View Full Version : Hate to do it but.... (opinions pls)

05-25-2004, 08:10 PM
Normally I dont ask such questions...but I am forced to due to timing.

I am considering picking up an 04 Piranha EVO. As much as I like my Spyder I cant stand chopping paint. The EVO is a clone with break-beam eyes.

What I am asking is...have anyone hear actually used an EVO.

I appreciate any unbiased opinions and knowledgable information.


05-25-2004, 08:11 PM
get a mag

05-25-2004, 08:15 PM
Ok kids...this is the kind of post that I dont want.

If you cant help me please done waste forum space.

05-25-2004, 08:18 PM
simple solution (well, maybe not simple, but cool), just ACE your spyder.Otters Customs (http://www.ottersccustoms.com/t-board.html#eyein)
Or buy a Morlock if you want the burst modes. That supports ACE harware as well.

05-25-2004, 08:18 PM
If you want a decent short-term gun, then get it. I have a friend who has one, and it's fairly decent for the price. But due to it's plastic trigger and frame, don't expect too long a lifespan. I'd go for it, but definatly save for a Mag. LvL10 is by far the best anti-chop system out there if tuned properly.

Just go with what you can afford, and for the money the Evo will get you by without killing your pocket book.

05-25-2004, 08:20 PM
Normally I dont ask such questions...but I am forced to due to timing.

I am considering picking up an 04 Piranha EVO. As much as I like my Spyder I cant stand chopping paint. The EVO is a clone with break-beam eyes.

What I am asking is...have anyone hear actually used an EVO.

I appreciate any unbiased opinions and knowledgable information.


I highlighted the important part. While I've never actually owned a pirahna, I've always trusted PMI's Quality Assurance more than Kingman's.

And like you inadvertantly pointed out, its really the same thing in the end... but with eyes.

05-25-2004, 08:25 PM
About your Spyder chopping.
Is it actually chopping or is it breaking paint in the barrel?
Do you use a powered feeder? E marker?

Also , check and make sure the bolt is actually completly clear of the breech when the marker is cocked. I know that sounds strange , but I had the exact same problem. Found that the body was milled slightly off on the trigger frame screw holes , causing the bolt to obstruct the breech a bit. I sanded the front of the bolt to clear and it fixed the problem.
I would be willing to bet that a powered feeder , or quicker one, would fix your problem though.

05-25-2004, 08:29 PM
I've shot one at the field i go to. Triggers very sucky, although the owner really liked the gun.

But I would have to say the TES is better.

TES > Evo

05-25-2004, 08:32 PM
http://www.actvil.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=Pxlktpz1bxzE2dxGzi1WsIhZunxpMhHShHk=?Pro ductID=JJqsFAY701kAAAD3ob%2elA_2s

Dragun T.E.S. It is relatively fast and has eyes. If it is in your price range, it might be something to consider. I've never shot one but i've heard good things about it. It seems like it might be a good primary until you start considering higher end guns

EDIT: guy above me posted seconds before me, dagnabbit!

05-25-2004, 08:38 PM
nah..I am chopping the hell out of them....

I considered the TES but the fact that they are metric and have lousy QA is enough for me to go higher. I prefer break beam concept as well...thank for the great input.

05-25-2004, 08:54 PM
I have shot the Evo as well as the Dragun TES. Overall my opinion on them - the Dragun was faster - the trigger felt better, but if anyone really things that the 2 or 3 BPS difference matters - it doesn't.

I am more comfortable with the idea of the EVO. Its a Piranha, they are a remarkably good gun for the price they are. Its PMI - they are going to be around when you need parts.

If I was having to make this decision I would lean towards the EVO

Break beam eyes - both guns have eyes (not sure of the TES)

Quality - I have seen some initial control issues with both the TES and EVO - the EVO was simply replaced by the dealer and sent back, the TES was sent in for repairs that took some time. The EVO was not charging, I forget the TES problems.

"Bling Bling" - the EVO seems to be the more blingy (is that word) marker of the two.

Price - comparable.

Upgrades - I have no idea, I have seen some wicked spyder clones though.

BTW - the best answer to this, that involves just a touch more money and some technical knowledge or a good airsmith (I use the good airsmith approach) involves a Spyder Millenium body and a Dragun TES frame.

05-25-2004, 08:59 PM
We got one in for testing and to check its performance using our new boards. The company that sent it to us was looking to rebrand our product in this gun. After quiet a bit of testing we found it to be.......well......a spyder with eyes.

Not very fast and the grip is H U G E. Once we installed our board and increased the rate of fire it honestly felt like it was going to come apart. We noticed quiet a bit of internal wear but when using the guns electronics there were very little issues at the lower ROF.

Testing over the chrono was what would be expected and the controls seemed a bit confusing until reading the manual a few times. I know...I know....we should always read the manuals but when we test something we do it in a real world condition. Kids dont like manuals (neither do I ;) )

For the money....not bad. However take a look at some of the new spyders. Great looks and about the same features and performance. Maybe even less expensive? Not sure. We are still waiting on the stuff from odyssey for testing.

I am sure I will get some "hate" calls over this but I gotta be honest ;)

05-25-2004, 09:00 PM
Okay, you could get the Evo or the T.E.S. But why not get a mag. For the same price you can pickup a used my with a level ten and probably a nice barrel, maybe even some other little goodies. "used? how do I know it's going to work" you may say, but mags are tanks, mine is nearly ten years old but the internals and externals look almost new. The eye may work well, but the level 10 works for sure, no chops - ever. Toss another battery at a spyder and you may think it's pretty awesome, but don't waste your money.

05-25-2004, 09:10 PM
I've actually shot a EVO and honestly it wasn't that bad. The trigger feel was pretty heavy but it wasn't bad. We were using a Revy and the thing never chopped.

Another thing that suprised me is that the operating pressure of the EVO is UNDER 300psi. Unlike a Spyder it's pretty low pressure to start. The PMI rep was telling me that they usually run the EVO around 220-250.

The PMI rep was trying to convince my friend to make more shelf space for the EVO and push some of the Spyders aside.

It wasn't that bad of a marker. Another plus is that the feedneck is Impulse/Shocker threaded. You can put a clamping feedneck on.

05-25-2004, 09:31 PM
I really appreciate all of your input. This is the reason I asked here and not anywhere else.

05-26-2004, 04:51 AM
i havent had the the chance to check out the newer grip frames from pmi but from the feel of the omen the switches are the same as used in the e forces from 02.. this was a great e trigger it was adjustable didnt have any of the slack that the spyders e frames did and the trigger pull was relative to a mouse click probably not walkable but i could get that marker to rip and with enough adjustments on the trigger it could be held in one place which would cause the kick to pull the trigger.. all and all for how cheap they were they were amazing pieces of work and pmi does make some dependable products have alot less problems using piranhas then when kids would bring their spyders to the field or i forgot to mention i worked at a field that used piranhas as rentals. just my opinion so if you are lookin to get a good low end electro i would look to pmi.

05-26-2004, 05:44 AM
why not just put a one kit into your spyder?

05-26-2004, 07:30 AM
Buy a TES if you want to keep your local shop in business charging you labor. They break, have horrible quality control issues, poop for tolerances and still chop.

Seriously, we looked into selling the TES but we didnt want to have to deal with all the issues they bring. Plus the company was pretty sketchy for a while.

PMI is a known company that actually cares about their products.

05-26-2004, 07:52 AM
Buy the EVO.

I have a ton of experiance working on/owning/fixing draguns, spyders, and piranhas, and u cant go wrong with a piranha.
The draguns are basically spyders, while the piranha's actually have quality control.

05-26-2004, 08:04 AM
I currently have an Evil Omen and I can officially say, PMI's Customer Service is second only to AGD... They will take care of you -- they ROCK over there.

As for the EVO.. I would get one of the older EXT Pro's and contact PDPaintball about their frame upgrade. I believe it pushes the marker to 25bps like my Omen (PDP Chip) and also has the ACE.

I didn't see it on their site so I would shoot them an e-mail.


05-26-2004, 09:16 AM
You're making a lateral move.

If you want to get something that won't chop, consider going for a tournament grade type of gun. Mag/cocker/imp/BKO. they all have an anti-chop system in place and I think you'll end up happier in the long run, b/c you will have a gun you can upgrade more (and actually get something out of) than a spyder that you'll have sitting around once you decide to get a better gun. (Which you will.)

A spyder is a spyder is a spyder.

05-26-2004, 03:10 PM
Hey, whatever works for your style of play! Personally I'd go Piranha. Spyder believes in "quantity over quality" to produce thier Spyders, whereas Piranha(PMI) is the complete opposite.