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View Full Version : Advancing without the use of a marker!

05-22-2004, 03:49 PM
Today, my cousins stopped bye, and we all went to Sherwood Forest paintball field. My ULE LX RT Pro is in the shop, so I used my dad's classic automag. When it came time to playing airball, the ref made two games, one experienced players, the other unexperiences players. Since my cousins joined the newbie game, I did too.

At the start of the game I rushed about halfway up the field while most people stayed back. I found my mag was running really low on air. There was this kid right in front of me on the other team and I just keept arching balls about ten feet at him, hoping one might pop on him. No such luck. I ran out of Co2, so I reached in my hopper, grabbed some paintballs, and charged advancing from bunker to bunker thowing paintballs at the other team at a fairly close range. People where even running out of their bunkers away from me! Soon, I ran to one bunker near the back of their side and saw half their team right there. I was like "Holy ****" and they fired away and hit me in the leg once. Amazingly, I made it up the field past anyone else on our team. Oh, and this did help out team becuase when people were retreating from me, people on our team shot them.

Hahaaa, this is a strategy you should try sometime if you ever find yourself in that situation and it's hella funny too!

05-22-2004, 04:44 PM
years ago when i played a lot of capture the flag in the woods it was highly encouraged to play on if your gun was down, out of paint, air etc. usually you ran the flag. i have surrendered people with no paint, closed powerfeed, no air and a handfull of balls! its great fun and youd be surprised what you can pull off with a little skill and a lot of gonads.

05-22-2004, 04:47 PM
I'm glad i actually did that once. My gun ws being 'funny' so I decided I'd play on. I jsut opened the hopper, took a few balls at a time and flung them through the air. The whole time i kept the trigger on my mag held (to keep it from leaking too much air). After a couple minutes I realized my gun was working again so i was able to make the people think there wsa something wrong with my gun and ignore me... wasn't good for them when it decided to work again. hehehehe :eek: :D

05-22-2004, 04:50 PM
Ask Gunga about playing in a Tourney without a marker! :eek:

*cough* NJAO II *cough*

05-23-2004, 11:08 AM
i heard from one of the refs at boston paintball that a guys gun was down once, so he ran up to a bunker that someone was behind, took out a full pod, opened it, and leaned over the bunker and hucked the paint on the guys back. a few balls burst, and he called himself out. wish i could have seen that :p

05-23-2004, 02:48 PM
I got yelled at for telling some guys to stay in-game without a working gun.

They were like "If his gun doesn't work he can't play!"

Oh man... -_- should have seen the crazy dead-man walks I pulled after... :D

05-23-2004, 10:17 PM
well since this was rec ball its all good but did you all know that in tourney ball if you throw a ball at someone and it breaks that player is not eliminated. crazy stuff huh

05-23-2004, 11:12 PM
I was playing once at an indoor place, and ran out of paint. I proceeded to pin 2 people down with dry fire and then bunker them into surrendering before the last guy figured out and shot me. Was great fun.

05-24-2004, 07:50 AM
hey I played at sherwerd forest

Wes Janson
05-24-2004, 12:54 PM
These tactics only work against inexperienced players. The ones who are alert and aware will laugh as they nail you.

05-24-2004, 12:59 PM
At the NEAO I went to, I did a long crawl all the way across the field (youd have to see the field to understand).

Anyway, I got to the other end, but I had no paint! I was playing hopperball and had forgotten to fill up when I started the game.

So Im behind the other team, and the ref is staring at me, saying "HEY, WHY AREN'T YOU SHOOTIN EM, SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR GUN?"

The other team heard the ref and promptly shot me out :(

Stupid refs. If he had kept his mouth shut I prolly coulda bunkered a few without them realizing I had no paint.

05-24-2004, 01:50 PM
I was playing in anahola once, and I surrendered 3 people in a game, and I shot alot of just air, and I held off about 5 people while the rest of the team went around and slaughtered them from behind. I was out of paint.

05-25-2004, 12:14 AM
Hey you must be one Bada$$ playa man!!! wow....so you play alot???? you own alot of fools where you play>>?? where you from anyways??


05-25-2004, 03:18 AM
ou watch out man kauai paintball is one bad mamba jamba. :D where all u guys live at? im on the big island. pm so we do take over this thread ne more. sorry for hijacking it.

05-25-2004, 09:19 AM
me and me friend were playing two on two on a local field. my friend ran out of air his hopper stopped working. he took paintballs out of his hopper and bunkered both of the people on there team. that person is Gideon1331

The Action Figure
05-25-2004, 09:22 AM
well what can I say, I got skills

05-25-2004, 10:04 AM
As Wes said, most of theese little stories only take place against the inexperienced... but hey knowing your opponents tendencies can allow you to do things too...

Many years ago while playing at Blackhawk / BOA paintball ... were we playing centerflag on woods ball field... the field was fairly clear in the middle with some huts, and heavily wooded and bunkered along each tape line... I knew the guys very well on the other side and they almost always rushed due left or right from their flag station to the tape line and then ran up as close to they could to the 50 to take up posistion with crossing fire on the flag...

As I joke I put down my gun and left it in our flag station... I use to run a lot of track and cross country in High School so on the whistle I took off at a dead sprint right down the center of the field... pulled the flag.. and headed strait down the middle of the field to hang it in their flag station... I was past the oposing team before they even realized I had already pulled the flag... and they only got a couple of wild shots off at my back before I hung the flag and called game...

Nobody had a clue to what even went on till after... every one was lauging their *insert filtered remark here* off ... The time of the ref's stop watch was seven seconds... Dale Hilton the owner of the field and BOA barrels was playing with us and said in his years of playing that was the "damdest" thing he has ever seen on a field...

Me and my friend still joke about that game many years later...

05-25-2004, 03:18 PM
LoL i got a good one. We were playing on a barrel field few weeks ago..was a 5v5 game..and some joob took the right crack pipe....he was so bad@ss he ripped a whole hopper of paint @ no one.....LoL :eek: couldn't hit notta....was hella funny....anywayz he got shot up....woulda been bunkered up if he didn't ack like a girl and pop his gun out so much since he was the last one left.

05-25-2004, 03:28 PM
Hey you must be one Bada$$ playa man!!! wow....so you play alot???? you own alot of fools where you play>>?? where you from anyways??


Uh, ya. Anyway, I was playing with mostly inexperienced players becuase I cousins played in that game, but ya, I owned most of them but it was difficult to play against experienced players with electronic guns on the airball field.

I'm from Sonoma in northern California. I play at Sherwood Forest is about 20 min. .