View Full Version : I like how PBN has acquired...

05-24-2004, 12:40 AM
a negative reference. It seems to me all things bogus, overhyped, foolish and imature, has largely become "PBN". I often talk to ballers who say IRL "i post on pbn" with a bit of shame in their face. Dont get me wrong, not all of pbn is doo doo.

there are instances where a lousy paintballer, not in skill, but attitude, reffered to as a "PBN Baller" or "PBN asshat". Oh the internerd!

05-24-2004, 01:24 AM
I myself like pbn and find certain forums to be quite useful... You just have to stay out of small talk and paintball talk... I frequent the nppl and psp forums and the intimidator forum.

05-24-2004, 02:24 AM
well, yes, certain niche forums are quite usefull and i know what you mean about the paintball talk section. And honestly i lurk the paintball Paintball talk for pure entertainment.

Chojin Man
05-24-2004, 03:16 AM
The paintball talk section is fun for a good laugh or two.

05-24-2004, 04:26 AM
The paintball talk section is fun for a good laugh or two.

hahaha, agreed!

05-24-2004, 08:40 AM
I go on for the forums that you can't really find anywhere else. I specificly like the Tribal fourm.

05-24-2004, 09:05 AM
This forum is by far the best, friendliest and most informative. And they have mods that actually do something (Mr Cphilip Sir), and no-one swears (or cusses I think you say) and no-one flames too much.

Bit of a community, not felt on the other forums.

05-24-2004, 09:18 AM
I was just talking about that yesterday with a guy on DPB, he saw AO in my name and went on to say it was boring and full of n00bs, buy of course he didn't respond when I tried to get him to tell me it has more than PBN or PBR :rolleyes: :p He also said it was more of a core group, he gave examples of 1DE and shartley etc. It is actually more of a community than a forum.

05-24-2004, 03:02 PM
A good trip to paintball talk PBN will make you feel like an expert at paintball.

A good trip to small talk will make you feel like a genius.

I love to laugh at half the idiots there that instead of saying something intelligent, decide to just flame someone to make themselves feel cool. of course, i'm guilty of flaming some people there. I find PBN as a good way to release some pent up anger.

05-24-2004, 03:11 PM
darn right you're a flamer!

Sorry, a little bit of PBR crept into me there. What I find really funny is how much PBR HATES, and I mean HATES, the qloader. This forum is one of the best online forums I've ever been on. I just came from the KingmanUSA.com forum, and they're nice and all, but everyone there's 13, except for a few exeptions.

05-24-2004, 03:58 PM
This forum is definitely older, and smarter. Less flaming, more friendliness, and just one big community. PBN has great marker forums like bob long, dye matrix, and AKA. They also have awesome regional forums, more people on pbn=larger regional forums. This site seems like more rec ball/just for fun players while PBN has more tourney/poser players.

05-24-2004, 04:05 PM
Yes, the Small Talk section of PBN is to be avoided at all costs if you want to keep your sight.

I feel sorry for the mods who have to wade through and filter all that junk.

05-24-2004, 04:29 PM
Yes, the Small Talk section of PBN is to be avoided at all costs if you want to keep your sight.

I feel sorry for the mods who have to wade through and filter all that junk.

The mods don't go through that junk. That board system is terrible in all aspects.

05-24-2004, 05:06 PM
AO is the place to turn if you want to have conversations that require intellect or if you have a legitimate question that you want answered. Here its like you can make the dumbest noob post and still have five or six people give you a nice answer and direct you to helpful places. PBN is the kind of place where you ask one question, get five or six posts telling you the thread sucks or that its old or that they were to lazy to read it (however they were still able to post :rolleyes: ).

Also, the friendly corner here is a place of funny threads and lately, a lot of heated yet intelligent political arguement. Everyone who posts on AO has something useful to contribute. I've personally learned a lot from reading posts by members here. AO is a great place