View Full Version : Www.iraqbodycount.net

05-20-2004, 06:59 PM
Wow, I'm looking through this site and it's amazing how evil and horrible we Americans are!

In one instance the POLICE CHIEF Mahmoudiya was killed, all because of the Americans! :eek: :rolleyes:

The site is such crap, it attributes deaths to America that are only indirectly created because of Americas occupation of Iraq, for example, all of the police deaths, obviously they aren't shot by Coalition forces and clearly they realize that being a police officer, especially in Iraq, brings the risk of being killed!

Another amusing one, two dead at a police station killed by an RPG, a favorite weapon of insurgents and terrorists everywhere.

Finally, the worst of all, "'stone-throwing' ex-soldiers during protest" were shot.. Wow, are you kidding me? You throw things at soldiers and expect not to be shot?

Anyone who thinks this site credulous needs to wake the hell up, it's nothing but tripe.

05-20-2004, 07:01 PM
Another great one with the protestors. This is from the actual article:

April 30, 2003

About 1,000 people marched down the city's main street Wednesday to protest the U.S. shooting of Iraqi demonstrators two days earlier, stopping in front of a battalion headquarters of the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division — a former office of Saddam's Baath Party.

American officers at the scene, and U.S. Central Command in Qatar, said U.S soldiers in the compound and in a passing convoy opened fire in response to rock-throwing and gunfire

Edit: So obviously there was reason to fire, but Body Count only lists them as "demostrators."

05-20-2004, 07:28 PM
I am closing this because its pretty much a repost of things already here. And its already been posted. I don't see any point in reposting this. I would like to see a "Bodies Saved" site go up. I like to see both sides of an argument presented and the person decide things. Someone want to start one?