View Full Version : Another post about how 'mags' suck...

10-08-2001, 10:31 PM
This again, from a member of PbNation named Richy_C.


His 1st post:

"People alway brag about size, and it's bull, what doesn't hit your guns gunna paste you hopper or tank. Mags are old designs, out dated, and just not as fast as the mor omdern markers."

His 2nd post:

"The only reason jax play w/emags is because they are sponsered. And thats not the marker thy use when not playing tourneys, thats where they use their cockers or angels, just like freak factory."

His 3rd Post - a response to a challange thrown by a poster with an RT Valve:

"Do i give a **** if your gun recharges faster? no. In all likely hood neither you or i can shoot above 10bps. I used to owna mag, i maitained it perfectly, but it still chopped, coughed, and jumped on the chrono. The cockers come out w/a new version every year."

Notice the bold print in his 1st and 3rd post? Especially the part where he says Mags just aren't 'fast' as modern markers. Then he goes on to say how he doesn't care if a certain mag recharges faster, since neither of them can ever go above 10bps.

Smart guy... Maybe he's learning from his own posts.

His 5th post:

"My mag broke down because ofnormal use, and i've had my bushy longer, it's yet to even leak. And you think your marker is so high and mighty because of ****ty *** efficiancy, and horrid tolerances? You sir, are a moron."

You sir, are a moron? :rolleyes:

What a moron.

I truly hope that as our sport grows, those new to the sport won't be educated by experts such as Richy_C.

10-08-2001, 11:02 PM
Hummm...... then I wonder why the HALO is only being tested on AGD products?????? Those HALO guys must be really stupid to use an old outdated gun to show off the capabilities of their brand new premier loading system.......... You know they probably have way better video's of ALL the other guns shooting faster, they must not want to show them right now......


10-08-2001, 11:09 PM
You know, I just realized that Tom. Maybe someone should let them know that mags suck, they obviously didn't get the memo.

10-08-2001, 11:14 PM
My gun sucks? Oh man! Now what is unsuck? I bet its cockers...yep they must unsuck cuz they have to remake it every year! That must mean they really unsuck! Thats what im getting!*walks out the door ready to buy an Autococker*


10-08-2001, 11:20 PM
That must be the same guy thats over at pbreview.com .
He's a mod of the mag forum there, lol. he does not post in it much at all anymore though. Halliday and myself answer most of the questions and richy must have realized that he was not needed. He still pops in to bash them every once and a while though. Take it easy on him though, I think he's only 14.

On a side note, there's a rumor/scare being circulated that rts are being banned. Can you get me some solid links or info to help me squash this stupidity?

10-09-2001, 12:11 AM
RT's being banned? Damn, I hope that'a rumor.

10-09-2001, 12:14 AM
AGD already cleared this up. The banning is on the Model 98 Reactive Trigger,because it always functions in "Runaway Mode". RT's are allowed as long as they arnt in "Runaway Mode". Runaway Mode is when the trigger just keeps bouncing off your finger going full auto.


10-09-2001, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Magadeth
On a side note, there's a rumor/scare being circulated that rts are being banned. Can you get me some solid links or info to help me squash this stupidity?

Here's a thread that Tom commented on directly, after speaking with Insurance Leader Larry Cossio.


It isn't a link to an official document or link to one, but I doubt Tom would make up some imaginary conversation he had with Larry Cossio.

Hope that helps out somewhat.

10-09-2001, 12:04 PM
WOW! I'm glad my gun sucks. Atleast when you say you have a mag they don't ask which year, or how many aftermarket parts and pieces did you buy. And atleast the mag aint no hopped-up pump gun. Sounds like a toy to me.

Keep up the good work,AGD, I'm a life-long loyal customer.

Maybe Richy_C should learn how to spell.

10-09-2001, 12:55 PM
Yeah, I think I'll make something like an Autococker(hopped up pump gun) except make it a hopped up squirt gun! It'll be the Autosupersoaker! It will require lots of three ways, and water...and broken paint....FOR SUPERSOAKING!


10-09-2001, 12:55 PM
I think Richy C got shot up by a Mag too many times...

10-09-2001, 01:31 PM
stop making fun of richy c! I am sure he's not always a biased dumb dumb!
*tee hee*

*flys away like a fairy, to defend the rest of the world's dumb dumb's*


I own a sucky suckle gun, an Auto-Mag! It keeps breaking balls on ppl!

Oh yea, the guns size is more for maneuverablility than not getting gun shots on u.


10-09-2001, 01:32 PM
People alway brag about size, and it's bull, what doesn't hit your guns gunna paste you hopper or tank.

The cockers come out w/a new version every year.

Who said size mattered to everyone in factors of elimination? I became interested in the 'mag family when I saw how compact and small they were.

And why must a paintball company come out with a new marker every year? AGD's use of the same system and technology has shown that the Automag is reliable, and proven to be efficient and very fast over many years since it first came out. If the Automag was "outdated, old, and not as fast as newer markers," how come it [the RT valve] is the fastest recharging system with no shootdown up to 26bps? How come no one else has demonstrated extremely high firing speeds without problems in videos? How come the Warp is so innovative and helpful, but shunned as looking ugly or bulky?

AGD has the right idea about its products, while other manufacturers create a higher priced model every year that might not offer any performance increases at all. Why does this person think that a newer model necessarily makes a better marker? You could write a book on arguing with people over stuff like this, but the only way you can show them is when they're called out on the field because they got hit a couple times with your "old, outdated, slow-firing" 'mag. Or maybe they can say it was inevitable because they had a problem with their 'cocker.

10-09-2001, 01:53 PM
Wonder how Richy_C and Impulse would react to our various threads devoted to the likes of them.

Now please, don't get me wrong. I like a good debate, as much as the next person. It just seems as though some people - Richy_C, Impulse, and various others who spread misinformation - never back up a single statement they make.

Here are a few:

"Mags suck"
"You likes Mags? You're gay!?!"
"Mags suck !@#!2! Why? caUse they suck on co2 and trigger sucks"

One actual qoute of Impulse -

"Yeah but just face is mags aren't good guns. They shoot like **** and they chop every 3 balls. U guys know it but u don't want to admit it cause u'll feel stupid."

See my point?

Another one by Impulse -

"But I just wanted to state that I think mags are going down hill. The E-mag was a big save but I thought it would sell more. Normal mags (classics) are going down. Not many new ones are being bought. I don't like mags just for the fact they cost a lot to upgrade and chop alot. Say what u want about me u aren't going to change my opinion."

Someone responded by saying that the E-Mag has sold more in it's first year, than any other marker every in it's introduction. Of course Impulse never responded to that, nor any other post that had a good rebuttal.

I don't even think that the debates brought up by posters such as these, even have to do with markers. The average users of various markers out there - Mags, cockers and so forth - realize the fact, that in the end it has to do with quality and individual preferences.

The ones who start these threads of flames are the same ones, in my opinion, that are in dire 'need' of attention. You know the types; the same ones who can only find security and confidence by bashing on others.


It may be hard to believe, but I'm not on here to make personal attacks against these people. Just a little disappointing to think that these are the same ones in our sport, educating the new comers.

10-09-2001, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Arturus
"...The cockers come out w/a new version every year."[/i]

This is one of the best things about the Automag. I bought mine in 1992 (nine years ago for those of you in Rio Linda or on PB Nation) and other than my Intelliframe and HPA, I have done no major over-hauling of the system, yet there are several Angel and Cocker owners at my field of choice who prefer me to be on their team when sides are drawn. If I had bought a Cocker in 1992 (yes, they did exist), the pieces of it would probably still be crowding my workbench.

In an industry that has progressed as quickly as this one has, it should be written in neon that a gun nine years old is still VERY competetive and still being sold largely unchanged.

Hat's off to Airgun Designs.

10-09-2001, 02:45 PM
richy_c is a dumbass he says every gun that isnt a bushmaster sucks ,plus he sucks at moderating pbreview.com
i go on both ao and pbreview so i know

10-09-2001, 04:02 PM
richy c is a mod at my second favorite forum, ao is my favorite ever....... anyway, i had some respect for him but he is becoming an a$$, he's just pissed cuz someone was gonna sell him a nice rt but the guy didn't sell it to him, he's a moron

10-09-2001, 04:02 PM
omg, i used to post on the forum at www.paintball-gear.com like a year ago and richy c was one of the well known posters. and i remember him always talking about his bushy. just thought id say that.

10-09-2001, 05:33 PM
well i was looking for somin different, so i was going to try and trade my mark II cocker for his RT, air system, revoltuin, and $300.
1st off i was like oh yeah, then i noticed, hte 26bps. w/ no shootdown was BS. try 10 and your down. but other than that i choped so much, i mean it was really bad, and it had nothing to do w/ bad paint/barrel ,speed. i think it has to do w/ the powerfeed, it is stupid to have powerfeed, it just slows the feed down, on a shocker, mag, or spyder.
it would chop when chronoing, and i have a reg. muag and know hom to shoot it. i guess the powerfeed was screwing everything up. a guy w/ a vertfeed e-mag had very few chops.

i told'em i couldn't trade cause i relly didn't feel like buying all those barrel swabs

10-09-2001, 06:31 PM
That made sense.. Yeah.

So I'll take a wild guess, and say you're Richy_C? Why do you keep contradicting your own statements? I won't even bother to point them out.

If you're not Richy_C, then I'll take another guess and say you're a fan of his. Nice qoute, very original

So, 10 bps and shootdown on an RT Valve huh?

And again, short and curt statements with no backing to it...


10-09-2001, 06:50 PM
If Richy doesn't like AGD then he can give me his Nitro Duck, Who was it again that invented compressed air tanks? And if they Naughty Dogs weren't sponsored wouldn't they still be shooting assorted different electros instead of Black Magic cockers? And if guns like Cockers and Angels are so good why have they changed so much from their original models while my Automag has stayed the same? My gun may be a pile, but at least I'm getting shot in the tank or hopper instead of the gun.

10-09-2001, 06:54 PM
well 1st off i have don't know who richy c is? i saw one of his posts on pbnation.com and saw somin i thought was funy, and it 2nd my post had nothing bad in it, overall i was sayin powerfeed isn't very good on any marker and the the vertfeed e-mag was very nice.
it may have been his gun, but it was shootin down at around 10bps. but my lil' classic is much better than his RT.

but to pumpmatic. angels and cockers really havn't changed that that much, ecspecially angels.

oh yeah and i've had that thing froom rich c quote for a real long time. i put it on there like 2 months ago?

10-09-2001, 07:05 PM
That is MY job! Are you trying to put me in the unemployment line?

HeeHee ;)

10-09-2001, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by shartley
That is MY job! Are you trying to put me in the unemployment line?

HeeHee ;)

lol - Not you again Shartley. Especially after that bit about the mercenary.


10-09-2001, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by mac2k4

1st off i was like oh yeah, then i noticed, hte 26bps. w/ no shootdown was BS. try 10 and your down.

Get a better air system. and use stainless or macroline. Then learn how to pull the trigger. If that doesn't work send your RT to me. The gun is capable of cycling at 26 bps without shootdown, when the trigger is pulled by a machine. I am not dropping hate, just giving you a few suggestions to get the most out of your RT.

10-09-2001, 07:23 PM
Something was seriously wrong with his gun.....my mag is exceptional! I have chopped about 6 balls since i first got my mag. And 5 of them were when i was running it on Co2 and one was when i didnt have a velocity lock so the velocity was real low...and it was at the range. I dont think i would trade my mag for any thing right now....(that is paintball related :)) My mag is super accurate and i havent chopped a ball in a real game since the last time i used Co2 on it....and every one knows mags arent at full performance on Co2. I wanna kick richy's scrony lil' bushy tailed rabbits!

10-10-2001, 06:26 AM
In the wise words of Rodney King
"Can't we all just get along?"

10-10-2001, 07:35 AM
No offense... however….

To use the words “WISE” and “Rodney King” together is insulting to the word "wise". But I guess that is why it is such a joke, and used mostly as such. ;)

Good words, but when you look at WHEN he said them, and WHY he said them, it tarnishes the meaning. He WAS and IS a career criminal. :(

(Yes, that was for you MajorDamage.... LOL)

10-10-2001, 11:17 AM
Mags Chop paint? I had the first chop in my Retro Mag on Monday, shooting brittle and stale paint, with a blown PT o-ring and a spacer that was too short. The paint was breaking in everything except the one PGP that was there. I've had the Retro since late May, dumped something like 6 cases through it with some barrel breaks (mostly when I was out of air) but no chops till now, and the paint was poo.

10-10-2001, 12:14 PM
I own a mag and bushmaster

Mag= awesome
Bushmaster= <B>bland</B>


10-10-2001, 12:36 PM
Oh yeah , my mag chops like crazy!

Here's how much paint i've wasted by chopping.

From april or may of 2001 , to august of of 2001.
In that time i put 3 cases of paint , the paint i used was Brass eagle ( i had to use it in road 2 aruba ) a case of TC , and a case of NPS seconds , along with assorted types.

In that time i also played 2 tourneys. Starting in april till august i never chopped or broke a ball. The 1 time i chopped in that period was in august , which ended my little point about my mag. When i broke that ball , it was by me going over a bunker and plastering a guy , while doing that i had 20 balls left in my hopper. With any gun , it'd chop. Also , it isn't like i don't fire fast , i have been tested at 11bps on my mag, which i sometimes do ingame.

10-10-2001, 01:08 PM
LOL! Thanx Shartley!:D

ENDO!(That was for me also!)

10-16-2001, 06:35 PM
I was talking to AGD Europe and Jackie was talling me that it is hard to keep up with the orders for classic mags. Can AGD say more? Are they still selling or have the numbers dropped off. Don't need specific numbers, just verify what I heard. Thanks,D