View Full Version : Tom... somthing to be concerned about or is it just a case of rumors running rampant.

05-23-2004, 10:30 PM

05-23-2004, 10:33 PM
lol... thats why u dont listen to the majority of the babble of Pbnation...
companies can say alot of things.

Fat Free can still have fat in it ect...

so u never really know untill u test it and see some proof

05-23-2004, 10:38 PM
pbn makes my head hurt.

The Spanish Inquisition
05-23-2004, 10:55 PM
I don't know anything about that forum, but People over there seem pretty impressionable and gullible not to mention incoherent for the most part. I bet if we all signed up for accounds and flooded that place with "proof" that automags were the fastest and coolest in the world, mag sales would go through the roof.

05-23-2004, 11:10 PM
Well that comparison graph was pretty interesting. Off hand it looks like all the regulators are recharging fairly well. The mystery reg thing is not ours we found that we can't duplicate the RT reg in a remote unit.

The thing that bothers me about the graph is that all the tests do not discharge the chamber to the same pressure. The fastest recharging one has the least depletion of the chamber. If I eyeball them, it appears that if you line up the peak BOTTOMS all the regs become more similar.

You have to understand the exact test parameters to really know whats happening there. He said they set the regs to 300 psi but what was the gun shooting at?


Have Blue
05-24-2004, 10:53 AM
Don't know what the gun was shooting at, as those tests were 'dry' and used a Ninja muffler for the barrel. I've had requests for a 'controlled volume' test, which I may do at some point, as it may provide more accurate results. I just need to hack up a classic Mag valve.

I'll be checking actual fps on future runs now that I have an air supply system that can keep up better.

05-24-2004, 10:59 AM
i think somebody needs to post the graphs from ehre over there ;)

06-18-2004, 01:45 AM
What physical aspect of the RT reg and valve makes it able to cycle so fast?

06-18-2004, 12:47 PM
What physical aspect of the RT reg and valve makes it able to cycle so fast?

Magic Elves ;)

06-18-2004, 02:00 PM
a "remote" or inline RT valve reg would operate exactly the same as most any other inline regs (maybe not exactly in performace, but in function).. iv said it for years. the RT is great because of its ability to by-pass the on/off pin for recharging-- something that other gun setups dont have.

The differences in depletion are caused by either variances in the volume of "regualted" air held after the reg (i believe AKA inlines advertise being able to hold up to 1.1 ci of volume in the top of them), or a faster reacting reg which gets a jump on the recharing process sooner.

either way-- would like to know about the 'mystery valve'! :)

06-18-2004, 07:04 PM
Im not so sure about that one. One of the features of the RT reg was the fact that it would not taper off flow as it reached its desired pressure like all other regs.

It is a full air charge type regulator meaning that the input to the reg gets dumped into the output side via the center of the hollow reg pin then immidiately shuts off when it reaches its desired pressure. Rather than flowing through a reg seat that resricts flow when it gets nearer to its desired pressures.

It is definately an unconventional reg design. Perhaps tom could elaborate for us why it cant be run in a remote setup im kinda curious myself.

06-19-2004, 12:48 AM
I would most definatly buy an inline RT if they were offered for other markers. :hail:

06-19-2004, 01:44 AM
I take you back to Nov 2001...

The time: LATE
Location: Gun Dyno room at AGD

There were a few of us still hanging aroung AGD with Tom after playing some pb at Country Club Paintball. Tom was showing off the gun dyno and Greg (Nerobro) suggested that we try out the Stabilizer. So he runs to the car, grabs his cocker and Tom hooks it to the dyno. The look on Toms face when he saw the recharge curve was priceless.

06-19-2004, 03:41 AM

All linear regs will taper off as they reach the set pressure. This is due to the reg seat pin approaching the reg seat as the reg piston plunger gets moved from the increasing pressure and starts to "pinch" iteself off. There is currently no such thing as "immediately" in any type of reg assembly... "freaking fast" may be more appropriate. :)

Like I said before, the RT would operate like any other inline reg. They both route full tank pressure through the reg seat and then parallels out to the reg's piston plunger and the gun chamber simultaneously. As the air chamber pressure reaches the user-set pressure of the spring pack on the reg piston plunger it starts to move and starts closing off the reg seat, "choking off" the air flow. The closer it gets to equilibrium, the slower it flows, untill its fully cut off.
From what I just described here, you cannot distinguish if I am talking about an RT or an inline reg, since they both operate on the same principle. Does not matter if its flowing through a hollow pin or a piece of tubing or milled out aluminum manifold.. its the same concept.

However, One thing I will say that the RT has in its favor, is a semi-balanced reg seat pin... what this allows for is higher flow rate overall for the given regulation ratio (a good thing). I'm kind of surprised that Smart Parts hasn't come after AGD for this design, since they patented the concept in patent #5,957,119 (originally in 1998). If you would like to read more on the balanced reg pin for higher flow and lower regulator ratios, might want to check out that patent.
Its been so long since I have had one here-- the Maxflows might already be taking advantage of the balanced reg pin concept.. after all, they DO have the technology patented! :)

One of the other factors in a regulation system is the temperature of the air.. pressure and temperature are directly propertional with each other. With the gasses expanding and compressing in a reg, this will play an important role in the function of a reg... if its not accounted for properly it can casue problems.. or it can be used to your advantage..


06-19-2004, 09:52 AM
HMM intresting. Learn somthing new every day. Id like to know how the balanced pin concept works...

I think Smart Parts would have a hard time making its case since AGD had it its patent on the entire RT valve system that is VERY specific to the application and was in fact selling the RT 2 years prior to the SP patent.

06-19-2004, 10:06 AM
i say if we can take a Vavle, pop some gauges on it, turn it around, and put in in a tank and make it work i think we can do anything. :D

06-19-2004, 10:21 AM
If you're talking about something like an on/off that is either fully open or fully closed...Idunno. Dumping 4500 psi with everyshot and then cutting it off once you reach a given pressure would allow for some very high recharge rates, but as is, the effective recharge rates of most good regs far outpaces the physical limit for what humans should be able to shoot. :cheers:

06-19-2004, 10:24 AM
pbn makes my head hurt.

yes very true its a group of 12 year olds that dont know alot on paintball. i hate it. pluse i have seen some really dumb threads on it to. :cuss: :shooting: :mad: