, 08:48 PM
Only downfall to a trix is it's weight.. Some would say it's size

Well, the weight isn't that much more, but it's size is almost the same as a cocker.. just a bit wider.

05-20-2004, 08:53 PM
Yeah, the Trix is shorter than a cocker (including beavertail that is) and about twice as wide, but width doesn't matter unless it's like super wide. I'd go Cyborg over all though.

05-20-2004, 09:03 PM
not even twice as wide... maybe 25% wider, it's really not that wide...

A cyborg is very close in width to a cocker... so here's the best I can do offhand:


05-20-2004, 09:03 PM
ya.. Small guns feel like crap.. A unimount on my shocker and I was half falling over.. The unimount on my trix it's just love

Only thing I like about small guns is there easier to throw around on the field.. But I can snapshoot pretty well with my trix.. Just not w/ my opposite hand.

try a borg though.. if you don't like it someone will trade you there trix