View Full Version : what firepower?

05-21-2004, 09:29 PM
I'm trying to decide what kind of fire power I need to play front. Soon I am about to go to my first rookie tournament. On my minimag I can do 5 bps but my fingers get tired after a while. One thing that I am sure about is that I want to upgrade. My dillema is the dolor/bps ratio, so I only want what I need.
My choices are a used emag frame-350 to 400 dolors, maximum fireing compasity
Coolhands new electro frame- 350-400 with eyes

New hair trigger frame- 250-325

Y frame with ULT-175 - keep in mind I have a classic valve.

I am not one to get a new gun so once I get the upgrade I am sticking with it. So what kind of firepower do you think a rookie/novice tournament player needs?

05-21-2004, 09:41 PM
Playing front doesn't really require overwhelming firepower. I would work on trying to remain as tight as possible. You don't really even have to shoot anyone. If you take alot of ground and stay tight in the game most other rookie teams will panic and try to shoot you out first. They will get sloppy and your team mates can get them.

To really answer your question. I would go with the Y frame and save money for an X valve. The valve is the heart of the gun and it will be really fast for you and the Y will let you remain tight. I have seen really wicked speeds on ULT X valves with Intelli or Y frames.

05-21-2004, 09:46 PM
Playing front doesn't really require overwhelming firepower. I would work on trying to remain as tight as possible. You don't really even have to shoot anyone. If you take alot of ground and stay tight in the game most other rookie teams will panic and try to shoot you out first. They will get sloppy and your team mates can get them.

To really answer your question. I would go with the Y frame and save money for an X valve. The valve is the heart of the gun and it will be really fast for you and the Y will let you remain tight. I have seen really wicked speeds on ULT X valves with Intelli or Y frames.
Well said I agree completely with this.
If you charge in games like this they will freak out and put them selves in the open so they get you. Let your backmen take care of the firepower and you just work on being tight which then the Y frame would be a use to you.

05-21-2004, 10:12 PM
Coolhands new electro frame- 350-400 with eyes

coolhand hasnt come out with a new electro frame, you are probably thinking about GAdevil and his predator mod for a mag. if so, i would go with that. the hAir trigger is over priced.

05-21-2004, 11:21 PM
personally i would go with the y-grip and ult, and yes i say ult on a classic valve. I just put one in mine and it feels awsome, i can walk it and the only problem i have is bolt stick, which i just need to order more L10 shims and that should fix that, keep in mind i've only tested this with Co2 so i'm sure my compressed air would make it even better.

When i put a nice full tank of air on it feels the best, easy to walk and has great trigger return, btw i have 4 L10 shims in and 5 ULT shims but only 1 L10 shim in the L10 so i obviously need more, as i was saying, with a full tank of gas the gun will shoot perfectly, walking with rare short strokes, until i get around 600 psi, which isn't bad considering that's where a mag stops shooting anyways.

Bottum line, I have spent $45 for the Ult which has made me not want to get a different gun, not even spend money on an x-valve, and am extremely glad i went against many people's suggestions of not to get the ULT for a classic.

05-22-2004, 10:35 AM
How is the hAir over priced? You must know something no one else does.

05-22-2004, 11:12 AM
What? hair trigger over priced? It's a mod that lets a completely mechanical gun make electros cry...it could cost 500 and stil be pretty low priced.

05-22-2004, 07:43 PM
I agree with warped. If the ULT and the hAir trigger work well in the classic do it.

05-23-2004, 10:48 AM
Indeed... Just be prepared for the tourney. A lot of guys sand bag it to get the prizes and then just sell of to get new upgrades.