View Full Version : need to vent, i never play!!

05-22-2004, 10:48 AM
Well here's how it goes:
I am currently 15 and I own a sweet ULE'D emag. I love the sport of paintball and plan to be around it for a good while. Well i just got off the phone with soem of my friends. Looks like we might not play tomrrow for the 3rd straight weekend. We have regularly 6 guys play at our sweet home made field, unless we get younger newbs play then there's more. But i really don't enjoy playign with them and just want a good game. Here we go 4 of us have easily 700+ and 2 of the 4(including me) 1k setups. It's not the gun price, it's that i never get to use it! I have the money to play pretty much every week. But nobody else does and not that many kids i know in my grade play. I am really starting to get made over this. What the heck should i do!!!! :mad:
ugh [/vent]

05-22-2004, 10:50 AM
Where do you live in Jersey? If you are close enough or can get a ride to my house I can give you a lift to PBX once in a while...

05-22-2004, 10:52 AM
You should get your driver's permit, then your license, then drive yourself. It's still fun to play, even though you don't have a big group.

05-22-2004, 11:14 AM

and mrwallen i still have about 21 months until i get my license and like 9 until i can get my permit.

05-22-2004, 11:19 AM
Go to a real field, from what I have heard NJ has quite a few fields for the size of the state.

05-22-2004, 11:29 AM
I go through the exact same scenario w/ my friends every weekend. We finally got together to play yesterday and only 2 guys showed up. Ive tried to talk some of them into going w/ me to the local field but they claim that its way too exspensive and I just wouldnt feel comfortable going alone. :(

05-22-2004, 11:44 AM
I go through the exact same scenario w/ my friends every weekend. We finally got together to play yesterday and only 2 guys showed up. Ive tried to talk some of them into going w/ me to the local field but they claim that its way too exspensive and I just wouldnt feel comfortable going alone. :(

I hear ya man. Cept I know we should be competing with some good teams, I feel like we can keep up with them. But we have no money to get as good as we should be by now.

05-22-2004, 12:06 PM
Just find a cool group that goes out regularly and play with them.

I've gone to local fields during team practices with some friends' team, and played during "team practice only" times. Thats great, because the pressure and bad attitudes of tournies arent present, but neither are the noobs...

05-22-2004, 12:20 PM
Just go to a real field..

Practicing is overrated IMO though.. The team i'm on.. At most we just practice the week before a tourny.. And we usually do pretty good.. We took first at our last one.. But there were only a handfull of good teams.. The rest were noobs.. But still..

If you want to play.. Go to a real field and play some airball

RT pRo AuToMaG
05-22-2004, 02:10 PM
Wow, suck it up, seriously. Three weeks is not that long. I haven't played since the beginning of January and haven't had a gun for the same amount of time (milling, eyes installed, and ano) and have already put $1600+ into it (including the price of the gun of course). I still don't have my gun back. At least you have the oppertunity to play. Homemade fields suck anyway, just go to a real field and play some airball.

05-22-2004, 02:17 PM
yeah man.. just head out to a local field.. we play basically every Sunday.. its not scheduled anymore.. its just something everyone knows and does.

05-22-2004, 02:18 PM
you shouldnt be afraid of going to the field alone, if you want to play and meet people who actually play consistantly...theyre at the fields.

05-22-2004, 02:48 PM
I hear you loud and clear. I tell my friends we are playing 2 weeks in advance, and when do they try and get their stuff!? The day we're suppsoed to play. Im sick and tired of them. Try and find a new group of players that are committed to the sport, like yourself.

05-22-2004, 03:29 PM
one weekend just have you parents give you a ride to your local rec bal field and hopefully meet some ppl and hang out with them i do that everytime i go ballin mostly ppl notice my mag and we start talkin sofar i've made 18friends at 1field

05-22-2004, 04:21 PM
Yeah, I always meet people to hang out with if the field is closed. I go to the same indoor field a lot now that I know most of the refs and I can always hang out with them.

05-22-2004, 04:26 PM
I might (might) be getting a job at a field thats only 6 miles away from me (not much compared to the 15 miles distance the rest of the fields are). That always helps in finding people who are just as into pb as much as you are. Can even see how they play when reffing them. :D

(really hope I can get this job)

05-22-2004, 04:39 PM
im lucky in that i have an indoor field a couple of miles from my house(actually across the street from my job as well). i go for a couple of hours in the morning on sundays and blow 500 balls. its great practice going alone and playing with/against people you dont know. you wind up knowing them.i love the adrenaline of not knowing what you are up against. i go out every game with just a hopper, no pack. its great, i go home and only have to clean gun/hopper/tank/mask. and i get to keep up my chops(skill level for you non musicians).

05-22-2004, 07:04 PM
Sign up for the Pandemonium second squad. Someone will get you there.

barrel break
05-22-2004, 07:20 PM
yeah, i dont play nearly enough either, and the nearest organzied feild is 70miles away, so the only place I can play normally is in the woods here, and no-one here plays anymore except one of my friends, and some annoying 7th graders

05-22-2004, 08:49 PM
well i've decided, i am sick of this stupid shiz around here. In the summer i am gonan try and hit up hustlers every thursday (byop) sicne it's only 20 min away. I am sick of it, i never play, nobodys dedicated like i am. nobody has the passion for the sport like i do, and when we play, i am the best there and i cant get any better playing worst kids. hopfully if i startin going there some of my friends will join there too. I think i am ready to enter more tournaments and none of my friends have the cash

agghhh!!! :mad:

05-22-2004, 09:41 PM
Hustlers Is a sweet field. You will love it if you havent already been there.
Go nights, only about 10 people.

05-23-2004, 12:46 AM
Alas, I have only gotten to play once during this entire year.


I work MORE than full time in the summer, but I still wont get paid till July 1st :-/

And so much stuff I need to buy.

Alas, alas.

05-23-2004, 01:33 AM
only three weeks? i haven't played since september :p. before that, it was january. that's right, twice in the past year and a half. you don't get to whine : )

05-23-2004, 01:47 AM
quit *****ing. if your friend's don't go, go by yourself. I can't drive, and none of my friend's go w/ me, but I still manage somehow to get myself in a 40 min drive to the field and back again. Anything's possible, did you try asking your parent's to give you a ride? Also, don't feel afraid about going to the field, just meet up w/ some other people who are there by themselves. meet up w/ them and have a good time, most likely they go the same field regularly too.

05-23-2004, 08:31 AM
Your situtation sucks. Tell your friends to put up or leave. I am the only person in my family that goes to fields and this has only made me better. I am now cool with most of the guys at both fields and they all know my name. I use a classic mag and I am not the fastest shooter but I am still deadly. If you are as good as you think you are then go and prove it.

05-23-2004, 08:37 AM
yeah man, that crap happens to me all the time
try and organize your games like, the week before

05-23-2004, 08:58 AM
i always organize games at least a week before, if not two, i have the date we're playing next in my info so everybody knows.
But w/e i am talkign to my parents trying to work out rides to play in the summer

05-23-2004, 10:27 AM
once you start going out there you will start to know alot of the guys and the refs are usually nice and they get to know you also. once you start playing, some f your friends should go out with you because they will start getting jealous that you are getting to play and they are not.

05-23-2004, 12:53 PM
toyotaboy, you have some social problems if you cant find anyone to play with. The senior class plays like every other week along with people from near by towns. Grow some balls and play with the big boys.

Wc Keep
05-23-2004, 04:38 PM
stop your *****ing and pm me.

05-23-2004, 06:27 PM
PM'ed you wc.

05-23-2004, 06:49 PM
I havent played since march cause of school and crew. Stop whining :D

05-23-2004, 08:40 PM
kablami! I own j00!! :P

Get on the inside though.. Eh.. Go to your local field and meet the guys that usually organize the stuff.. Get them to give you a call every time they go out, or else just go ever whatever day it is you go..

And instead of complaining do something about it :P

05-24-2004, 03:06 AM
yea, i got mad when my friends wouldnt go paintballing when it was a perfect time, i missed a few good days, but then i decided to just go by my self, and i met some cool guys at the field and now i got other peeps to go with. if you just go to a field and meet some people you can have a lot of fun