View Full Version : Look up an email address online?

05-24-2004, 02:27 PM
I have a person's addy, phone number, and both her and her husband's name, but I'd like to get her email so I can send her a project plan she needs to sign. Is there a way to use address, phone number, and name to get an email address online? My only other option is to call her. My issue with that is that she is often out of town, so when I cal it generally takes a week to get a return call! If you guys know of an emial look up I'd appreciate it! gracias!

05-24-2004, 03:08 PM
sorry dude...there is a VERY low probability of finding someone's email online unless they choose to publish it on their website. My suggestion is call her, tell her what you need...and while you are at it, get her email...otherwise you are SOL

05-24-2004, 03:58 PM
well...here are the problems...

internet comapnies...hotmail, aol, yahoo, etc will rarely give out information about their users unless accompanied by a search warrant.

private comapnies who provide their employees with emial usually don't put that info on the web. sometimes it is, however

id say calling her is your best bet.

also, i never leave a message if i need to get in touhc with someone. i just keep calling