View Full Version : Ripped Off!!!! Need Help!!!

05-20-2004, 02:50 PM
He Has Still Failed To Contact Me

-Please PM Bratch, He Is Still Posting On AO (Recently) But He Wont Respond To My Emails or PMs

Thank you,

05-20-2004, 02:55 PM
Sorry but there is no AO user name that matches that.

And even if there were we would not own nor I suspect claim him as "AO Own". I have no idea what you mean by that.

05-20-2004, 02:59 PM
sry phil bratch83 is his email......his AO name is just bratch, and by AO's own i jus mean sum1 from ao

05-20-2004, 03:09 PM
Oh gotcha... Thats better.

We still don't own him but we might if he doesn't pay up! :D

05-20-2004, 04:13 PM
any help i can get will be greatly appriciated, all i know is i want my $$ back

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
05-20-2004, 04:16 PM
what i like to do when this kind of situation occurs is get a AO member that lives pretty close to the guy (We are everywhere so you shouldn't have a problem finding someone) and have him pay him a "nice" visit

05-20-2004, 04:21 PM
Yah a state or town or even an address would help.
When you say I NEED HELP!!!11 what, you want us to PM him for ya?
Give us some info so we CAN help.

05-20-2004, 04:24 PM
PM me with his address, I'll see if I can talk to the guy

05-20-2004, 04:35 PM
Sounds to me a tiny bit soon to be in a panic.

05-20-2004, 04:38 PM
...well it has been a week phil...

...and it has been delayed already...

05-20-2004, 04:48 PM
I understand.

How much we talking about here?

How did you pay?

What kind of feedback did you use?

When was the last you heard from him?

05-20-2004, 04:52 PM
wonder twins power activate, "Form of, AO's can of wup @ss"!!

05-20-2004, 06:08 PM
I understand.

How much we talking about here?

How did you pay?

What kind of feedback did you use?

When was the last you heard from him?

Was sposed to be trade for a race frame (found out that it was broke after i sent $$)

paid $200

He had me talk to a guy he supposivly dealt w/ b4.....and has a feedback thread

heard from him about a week ago when he said that he was "going to be out of town"

i cant find the damn email that has his addy in it......but he is from Oklahoma

the larch
05-20-2004, 06:21 PM
He left town but didn't have time to "refund you."
Sorry that does sound fishy. As far as I'm concerned, even if he does intend on finishing the deal, what he has done pretty much asks for a witch hunt. He took your money, THEN found out the frame is faulty? So, he was using it after you paid him? Bad. Then he didn't immediately refund you? He didn't give you options?
Did you paypal him? If so, he may very possible be trying to stall you for a month so that you can't file a claim in time.
In your situation, I would assertively do ANYTHING to recover my loss. HE's the one that has left you hanging.

05-20-2004, 06:28 PM
i didnt use paypal......i used an m/o.......i should of cancelled it right away, but i trusted the bastard.......and he said he sent me another m/o last week........well i have seen no sign of it, and i cant get ahold of him.......lets jus say he is ganna get such bad feedback that hopefully no1 will ever trade w/ him again........hes the kinda person that takes trust in ppl out of forums like this

05-20-2004, 06:33 PM
this is the exact reason why I never try and trade online. Some people are just too shady.

05-20-2004, 06:42 PM
well im sorry...... you sent 200 bucks to a guy with only one posted feedback.. after you sen him the money order you loose his addy. common stuff like that doesnt happen. you should keep a track of your stuff. find his addy then search for a phone number... if a phone number cant be found contact local police.. this is considered mail fraud. dont just sit there and say well someone please help me cuz it doesnt seem like your trying to help yourself. and next time buy from a guy with high feedback or use a 3rd party. hope everything works out for you but i also hope you learned a lesson.

05-20-2004, 07:15 PM
dont tell me im not tryin........cuz you have no clue, instead of accusing me of not trying and bein stupid.......maybe you could try to help

05-20-2004, 07:26 PM
CAnt he somehow get his ISP and from there trace him to his current location?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
05-20-2004, 07:26 PM
how can we help if you have no information on him? you know he's in oklahoma....how is that gonna help us? With every money order you should have recieved a copy of that money order. and on that money order you SHOULD HAVE written the adress...so that's a good place to look for the adress.
Do you have his phone number?
Type it into www.switchboard.com - if ur lucky it will give you the adress and the name.

05-20-2004, 07:39 PM
He shows he is in Norman OK.

He has not visited here since the 12th. Nor posted since then either.

I sent him a stern email from the admin control panel.

You need to find that reciept....

One of many IP's he has used is interesting and might be helpful as he list occupation as student and drives or did have at one time a 72 Cutlass. At least he lists that in his profile.

This one is an EDU or college IP and he uses it:

Host Name ip-129-15-122-157.walker2.ou.edu

05-20-2004, 07:46 PM
thanks phil.......ima go look for the reciept now......my mom being the wonderful lady she is put it in a safe place..........and tobe sry for snapping.......im jus frustrated......understandably

05-20-2004, 07:48 PM
well at least we got him down to a town, village, city, or whatever. other than the email sent to him, maybe someone should pay him a visit. doing something like that just isnt right. you dont do something like that.

05-20-2004, 07:50 PM
My guess is that might give you dorm and its at Oklahoma University. Or at least server assignment. Walker2 that is. Not certain how they they are set up. Might be his dorm building though.

05-20-2004, 07:52 PM
well at least we got him down to a town, village, city, or whatever. other than the email sent to him, maybe someone should pay him a visit. doing something like that just isnt right. you dont do something like that.

Nor certain about that Colleges let out this time of year. He might be going home. Where ever that is. But you might be able to get his home addy from the school. Knowing he used their computer and all...

05-20-2004, 07:56 PM
Hes probably a student at OU and left for the summer. You probably wont find him.

05-20-2004, 08:14 PM
Hes probably a student at OU and left for the summer. You probably wont find him.

i do remember the addy i sent it to funny........it didnt have like a street name (as in didnt end w/ Ave. St. or anything like that)

05-20-2004, 08:20 PM
Campus address maybe.

You need his real name and that. Then the school can get you his home address.

05-20-2004, 08:21 PM
Well, if you find that address, LMK. I think we have a club at OU...

- Chris

05-20-2004, 09:03 PM
I'm going to be in Perryton for a summer internship anybody know of any fields remotely close? ........found that in an old post of his........any1 in texas that can give a lil help.

05-20-2004, 09:13 PM
If you used a USPS MO, it's now a federal offense...so why again are you talking to us? :p

05-20-2004, 09:17 PM
If i got the M/O from a bank, can i go to the bank w/ the reciept......and have them trace it to the guys account......or would they not do that for me (gatta be sum red tape or sumthin........cant be that easy)

05-20-2004, 09:44 PM

more information on the connection he used.

question still remains as to why you are still talking to us trying to get up the AO lynch mob. best bet, get on the horn to the college, talk to the IT department, let them know that some fraud has occured, and you are looking for whatever help they can give within their limits.

if you get an address or name our of them, take it to the police.

05-20-2004, 10:29 PM
If he doesnt answer mine or phil's email...........and i call college, wat do i say to them so they can track him down........and would it work if i asked bank to trace m/o from the reciept

05-20-2004, 11:16 PM
lets see, walker hall is a dormitory on the OU campus. on the OU website it says that walker hall is a womens dorm for freshmen. you said something about his email being phil_bratch83 . there are 4 "phillip"s in the OU database, there are no people with the last name bratch. since he is prolly like me, he uses his birth year as the last part of the number. so he is 21-22 years old. Walker hall is right in the middle of all of the law buildings at OU so he or his girlfriend may be a law student. there is 1 of the "phillip"s that is a law student at OU. just go to http://telcom.okcu.edu/directory/ and do a first name search to see what I mean. hope that helps ya any. Cya!

05-20-2004, 11:21 PM
lets see, walker hall is a dormitory on the OU campus. on the OU website it says that walker hall is a womens dorm for freshmen. you said something about his email being phil_bratch83 . there are 4 "phillip"s in the OU database, there are no people with the last name bratch. since he is prolly like me, he uses his birth year as the last part of the number. so he is 21-22 years old. Walker hall is right in the middle of all of the law buildings at OU so he or his girlfriend may be a law student. there is 1 of the "phillip"s that is a law student at OU. just go to http://telcom.okcu.edu/directory/ and do a first name search to see what I mean. hope that helps ya any. Cya!

nooooo .......his email is bratch83@aol.com .......he first name isnt phil, i was apologizing to cphillip from AO .........thanks for the help tho

05-21-2004, 01:23 PM
His first name is bryce, i checked the site with the student database and no one showed up w/ the name bryce.....i dont know if i did sumthing wrong, or wat could have caused it to not show up


05-21-2004, 01:36 PM
His first name is bryce, i checked the site with the student database and no one showed up w/ the name bryce.....i dont know if i did sumthing wrong, or wat could have caused it to not show up


You did do something wrong....you lost his address

Iron Mag13
05-21-2004, 02:51 PM
Hey if i lived near him id "talk" to him, go to his house and slap him around some! hes a dsicrace to AO'ers all over the place!

05-21-2004, 02:54 PM
You did do something wrong....you lost his address

that you maggin for stating the obvious........thing is i realize this, and have no clue how i lost it since i always save the addys of ppl i trade w/ ......but the 1 time it matters it goes wrong, my mistake i know......but im tryin as hard as i can to find info on him (trying to contact past buyers/traders)

05-21-2004, 03:10 PM
Wow...I almost bought that race frame.

05-21-2004, 03:54 PM
damn, screw the FBI or the NSA, just get together a large community of friends, some of which are computer saavy, and go from there

AO rocks, serious-lah

the larch
05-21-2004, 05:14 PM
You can trace a MO, Usually, there is fine print on the back of the receipt.
It will cost you something under $20 to put on the trace. It should tell you exactly who claimed the money and where.
Also, you could talk to your bank about legal recourse. Don't talk to the teller though. Talk to the "pit boss." She/he will know more. Goto the closest Main branch too, not one of the satellite banks.
Also, it is better that you kept the receipt for the money order than the guys supposed mailing address. Don't feel so bad.

05-21-2004, 08:50 PM
He answered my email today. Seemed pretty preturbed at me for emailing him and what he felt was the negative tone of it. Said he had your check and would take care of it. I told him the reason I had taken that route was he was being trashed on AO about it. Maybe he does not know that or did not know that. He is most likely between school and home or summer extern. Give him a little time to make it right.

05-21-2004, 09:13 PM
He answered my email today. Seemed pretty preturbed at me for emailing him and what he felt was the negative tone of it. Said he had your check and would take care of it. I told him the reason I had taken that route was he was being trashed on AO about it. Maybe he does not know that or did not know that. He is most likely between school and home or summer extern. Give him a little time to make it right.

i understand what your saying phil ........but look wat i've had to deal with:

1. little to no communication on his part
2. told me he sent it last week
3. waited 2 weeks prior to last week for him to even say he sent it

i mean of course im goin to be a lil mad........would it be too much trouble to have you email him back and find out when he plans to "get around" to sending it? so i can know......i mean usually when u are a seller, you dont jus send $$ when you get around to it......you do it promptly, or maybe im jus brought up on different morals?

05-21-2004, 09:50 PM
Well I did reply to him...

And really its not my issue. I doing what I can to help out though. But, I can only do what I can do. Other than that its the best I can do is to tell you what I hear. I can't control what happens.

05-21-2004, 10:14 PM
i know its not your issue......but he wont respond to me.......so i guess it was just a plead for you to respond lol......since it seems ur the only 1 he will talk to.......did he by chance say when he would send it

05-22-2004, 02:05 AM
another person ripped off.. man i hate seeing this happen to people.. i volunteer to third party for anyone as in i hold items till i see the money or something it was an idea i got one night.. only whole i have no feedback and nobody would trust me...thats a shame too.

05-22-2004, 07:08 AM
Soon as he can get to the PO. Says his new job is not allowing him much time or opportunity to do so.

He also makes mention of you bearing some responsibility in creating this mess. Want to explain what he means by that?

the larch
05-22-2004, 07:17 AM
plot thickens :eek:

05-22-2004, 11:59 AM
Soon as he can get to the PO. Says his new <A TITLE="Click for more information about <A TITLE="Click for more information about job" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||job|AA1VDw">job</A>" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||job|AA1VDw">job</A> is not allowing him much time or opportunity to do so.

He also makes mention of you bearing some responsibility in creating this mess. Want to explain what he means by that?

Ya, my responsibility in the mess is asking for my $$ back after i found out the race needed to be sent in and get like over $100 of work. He failed to mention that to me before i sent the $$ or i wouldnt of done so in the first place

**Also the fact remains that even with this whole ordeal......he has yet to contact me with any information at all. So putting any blame on me is wrong.....since all he had to do to avoid this is say he was unable to send the m/o yet.......and i would of waited alot more patiently

Grey Goose
05-24-2004, 09:16 AM
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I've been on this board for YEARS now (sigh) and had many dealings with Bryce (bratch83).

If he's having trouble finding time to send money back on a deal you backed out of, then give him a chance.

This guy would NEVER rip someone.

Secondly, his sale post (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=134308&highlight=race) CLEARLY STATES the grip needs work.



Positive Feedbacks for Bratch (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=46513&highlight=bratch83)

05-24-2004, 09:39 AM
... hmmmm does say what it needed and what was included in his sale post. If thats still exactly what it needed when you changed your mind then you got a little bit of a problem here. He has not yet emailed me back to explain his end of the deal but I am still a bit suspicious of this whole thing. So I will wait to hear from him. If he agreed to refund your money even though he clearly stated the condition then you should consider yourself lucky is my thinking here. Is that what I am to understand happened?

05-24-2004, 10:31 AM

05-24-2004, 01:00 PM
i was ripped off by ao member with the name Bratch. ....He took over a week to send the $$ back....

Thank you,
JimIn your first post, it sounds like you got your money back? :confused:

05-24-2004, 01:47 PM
wait his name is brice? brice what? because there was a guy i dealed with whos name was brice34, he screwed me too. i cant remember what his real name was, i think it was brice but im not exactly sure

05-24-2004, 01:53 PM
wait his name is brice? brice what? because there was a guy i dealed with whos name was brice34, he screwed me too. i cant remember what his real name was, i think it was brice but im not exactly sure

Not the same guy at all.

And be EXACTLY sure before you go jumping in. Just in case.

05-24-2004, 02:23 PM
Does the frame work without the 9 volt upgrade? The post said it needed a 9vlt upgrade, but it doesn't say that it can't still use the rechargable battery that's stock.

05-24-2004, 05:37 PM
... hmmmm does say what it needed and what was included in his sale post. If thats still exactly what it needed when you changed your mind then you got a little bit of a problem here. He has not yet emailed me back to explain his end of the deal but I am still a bit suspicious of this whole thing. So I will wait to hear from him. If he agreed to refund your money even though he clearly stated the condition then you should consider yourself lucky is my thinking here. Is that what I am to understand happened?

Well after i sent my $$ he said that it needed a little bit of work, so i was like ok big deal.....then it turned into how i had to send it into Race and what not........i did not know this in the beginning or i wouldnt of sent my $$........and i would not have even had to make this thread had he contacted me.......he has yet to contact me

05-24-2004, 05:44 PM
Actually, grey goose has been here a long time, he must have had to reregister or something.

05-24-2004, 05:45 PM
kk.....ill delete post then

05-24-2004, 06:24 PM
arson has been patient in all of this so far. he has waited plenty of time before coming to AO... all though its looks like bad communication turned this deal sour there is no reason what so ever for this brice guy to stop communications with arson. to me it seams to fishy to even trust others people words on if this is guy is a good trader... i guess time will tell but as of now brice has alot of explaining to do

05-24-2004, 06:36 PM
According to him he waited a week. I would not consider that patient and mentioned that early on. Now from what I see there were many details left out as well. One is he backs out on a deal. And two he claims the seller is still posting but not talking to him. I check that and no its not the case. Never did he ever mention he had backed out on the deal and in fact misrepresented that he did not know that it needed work done. Those are lies. Its evident that they are lies. He did know or should have known and he then did back out and he did know Bryce was out of pocket due to Summer work. He never told us any of that stuff. But its obvious most of it was the case. So in this case it appears to me that the Author of this thread is the bad trader and should not be traded with.

Now here is the other side of the story from Bryce today.

Got word of mouth you were interested in my side of everything. I have no real ideawhat you know or that you were even interested in my side so basically in a nutshell this is it.

He bought the frame knowing its shape as in the thread. Shipped the money then wanted it returned because he had sold his gun and didn't need it anymore. I told him we had a deal but I would see what I could do about selling it to the other offers I had while I was holding for him. Got it sold and told him I would ship once I had a chance but that it was not my priority with a move and new job upcoming. I ended up extremely short on time and in the hustle didn't have a chance to get it out along with a couple other small items. To put it in prespective I was canceling bills in Oklahoma from Denver because I had ran out of time while still at home and left my house in a wreck.

I guess thats the gist of it he backed out of the deal after sending the cash and wants me to bust my butt to get it to him. I admit I have been a little slow in the process but feel that agreeing to refund it after he broke our agreement was worth a little lee way in shipping especially after having to make a special trip to get a M/o in his name.

Any other questions just shoot my way. I'm kinda unable to defend my name or give my side on AO due to my lack of surfable internet; email is all I have.

So next time you come here and make a post explain ALL of the story. And when you back out on a deal then you can expect someone to be a bit slower taking care of you. I find too many holes in YOUR story than I do in his. So think about it.

This case is close here on AO. I think anyone reading this and following Grey Goose's link to the original sale thread can see whats up here. And I am certain now the author WOULD want this to go away. But me closing it is going to teach him a valuable lesson. DO NOT mess with someone reputation here. I will check into it and if your lying I going to burn you. Tell the truth. Or suffer the consequences.