View Full Version : Machinists, Fabricators, Welders lend me your experience!!

05-25-2004, 02:46 PM
Hi, I'm putting up this post in several places online for best results but here goes... I'm currently in school, Tool & Die program with the eventual goal of having my own business. The program requires that I seek others in my intended industry and question them about how/what/where/why etc.. typical "where can I go with this" questions. The problem I have is that while I do intend to work within the trade, it's a means to an end...the money with which to purchase my own machines. So I thought I'd give a call to those that are currently or who have in the past done metalwork to ask,

"Where can I go from here and why do I want to?"

I haven't seen any factory jobs that I think I'd enjoy for example...but maybe there are? Is concentrating on CNC and CAD as rewarding as carving the metal yourself? How about money? ...actually thats a good one :) I had someone on this board recommend I take up welding in all it's forms BEFORE anything else because in his experience there was just as much call in machine shops for that. etc... anything at all you wise ones can offer will be appreciated and taken to heart. A little perspective never hurts...

To better understand my position, I've chosen this trade for 2 main reasons.
1. metal work in some way associates with almost all my hobbies*cough*paintball*cough*
2. I find the many different aspects fascinating, ie. creating a die, CNC programming, CAD, fabricating custom parts for various industries.

Thanks in advance for anything you can provide.

(hope this is ok in the thread, if not I understand the deletion/move/whatever)

the larch
05-25-2004, 05:17 PM
have you asked at:
probably the best place on the net to inquire.

05-25-2004, 08:11 PM
not yet, but great idea!