View Full Version : PUNISHER CUSTOMS(help!!!)

10-08-2001, 10:25 PM
i havent been to the forums in a looonnnggg time and alot has changed but i think some people might remember me

Well anyway here is my prob i sent my mag in to punisher customs (a custom paintball shop) and the owner lee kinney was supposed to do some custom stuff on my mag (800$worth) (but thats not important)

the deal was i would send him 400$ and my gun to have the custom work done and then i would give him the other 400$ after my gun was finished

so i sent him the gun and a check for 400$ and it was supposed to take about 8weeks for the custom work to be finished so i emailed him about once every one or two weeks and about a 2 weeks ago i expected my mag to be almost finished so i emailed him and asked when it would be done so i could send the rest of the $$$ and get my gun back

but he never retruned my email and i thought oh well he probably didnt get it or something so i sent another one but he never got back to me on that either so i sent one that said "punisher please respond" and he still didnt respond so i sent him a few more and the result was the same

so now he has my mag and 400$ and he wont return my email and i really want to play paintball cause i havent played in almost 2 months and it is startin to piss me off

i was thinkin about calling the police cause i know where his shop is but i dont want to find out later that his grandma died or something so he couldnt get to a computer to return my mail or finish my gun

SO WHAT CAN I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!



10-08-2001, 10:42 PM
I'd say that if you know where his shop is, and obviously it isn't close enough for you to go there since you had to mail it out, you let us know where it is and maybe some good AO soul that is local to his shop will go in and try to inquire about it for you.

Just a thought, heck, if it turns out this guy is around my area (I don't think he is) I'd be willing to go over there and ask about it for ya.

10-08-2001, 10:59 PM
Have you tried phoning him? If he doesn't have a number listed on his website, then call directory assistance for his area. He probably has either a business or home listing. Good luck.

10-09-2001, 10:09 AM
My PC got hit with the latest worm and I'm still tying up loose ends. I tried to contact you via snail mail about it, but that must not have worked. Hit me wiht an E-mial at my new address....
[email protected]