View Full Version : Where are the tac ones?

05-24-2004, 10:43 AM
So where are these tac ones? Remember months ago when it was the biggest thing coming out and we all couldn't wait. A few went to the dealers for sale and people continued to wait till they would be out in larger number or available from the AGD store.

Has this gun just been abandoned. I am starting to think we will never see them. Was it a bust and thats why they will most likely never be realeased in full.

Also anybody who was lucky enough to get one care to let me know what they paid for it from one of the dealers. I had e-mailed one of them back when they were taking orders asking how much they were and never got a reply. I am sorry but I am not going to commit to something that I don't know the full cost of. Considering the price of the body I'd estimate it is more than a loaded RT ULE custom. If you don't or can't post the price just PM me.

05-24-2004, 11:02 AM
did u try tunaman,roguefactor,whitewolf? ide try those first if not they may be all waiting on agd to get them back in and knowing agd that might eb awhile so not much u can do is sit back til they come in and im nearly 100% they werent dicontuned they may be in batches like u said though...

05-24-2004, 11:34 AM
I had e-mailed one of them back when they were taking orders asking how much they were and never got a reply. .

I did.

and get them back in, when were they ever "in" in the first place. I know they had some bodys up in the store but never the complete marker.

Can some one verify whether they are truly discontinued.

05-24-2004, 12:17 PM
I guess I can answer my own question. Didn't they use classic rails for the tac ones? The classic rails have been discontinued right. thats why you can't get them milled from deadly wind anymore, right. Since classics and minis have been discontinued I doubt there are any more rails around. So there probalby are no rails for tac ones anymore. Also didn't someone say that the tac one body just doesn't go right with a RTP rail?

05-24-2004, 12:51 PM
They are not discontinued...

Just out of stock.

Can some one verify whether they are truly discontinued.

05-24-2004, 01:20 PM
The REAL question is, where are the TAC Emags???? I saw a picture of them at the factory, but have yet to hear of anyone actually buying one. I bought a Tac1 body and I've slapped it on my Emag and that's the closest I've seen a Tac Emag...


05-24-2004, 01:27 PM
Tuna had two in stock last week....

05-24-2004, 01:42 PM
I personally think the dealers section has been extremely lackluster in the past few weeks/months. Actually, all of AO has been as such. I am finding PBN more entertaining/interesting as of late. <yawn> I guess the discontinuation of E/XMags really has put a damper on things...

Additionally, where have all the dealers/cool gadget suppliers gone? Im looking at you Data! :D I want my QD Flatline drop NOW! :D

05-24-2004, 02:10 PM
Well the deal is that the Tac-Ones have not really gone into production yet. They are absolutely not abandoned. We reworked the emag rail for the Tac cutting off the wings, adding a lower dovetail and covering up the sight rail holes. If you had not requested those changes so strongly we wouldn't have bothered. The guns are getting assembled this week and we should finally be in official production.


Recon by Fire
05-24-2004, 02:13 PM
Tac-One X-Mags? ...please?

05-24-2004, 02:21 PM

There were only 9 on backorder here and 13 just went into stock. A guy called this morning to order one and he needed it by friday, he will probably get it. By tommorow they will be on backorder again.

The retail price for a Tac from AGD is 450.00.

There are not going to be Tac Emags as a regular item. If you must have one you can call and custom order it. We made them for some of our sponsored scenario players at their request.

Remember the new rails allow for under-barrel mounting of the tactical flashlight.


05-24-2004, 02:31 PM
We reworked the emag rail for the Tac cutting off the wings, adding a lower dovetail and covering up the sight rail holes. If you had not requested those changes so strongly we wouldn't have bothered. The guns are getting assembled this week and we should finally be in official production.


Are there any of these newer rails available for purchase for those of us with Tac-Ones already?

05-24-2004, 03:24 PM
Remember the new rails allow for under-barrel mounting of the tactical flashlight.


YES ! that was my only gripe with the tac-one.

05-24-2004, 04:12 PM
Thank you thats exactly the kind of information I was looking for. :)

05-24-2004, 04:50 PM

There are not going to be Tac Emags as a regular item. If you must have one you can call and custom order it. We made them for some of our sponsored scenario players at their request.


in case if anyone was intrested in seeing some pics of my tac-e. the lettering was done by hammerhead, who is also our sopnsor, just waiting on the fin kit to some in, and for rouge to send a feedneck, and custom grips/jewels from heather.... i also have a tacM3 I/R light and a gen 3 night vision unit as well but my wife has it on hers and she will be up at EMR for the MXS 'king returns' game this weekend. other then that this baby rocks and when you have an entire team equiped with these babys, it's an awesome site...btw i mention we will be at shatner if any of you guys want to see our guns.....

05-24-2004, 05:23 PM
While we're showing off our Tac Emags:


It's an unofficial one as I had to buy the body from Tuna and slap it on myself. I still need to get it to the anno shop though...