View Full Version : Trigger bounce and emag trigger adjustments

05-25-2004, 07:43 AM
Ok I currently have 3.2 software installed and have shot buffering set at 50 - however I have changed this number between 20 and 66 with no obvious change to my problem.

My problem is that when I lightly pull in on my trigger slowly (to see if I get bounce) my emag shoots two or three shots in quick succession until i ease off (theoretically I probably can keep this going for FA). I dont really want this to happen. I read threads on trigger adjustments here and thought I would go for a relatively long and light trigger pull. I obviously do not want the trigger to bounce (I guess what it happening qualifies as bounce) and am wondering how to fix this...Also, there is no FA issues and I pull the trigger in completely and hold it only one shot fires.

Now to my adjustment - I currently have two center o-rings below one magnet (although the bouce still happens when I only have one o-ring in it) and the trigger pull is about 1/3 the distance to the frame. I have the fire point aproximately 3/4 the distance of the trigger pull.

What can I do to fix this problem??

Thanks in advance.

05-25-2004, 09:15 AM
You need to swap the solenoid power wires. It's a bug that was found with the release of 3.2.

The HES looks for a certain magnetic field. + or -. Depending on which way the power wires for the solenoid are soldered on the board, the + or - pole may be right next to the HES. By changing the orientation of those wires, you'll effectively switch the megnetic poles, eliminating the FA effect that you have.

The reason this came about is b/c in any release prior to 3.2, the HES wouldn't look for another trigger pull (magnetic field) until after the solenoid was off (30ms dwell). With 3.2, you can set the HES to look for a pull DURING the solenoid pulse. The wire swap will eliminate the problem.

05-25-2004, 09:41 AM
But I thought that AGD checks for this effect when you send it in to them for the upgrade (which I did) - That was why I had to send in the complete marker for them to test with......

How do I switch these wires if that is the problem?


05-25-2004, 09:59 AM
Just for my clarification this is happening strictly in E-Mode correct?

05-25-2004, 10:17 AM
yes just in emode - never tried in hybrid, but I dont use that at all anyway.

05-25-2004, 10:26 AM
There is the possibility that your sear is hitting your trigger a bit and causing a bounce. When you pull the trigger watch to see if the sear pin actually touches the trigger at all.

Also does this happen when you have the gun held very stable? By that I mean if you set the gun up against a hard wall and on the ground where it cannot move and pull the trigger can you still get it to bounce?

05-25-2004, 10:32 AM
There is the possibility that your sear is hitting your trigger a bit and causing a bounce. When you pull the trigger watch to see if the sear pin actually touches the trigger at all.

This is what it sounds like to me. Your trigger rod is probably too long.

05-25-2004, 10:35 AM
I dont think the seer touches the trigger with this - I checked that when it started happening. I havent tried putting it against a wall to try this- that will be one thing I will try tomorrow...

What information will that test give me??

Thanks for the help

05-26-2004, 05:55 AM
ok so I discovered that my seer is actually hitting my trigger - so that gives me two options (I guess)

Shorten my pull or shorten the rod. How do I shorten the rod and is this a good idea? If i do this will it affect manual mode??

Thanks again for all the help

05-26-2004, 09:19 AM
Take the sear out and measure the trigger rod. It may be out of spec.

A set of calipers will help IMMENSELY.

05-26-2004, 09:30 AM
In emode, adjust the trigger stop so that the back of the trigger doesn't hit the trigger rod when the trigger is pulled. It probably won't take very much change in adjustment. You may not even have to change the HES magnet position on your trigger.