View Full Version : what do you use to measure BPS

05-24-2004, 08:41 AM
Hey folks...what do you use to measure BPS on the videos/Midi's that people put up? CoolEdit?


05-24-2004, 09:00 AM
It says it right there on the WAS board's LCD so its got to be true. ;)

05-24-2004, 03:53 PM
Any sound/audio editting software will do. I've used Goldwave,CafeWalk,Magix Music Studio etc.

I mostly just use Goldwave for that,it's a tiny and fast loading program.Like 2-3 clicks and you have it.

In person, I use a Pact Timer/Chrono. And HECK NO,I've yet to find an on gun BPS meter that's even close to real life. ;)

05-25-2004, 09:18 AM
i just count your swears for ten seconds, and however many you say is my bps ;)

05-25-2004, 09:29 AM
In person, I use a Pact Timer/Chrono. And HECK NO,I've yet to find an on gun BPS meter that's even close to real life. ;)

Mine is pretty accurate, dead-on actually if marker is setup right. :)

05-25-2004, 01:29 PM
theres like only three we can use...

1) the ones on the chrono
2) the sound activated ones on computers
3) the lcd screens

05-25-2004, 01:32 PM
Mine is pretty accurate, dead-on actually if marker is setup right. :)

Well.....when I have one of yours "in person", I'll be sure to let you know. ;)

My only question there actually,is if the "full auto" condition that seemed quite prevelent in almost everyone who posted about 4.0,has an effect on the counters accuracy. I did check a few of the vids that were posted at the time and they didn't always seem to match up with what the poster saw in the display.

Anyway......till then I'll stick to my methods. :)

05-25-2004, 03:35 PM
I have 4.0 and don't have any full-auto problems. It will bounce (3-4 times) if you pull REAL slow. The counter seems pretty accurate to me. Simply pulling I get at most 7, fanning 10, center "nub" raking 13-14 and manike's raking technique 18-19. It usually takes a few seconds to attain the max. number.

BTW, I turn off the solenoid when testing BPS to insure there is no bounce.

Alas, I may loose 4.0. I think my board is fried and if I can't fix it I fear I'll loose 4.0.

05-25-2004, 03:43 PM
I have 4.0 and don't have any full-auto problems. It will bounce (3-4 times) if you pull REAL slow.

Same difference really. ;)

Basically all I meant was 4.0 has some obvious bugs,whose to say what effect it has on other things such as the counter.

No biggie though,I can only comment on what I've had personal experience with.I have had none w/ 4.0. The counter may function perfectly for all I know. :)

05-25-2004, 04:33 PM
Basically all I meant was 4.0 has some obvious bugs,whose to say what effect it has on other things such as the counter.

It is a hardware problem, not a software bug. However, I can understand not "trusting" something you don't have any experence with. If i didn't have it, I would question it also. ;)

05-25-2004, 04:42 PM
Software guy blames it on the hardware.........that's a new one. :D



05-25-2004, 04:54 PM
Software guy blames it on the hardware.........that's a new one. :D

Guilty as charged. But I think the hardware guy even half admitted to it. ;)

Besides, it's ALWAYS the hardware... :eek:

05-25-2004, 07:28 PM
That's correct, it is not a software bug... there are no bugs, the code is flawless. It is an EMI issue that causes the FA problem.

Basically all I meant was 4.0 has some obvious bugs,whose to say what effect it has on other things such as the counter.

"Whose to say" ??? Urm... I say that the counter works perfectly. :) The problem is the board can attempt to fire the marker, and it mechanically fails to do so. This is when you may have a discrepancy between what the board displays and what actually occurred.

05-25-2004, 08:59 PM
It is an EMI issue that causes the FA problem.

This is when you may have a discrepancy between what the board displays and what actually occurred.

Mmmm k.

I think this was what I was gettin' at. If you have a full auto problem,how do you know what the counter is uhm.....counting?

But I'll just go ahead and say I agree with you anyway. :)

05-26-2004, 11:15 AM
Mmmm k.

I think this was what I was gettin' at. If you have a full auto problem,how do you know what the counter is uhm.....counting?

But I'll just go ahead and say I agree with you anyway. :)

Urm, cuz a single shot attempt correlates with the counter being incremented. If it sends a logic high to the solenoid, it increments the counter - guaranteed.

In a FA condition, the shot counter is still an exact indication of how many attempts the board made to fire. The issue is, whether or not the number of trigger pulls are correctly accounted for and if the marker mechanically fired when asked to do so by the board.

This FA issue is an I/O problem, where the board receives false inputs... not a logic problem.

05-26-2004, 02:09 PM
Urm, cuz a single shot attempt correlates with the counter being incremented. If it sends a logic high to the solenoid, it increments the counter - guaranteed.

In a FA condition, the shot counter is still an exact indication of how many attempts the board made to fire. The issue is, whether or not the number of trigger pulls are correctly accounted for and if the marker mechanically fired when asked to do so by the board.

This FA issue is an I/O problem, where the board receives false inputs... not a logic problem.

I understand and agree. If the 'FA issue' initiates multiple inputs to the board for a single trigger pull,you get an incorrectly stated BPS in regards to trigger pulls but an accurate read from the board in regards to received signals.

So........my point was/is........

If you have 4.0 and after a string the BPS meter says 19,as in the Dayspring video(which we all know was no where near 19) then the meter was not accurate in a practical sense.As in it did not reflect actual trigger pulls or accurately gauge the speed of the shooter which was the point of this whole discussion. ;)


05-26-2004, 02:45 PM
If the 'FA issue' initiates multiple inputs to the board for a single trigger pull, you get an incorrectly stated BPS in regards to trigger pulls but an accurate read from the board in regards to received signals.

If you have 4.0 and after a string the BPS meter says 19,as in the Dayspring video(which we all know was no where near 19) then the meter was not accurate in a practical sense. As in it did not reflect actual trigger pulls or accurately gauge the speed of the shooter, which was the point of this whole discussion. ;)

Yes, that is correct. However, MY testing is without the solenoid on, hence no "FA issue". It can only count trigger "pulls" as there isn’t anything else to count. Knowing how it was coded I am confident that it is not reporting an optimistic BPS. Obviously, I can't create a video of it firing that way as the solenoid is off (and my board won't trigger the solenoid anymore anyway :( ).

05-26-2004, 02:48 PM
That's cool. I believe you. :)