View Full Version : Is my Automag tourney worthy?

Snap Shooter
05-23-2004, 11:52 AM
Hello AO,

I just purchased a Ule bodied TKO with intelliframe, trinity drop on/off, and 5 bore evil pipe set, and evil stickies, 68c.i. 4500psi centerflag tank, and VL revy w/ x board for $360,( and the marker looks just like an 03 shocker from a distance!). I haven't had a chance to be competitive with it yet and my biggest problem with the marker is it has the classic valve :( . Now I'm a little low on funds, what with the price of paint and all, and can't really afford the x-valve and ult trigger upgrades just yet. My question is, as a front player on a 3 man team can I get the job done with what I have until I can afford the ups? Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! (Or if you had an extra x-valve lying around-- I would gladly accept it as a sponsorship deal and emboss your logo on ALL my teams jerseys :D )

Snap Shooter

05-23-2004, 11:54 AM
First of all, welcome to AO! that sounds like a real nice setup, other than the valve. You'll be OK. You'll only be able to get around 5-6 bps, but honestly, do you need more than that? Tourneys are more about skill than how many balls you can send flying in a second.

05-23-2004, 11:58 AM
get a ULT and a LVL 10 and you should be fine just beshure when you get the ULT you get extra shims especialy for a clasic vlave

05-23-2004, 11:59 AM
jwalker- Sadly, in XBall it is about how many BPS you can shoot. But if you are playing something other than XBall you should be fine. Do you have LX (level 10)?

05-23-2004, 12:00 PM
I wouldn't reccomend ULT with a classic valve, I haven't heard good thiings about that...

05-23-2004, 12:01 PM
Your setup sounds fine. If your playing front you dont need to be able to shoot that fast anyway. Oh yeah, try not to seem so enthusiastic about your gun looking like a shocker, after all it is shockers that look like mags cus Tom came out with the single tube design before SP. Sorry, i hate smart parts with a passion. Anyway, nice gun and i hope you do well at the tourny.

05-23-2004, 12:03 PM
I wouldn't reccomend ULT with a classic valve, I haven't heard good thiings about that...

dude ULTs do work in clasics just take a lot of shims and tuning there a vid lieing around here somewhere of the ULT going on a clasic

05-23-2004, 12:03 PM
i will play anything anywhere against anyone with an AIR valved minimag. the real question is are you tournament worthy. if you feel equipment will be the deciding factor you have already defeated yourself.

that being said, nice gun! it wont let you down.

05-23-2004, 12:06 PM
truly any gun is tourny worthy, but the real question you have to ask yourself is, "Am I tournament Worthy?"

Just go out there and kick some but with your mag

05-23-2004, 12:29 PM
ive used a classic in tourneys before its quite fun and thrilling but i highly uggest upgrading to an x-valve w/lvlX when u get some more $

05-23-2004, 12:43 PM
dont worry about the classic valve. I always hear people worried that they cant keep up with higher end guns because they shoot a classic. I've had my classic for a year and i've never had any problems with outshooting it or with it being to slow for xball or speedball. Infact, i predominantly play speedball and i usually face high end electros and never do i feel horribly out gunned. I'm even considering entering some local tournaments this year and playing with two other classic maggers. A couple of times i have considered buying an xvalve but i never felt i needed one because the classic is fast enough for me.

Dont feel inadequate because you have a classic valve. You can do wonders with a properly set up classic mag :D

AgentOrange 88
05-23-2004, 12:43 PM
I've used my 98c many times in tournies before. And I've done fine against electros. Have come in second many times. Its the man behind the gun, not vice versa.

05-23-2004, 01:20 PM
I've used my 98c many times in tournies before. And I've done fine against electros. Have come in second many times. Its the man behind the gun, not vice versa.

Same here, I played my first tourny with a 98c. Tis do-abe:)

Oh, btw how are those Trinity drops? They look pretty cool but I've never know anyone that has one.

Oh yeah, and welcome to AO!

Snap Shooter
05-23-2004, 03:02 PM
Thanks for the welcome, and the advice. It was exactly what I needed to know. And yes I should have said that 03 shockers look like my mag! If I can pull 5-6 bps, I should be able to do my thing at local tourneys. I'll just hang in there for a while and then toward mid summer upgrade to the x-valve and ult. Until then I will exude awe inspiring confidence in my classic valve :D .
Snap Shooter.

Backyard Bandit
05-23-2004, 03:26 PM
Here's how I look at it: A gun can take you only so far. And the player can take the gun only so far.

For example: A Noob with an angel sitting in back dumping aimlessly will eventually run dry on paint or air, just like a world champion will not get any eliminations using a brass eagle that doesn't shoot or chops every ball.

Now that example is the far ends of it, but that's basicly how it works. You also need to get the right gun for the style of player. A sharp shooter who's motto is "One shot, one kill" should not spend another 300 to get an eblade for his autococker if he will not use the firepower. Just like someone who's motto is "Accuracy through volume" should not get a pump because he'll feel held back. Also, front players should not buy heavy, fast shooting setups, while back players should not buy light, slow shooting setups.

If your automag is right for you, then you will win, or at least do well.

05-23-2004, 03:34 PM
I wouldn't reccomend ULT with a classic valve, I haven't heard good thiings about that...

On the contrary, I WOULD recommend the ULT with classic and i have tested it in my own valve and can personally say it rocks, yes you need to whore on the shims but once it's set up right it flys. With a full tank of gas i can easily walk it, i just have some bolt stick which i need to buy more L10 shims for, easy fix, I have in the ULT 4 L10 shims and 5 ULT shims, one L10 shim in the L10 so i just need more for that.

Worth the $45 from roguefactor? Absolutly. Will i be buying an x-valve? Absolutly NOT!!! :D

Snap Shooter
05-23-2004, 03:41 PM
The Trinity drop is great, a bit heavy, I'm thinking I am going to get a CP unimount, because I spend a lot of time in the snake. This drop is perfect for keeping a nice tight posture for standing and shooting.

05-23-2004, 07:08 PM
On the contrary, I WOULD recommend the ULT with classic and i have tested it in my own valve and can personally say it rocks, yes you need to whore on the shims but once it's set up right it flys. With a full tank of gas i can easily walk it, i just have some bolt stick which i need to buy more L10 shims for, easy fix, I have in the ULT 4 L10 shims and 5 ULT shims, one L10 shim in the L10 so i just need more for that.

Worth the $45 from roguefactor? Absolutly. Will i be buying an x-valve? Absolutly NOT!!!

you beat me to it!

I was going to buy an x-valve, but once I installed the ULT on my classic... I was able to spend the extra $$$$ on paint :)

and BTW, the person in the video is me :D :p

here it is:

and heres the link to the thread:

05-23-2004, 08:18 PM
Today my team won a tourney against teams equipped with some of the best markers available. Impys,Matrix,DM4,Bushys,all types of electro markers. We were the only team using mech markers. We won first place.
It isn't about the rate of fire, Its about what you can hit.
The only time a high speed electro is an advantage is for laning. And I can work around that.... :D

05-23-2004, 08:29 PM
First of all, welcome to AO! that sounds like a real nice setup, other than the valve. You'll be OK. You'll only be able to get around 5-6 bps, but honestly, do you need more than that? Tourneys are more about skill than how many balls you can send flying in a second.

haha I dunno.. I can't aim worth a crap.. But boy when I rip I can own some muppets lol..

But really for front you will be fine.. I'm guessing your only playing rookie to, so I wouldn't worry about it.. Our front guy only 1 fingers his shocker and he seems to do just fine

Me though.. I live for speed lol

05-23-2004, 08:35 PM
First of all, welcome to AO! that sounds like a real nice setup, other than the valve. You'll be OK. You'll only be able to get around 5-6 bps, but honestly, do you need more than that? Tourneys are more about skill than how many balls you can send flying in a second.

LOL, not to burst your bubble, but a decent size of tournies is about throwing as much paint as u can into the other guys bunker (backman mostly, but it all depends)

then u have mid, who communicates throughout the whole team, but it might be possible to use a automag like this, it should be ok for now, but you might wanna invest in something more tourny capable in the future, ie. a bushey ect.. or maybe even a eframe..

05-23-2004, 08:54 PM
Just a word of advice..


Shoot everything at your local field..

Trix's, vikings, timmies, shocker, cockers.. Everything you can and get what feels best to you.. I went threw so many guns neglecting that the matrix truly was for me.. But now that I have it I just feel like a king..

So get what you want.. I went from a mag, to a e-cocker, to a nasty-x.. Not liking any when the realy answer was right infront of me with my friends matrix :)