View Full Version : Mag + Good Paint + Good Tank = Accuracy with pics to prove!

10-08-2001, 06:47 PM
Hello everyone, I just had the pleasure of finding some new paintballs, and have had some "above average" accuracy with my nice Mag. I just got a DYE S.S for my mag (10"), and found some paint that has a perfect match....

This is for anyone that thinks Mags are somehow "less accurate" or "less range"


That is not 3 shots, but 5 , 2 stacked ontop of eachother.

The range? Perfectly level at 120-125 feet. This goes to show you what a nice setup for a mag will bring.

I measured the shots, they showed a 2-3" range from each shot including the 2 stacking on eachother. The accuracy could of been even better if I used my Max Attack system, but it wont work to my liking because I cannot use my foregrip on it.

Also, you might be wondering, what happens when you take a gun like a Autococker, do the same tests with a barrel thats .01 calibers larger? It got roughly 4-6" patterns on the same test with the same tank and same paint :)

10-08-2001, 06:57 PM
um links that work!?

:D :D :D

E-Mag man
10-08-2001, 07:00 PM
pics not working

Ninja B0Y
10-08-2001, 07:14 PM
I can see the pic quite clearly. That red X just proves his point.

10-08-2001, 07:26 PM
C'mon guys lay off him he wil fix the pic soon won't you nitroduck???!!!

10-09-2001, 11:32 AM
I found this in his route directory, NOT in archives (as he coded it in his post). But the actual file name is the same.


Hope this helps.

10-09-2001, 11:56 AM
Wow, sHartley the HaXoR! :D

10-09-2001, 12:21 PM
Well… we don’t want to have people thinking I walked into his server and poked around (although that is not too hard either)… so I will be like the magician showing his secrets on this one. LOL

I have been diagnosing problems with code, sites, and servers since the WWW was created (note: that was a LONG time after the Internet was.) so I am pretty familiar with the most common causes for errors.

1) I pulled the page source and looked at his posted URL for the graphic to see if it was simply the way he posted it.

2) I checked the file name and character case by making it capital in all sorts of combinations.

3) I removed the directory name of “archives” (which was the URL he used) and replaced it with the most common image directories… such as “image”, “pics”, ect.

4) I then removed all directory locations from the URL. This would be what I call a “flat lay” where the second and third tier attributes are located in the route directory and NOT in separate ones.

BINGO! There it was! So, it was not a matter of me actually poking around, but one of deductive reasoning and a simple process of elimination. The process took all of 30 seconds, and involved NO “hacking” skills.

However, as quite a few of you know, I can discuss that issue as well. LOL So Krafty... THWACK! :D

10-09-2001, 04:27 PM
Nitro, turn down your velocity, the balls are punching through the steel!!


10-09-2001, 06:11 PM
My bro posted the pic and forgot that it wasn't in a directory. :)

A funny note is ........ I tired my angel with the same paint , and used a DYE aluminum , and it had about the same accuracy.

Funny part is , i talk to people all the time who say mags or angels can't have any accuracy because they put a ton of spin on the paintball when it's fired.