View Full Version : got a ticket for the stupidest thing yesterday

05-22-2004, 05:25 PM
i got a ticket yesterday for the stupidest thing. there's a bridge that connects the two parts of my city (Folsom, near Sacramento). they built a new bridge several years ago because the traffic was too bad.

yesterday, i was driving to the old bridge but the traffic was too bad so i turned down a street towards the new bridge to beat some of the traffic.

all of a sudden a cop pulls me over and told me i made an illegal turn, because they just put up a sign saying no left turn here from 4-7 pm.

the sign is virtually invisible with all of the traffic and i never saw it. i was late to a meeting but when i got there my friend pulled a couple minutes later. turns out he got a ticket for the same thing.

my friends dad is a sheriff and he found out that they issued like 40 tickets yesterday for that damned little left turn. he told me and my friend to show up on our court date and fight it, try to reduce or drop the fine. how gay is that?

05-22-2004, 05:51 PM
pretty gay, and to me it sounded like they were traping people there

andrew 2589
05-22-2004, 06:50 PM
if your dad is a sheriff then why didnt he know the cop that pulled you which in turn would realize your his son and let you off

05-22-2004, 07:53 PM
CA cops are notorious for not showing their fellow officers any consideration. Plus, the sherrif's department handles the unincorporated areas. Im guessing there is an actualy Folsom PD. Sounds like they were using the new sign as a revenue generator.

Loud Tim
05-22-2004, 09:07 PM
CA cops are notorious for not showing their fellow officers any consideration. Plus, the sherrif's department handles the unincorporated areas. Im guessing there is an actualy Folsom PD. Sounds like they were using the new sign as a revenue generator.

that it does and it is getting to be the end of the month.
i dont know if this is true or not but i have been told by freinds that cops a have a quota for a number of tickets they have to right each month.
if its true then that would explain why they are tryin to trap people.
if its not then the cops r just pricks

05-22-2004, 09:39 PM
The problem becomes when the police start looking at traffic enforcement in general as a revenue generator, rather than looking at it as a way to ensure the public safety. The police around here tend to set up ambushes where they know then can ticket people, such as rapid speed limit change areas, and not necessarily where accidents tend to occur. But that kind of emphasis comes from the top down. When you have a quota to fill, you gotta write them tickets, especially since it keeps you in a job, and keeps a roof ocer your family's head and food in their mouths.

land hurricane
05-23-2004, 05:43 PM
if your dad is a sheriff then why didnt he know the cop that pulled you which in turn would realize your his son and let you off

my friends dad is a sheriff

05-23-2004, 06:43 PM
if the sign was obstructed, you should get a digital camera, and get some enlarged prints of it and bring it to your appeal. just a thought.

05-23-2004, 07:41 PM
oh well at least you didnt get a citation for swimming after the pool closed

05-23-2004, 10:54 PM
I hear/see this type of stuff all the time in Old Town Pasadena. There is a street at a light that allows no left hand turns. In a matter of eating a 1 hr dinner I saw 4 cops pull over at least 7 or 8 vehicles in that one hour I was watching. All for making illegal turns. Now, if the sign was ubstructed then you have a case, if not too bad.

Now the new law down here in SoCal (not sure if it's CA wide or not) is that they now have distraction tickets. For example if the officer deems something such as smoking, talking on the cell phone, turning the knobs on the stereo, etc as a distraction you can get an extra $35 for the first offense and $150 for the 2nd offense. Talk about a rip off.