View Full Version : Just another quick ¿

05-20-2004, 06:57 PM
Ok when i screw in my tank my gun fires, why¿
its an automag classic with an x-valve and ult.

05-20-2004, 08:43 PM
Anybody¿ please help i have tried to mess with the x-valve and ult trigger but it still does :eek:

05-20-2004, 09:44 PM
I know only the basics of how an automag works but here goes. I think that while the marker is degassed you pull the trigger moving the on/off up allowing air flow. When you gas the marker the gas moves through there and fires then reactivity kicks in and pops out your trigger. Try not pulling the trigger after your mag is degassed and maybe I will be right, but i'm probably totally wrong.

Or you could have a worn down sear or bolt. check the edges on both.

05-20-2004, 10:24 PM
well both the sear and bolt are new

05-21-2004, 07:57 AM
The x valve is an RT valve in its design. I have never got a full on explanation for this, but i know it happens to my marker, and i know that it happens to many other RT valves. I believe it's because not all the air is rushing into the valve to set the internals all at one, that slow "bleed in" causes some kind of premature firing... i have noticed it do this with both the trigger pulled and the trigger left alone at gas up.


05-21-2004, 08:52 AM
When I gas up my gun, it kinda sounds like it fires, but it doesn't. At least I don't think it does. It's just the charge of air hitting the on/off and making a loud pop.

05-21-2004, 09:15 AM
My Retro valve was doing that before I tuned the ULT, I'd try adjusting it a bit. I'm @ 7 shims, and a shaved pin....ULT rips, now no more firing upon gas up now.

05-21-2004, 01:28 PM
ok thnks. so what does a shaved pin do¿ so do i need to go up or down on shims¿

05-21-2004, 01:45 PM
Go uup on your shims 1 at a time

I shaved my pin so I didn't have to keep adding shims...I'm @ 7 now...

05-21-2004, 11:36 PM
well went up all i can and it still fires. So how hard is it to shave a pin¿ Is it something i can do with sand paper¿