View Full Version : xbox live

05-24-2004, 04:59 PM
ok, i am getting an xbox for my birthday. i am curious if live is worth the money, not just the service but the router and all that comes with that hassle. the xbox i know is champion, it just that i have yet to play xbox or ps2 online and i dont really know if its for me. if you have xbox live let me know what you think of it, is it greatness, or do you wish you would have spent that money on paintball stuff/porn. thanks.

05-24-2004, 05:09 PM
yeah its worth it. The many clan people who inhabit the Xbox live community are seriously even bigger dorks than most of us but you learn to deal.

Theres just nothing like fraggin real people in multiplayer without having the splitscreen. Just the fact that an opponent cant look on your side of the screen and see where you are is great for me. You get the whole tv screen baby :)

Plus, you really get alot more of your money's worth out of it than you do in paintball. Unless your playing pb every day, there is no way you are getting more of your money's worth out of your gear than you would with buying Live. Do it.

05-24-2004, 05:45 PM
I have Xbox Live and I think it's worth it. Almost all the games coming out are live enabled, and playing online is really fun. Especially if you get a group a friends you play with. Right now I'm all about Project Gotham Racing 2 online. If you get Xbox live post your gamertag on the one xbox live thread and maybe we can play a few games.

crazy carl07
05-24-2004, 06:54 PM
yeah it is worth it but when u play u need to watch out for the glans their gay people that all thay do is play that game

05-24-2004, 07:27 PM
watch out for the glans
i ALWAYS avoid the glans. :p

thanks for the help fellas.

05-24-2004, 07:28 PM
on the kind of games you like. I recently got XBox live for the Ninja Gaiden Master Ninja Tournament, but there are no other games that interest me at the moment, so I kind of regret getting it. Maybe when Halo 2 comes out it might be worth it.

05-24-2004, 07:33 PM
Halo 2.

Reason enough. When it comes out.....

I have a question: Can I store files on the X-Box hard drive from around the network. Sorry for the quick thread hijacking. Control will be relinquished back to the pilot. Now....

There you go, back on track.

05-24-2004, 11:39 PM
Since i've got Splinter cell PT I havent left the house without the nagging need to go sign onto live and snap some necks. If you love yourself and your future, buy live and SCPT