View Full Version : Buckshot's Technical Tips - Resizing Your Images

05-23-2004, 07:54 AM
As you may have guest, I'm an IT weenie. I mainly work with large systems architect / implementation stuff, but also dabble in web technologies.

Here is tip #1 - Resizing those giant pictures you took of your mag.

Get Infraview: http://www.irfanview.com/ Great freeware utility that can do slideshows, batch rename your pictures, and of course resize them. It also has some plugins.

My next Tip will be a little more complex - setting up a professional web site with a forum using PHP and Nuke in about 15 minutes or less. No experience required.

Thi tip after that will be how to tunnel back back to your computer at home from anywhere over port 443 - poor man's VPN.

05-23-2004, 12:27 PM

05-24-2004, 12:47 AM
Waiting on the PHP and Nuke. I've downloaded the needed programs but I don't understand how they work together.

05-24-2004, 12:48 PM
I'll post the tech details late this week or early next... but to give you the basics... a PHP web site rocks. It can setup on both Linux running Apache and Windows running IIS. The Linux side is better and has more support / plugins.

Basically, you need mySQL (database engine), the PHP scripting engine and a flavor of Nuke. For those who don't know, Nuke is an open source content managment web site system. Once up, it is very easy to manage. Nuke comes a few different flavors - PHPNuke and Post Nuke being the most popular. I found Post Nuke the easiest to set up. From there you can download and install hundreds, if not thousands, of different themes and plugins. The best bulletin board support still goes to PhpNuke, although the PostNuke is getting better. All this is open source - just be sure to give credit when credit is due.

Our web site, www.atcpaintball.com, was set up by Sparticus (aka 314 Paintball) in about 15 to 20 minutes. It's being hosted by Gisol (www.gisol.com) on Windows 2003 / IIS platform (soon to be switched to Linux).