View Full Version : What are the Gun Setups for AGD Pride?

05-25-2004, 07:21 AM
Does anybody know the gun setups for AGD Pride, and the other AGD teams?

The Action Figure
05-25-2004, 07:28 AM
pretty sure x and e mags/ flatlines and halos

05-25-2004, 09:01 AM
I play for Storm Pro in the Uk and Europe (Millenium Series) and we are sponsored and use Xmags from AGD, new 04 abaddon air systems from Air America, and Halos sponsored by NPS.

Which is nice!

http://muchos.co.uk/members/Bolter/Storm Uk v LA Ironmen Toulouse 2003.jpg

This was us last year at Toulouse against the LA Ironmen, we were on warps and revvys .....

05-25-2004, 09:25 AM
It kinda depends on who you ask.

Me personally, I use a X-mag with a 68 4500 flatline. I've been alternating between using a warp with a 12volt Revy and going vertical with a Halo. I also use the J&J edge kit and usually stick with the 16" tip.

The vast majority of the team uses x-mags with warps and 68 4500 flatlines.

There are some that use E-mags (Butch) or even Classic RT's (Chester).

Hope that answers your question.

05-25-2004, 10:51 PM
Gotta love seeing him represent with the warped classic RT. You can see it a few times in DerDer 300fps.

05-25-2004, 11:03 PM
yeah, but Butch does have that super sexy x-mag which he can use...

btw... does he have multiple breeches for that thing? with the fancy anno, did they have more than one made?

05-26-2004, 08:30 AM
I play for Storm Pro in the Uk and Europe (Millenium Series) and we are sponsored and use Xmags from AGD, new 04 abaddon air systems from Air America, and Halos sponsored by NPS.

Which is nice!

http://muchos.co.uk/members/Bolter/Storm Uk v LA Ironmen Toulouse 2003.jpg

This was us last year at Toulouse against the LA Ironmen, we were on warps and revvys .....

are we shure we can trust the english???j/k

05-26-2004, 08:55 AM
yes but we are sure you didn't use our language properly.

*Bolter flicks through book titled "think before you post" and then puts it in the mail for Sniper king*

05-26-2004, 09:37 AM
*arson asks bolter for a copy of said book, so he can reference it to people in the future* :)

05-26-2004, 11:55 AM
*Sniper king kicks Bolter right in the balls and runs*

05-26-2004, 11:58 AM
*Cryer trips sniper king

"Get'em Bolter!" :eek:


EDIT- So what is Butch's Xmag annoed thats so nice, he doesnt use it (or whatever)?

05-26-2004, 12:36 PM
*Cryer trips sniper king

"Get'em Bolter!" :eek:


EDIT- So what is Butch's Xmag annoed thats so nice, he doesnt use it (or whatever)?

*sniper king yells to Bolter "HE CALLED YOU A SISSY GO GET EM BOLTER :eek: " then gets up and kicks bolth Cryer and Bolter in the balls*

05-26-2004, 01:40 PM
lol :D

Anyway, we have nearly all switched from warps to centre feed this year. No particular thing against the warp, we love it!! Its seen us beat some great teams, and lose some easy matches. I personally feel they are great when you are in the barracade and centre feed is better running and shooting. diving etc, so Im glad of the X and with the modular breach. I can do both!

05-26-2004, 04:27 PM
EDIT- So what is Butch's Xmag annoed thats so nice, he doesnt use it (or whatever)?


It matches his guitar too I hear.
But really, how COULD you play with a piece of art like that.

05-26-2004, 04:34 PM
i think he finally has it all wired together. maybe when he plays next i can smudge it up for him :D yea thats me asking to get shot...either scott or lt are gonna tell him what i said. :(

05-26-2004, 04:40 PM
I am not sure everyone has this on the team for their mags but, Timmy has an Intelli Blade hooked up instead of the stock trigger. hehe I got to play a game with it.

05-26-2004, 06:46 PM
intelli blade hooked up? u mean his tl63 trigger that he made for the emag????

05-26-2004, 07:26 PM
No he has an Intelliframe blade trigger on his X-mag.

http://www.hunt101.com/img/134836.jpg (http://www.hunt101.com/?p=134836&c=500&z=1)

Look closely. it is a intelliframe blade trigger. It is very thin compared to the Tl-63. Enless I am mistaken. I am 99.9% sure it is a Intelli trigger.
It also has the dip at the end of the trigger, same as that of a Y-frame or Intelliframe.

05-26-2004, 07:39 PM
I am not sure everyone has this on the team for their mags but, Timmy has an Intelli Blade hooked up instead of the stock trigger. hehe I got to play a game with it.

You do know Timmy is the **creator** of the TL-63 trigger you see on numerous X/E-mags?

Loud Tim
05-26-2004, 07:49 PM
i think he finally has it all wired together. maybe when he plays next i can smudge it up for him :D yea thats me asking to get shot...either scott or lt are gonna tell him what i said. :(
darn right!! i like bc and butch drama just watching two big guys shoot the piss outta one another i dont know its funny cus both of u want to move u just cant bob and weave that easy.

No he has an Intelliframe blade trigger on his X-mag.
it is a tl-63 trigger. he modeled it off of the inteli blade trigger and most of the guys from pride have one on their guns. it makes the geometry of the trigger pull different and allows u to walk the trigger faster. dont ask me its just what he told me

05-26-2004, 07:53 PM
i like bc and butch drama just watching to big guys shoot the piss outta one another

shows big leftys like me and butch we can make a difference!

05-26-2004, 10:06 PM
I shot timmy in the arm when he handed me his x-mag (from the sidelines) during a game of speedball :D :p that trigger is sooooooo light :)

05-26-2004, 10:13 PM
yea ur mistaken penguin. its a tl63. but he does have a intelli frame with a round fore grip with a dk bike grip on a emag rail.

05-27-2004, 08:04 PM
I swear to God that thing is a skinny and looks EXACTLY like a intelli trigger.

05-27-2004, 11:00 PM
I swear to God that thing is a skinny and looks EXACTLY like a intelli trigger.
Intelliframe triggers were modelled after emag triggers. So inherently, they will be similar.

Up until Timmy came out with his tl63 (which was also modeled after the emag trigger shape, minus the middle hump), there was no blade avaiable for the emag, only the intelliframe.

Thats why you're making that connection.

05-28-2004, 01:05 AM

05-28-2004, 02:11 AM
That is an awesome break pic Clare. Is that at Muddy Gras? again nice

05-28-2004, 02:14 AM
yep, good ol' Muddy Gras

05-28-2004, 12:04 PM
um that pic really didn't answer our question

05-28-2004, 01:44 PM
um that pic really didn't answer our question
Looks like all Mags, to me... :confused:

Left to right:

Xmag w/ warp/revvie, J&J Edge barrel

Xmag w/ warp/revvie, J&J Edge barrel (I think)

ULE Emag w/ warp/revvie, J&J Edge barrel

Xmag w/ warp/revvie, J&J Edge barrel

Xmag w/ Halo, Dye UL barrel

All using flatline 4.5k's

05-28-2004, 02:00 PM
but the trigger question Clare could you get us a pic of butch's trigger?

05-28-2004, 02:35 PM
Not Butch's, but a pic of the kind of trigger he uses:

Note, this is tobe2be's TL63 trigger- I found the pic in the b/s/t forums, if anyone's wondering;)

This is the tl63 trigger. Again, visually similar to an intelliframe's blade trigger, it is different: It has a magnet affixed to the back of the trigger and a set screw in the top of the trigger (used to adjust the firing point of the HES sensor).

If I recall correctly, this design was present before the blade intelliframe. As well, Timmy machined these triggers himself. They arent modified AGD triggers.

05-28-2004, 11:15 PM
They do make a difference to the Emag. I loved mine however sometimes it hindered the Emag in mechanical mode, but they feel soooooooo nice when shooting fast. I miss that Emag now...

05-29-2004, 10:10 AM
Not Butch's, but a pic of the kind of trigger he uses:

Note, this is tobe2be's TL63 trigger- I found the pic in the b/s/t forums, if anyone's wondering;)

This is the tl63 trigger. Again, visually similar to an intelliframe's blade trigger, it is different: It has a magnet affixed to the back of the trigger and a set screw in the top of the trigger (used to adjust the firing point of the HES sensor).

If I recall correctly, this design was present before the blade intelliframe. As well, Timmy machined these triggers himself. They arent modified AGD triggers.

Thats the trigger. I thought the tl-63's were thicker.
Sorry for my unknowledgefulness.