View Full Version : Introductions Abound

05-25-2004, 08:20 PM
Hey All,
I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I've been a member of AO for a while now but this is my first time posting.
I recently ordered a ULE RT (blue) but like many others, am patiently awaiting it's arrival (ordered on April 20th...). I've been playing paintball for quite a while now (going on about 9 or 10 years now) but this is my first mag. Right now I shoot a 2k2 cocker which I love, but I tinker with it a bit to much to keep it working reliably (Thus the reason for getting the mag).
I hope all this waiting is worth it (I assume it will be, I've shot mags before and enjoyed them).
Oh well, it's a tuesday night and I was bored so I figured I'd finally introduce myself.
Nice meeting everyone :)

05-25-2004, 08:30 PM
Welcome to AO. Looks like you came in just before the flood of the 2004 people showed. Hope you like the Mag when it shows up.

05-25-2004, 08:32 PM
Welcome to the forum.

05-25-2004, 08:34 PM
I think you'll like your mag once you get it... I've always tinkered with everything, too:)

Mags are about the only markers I can tinker with, and return to a functional state afterwards :o

05-25-2004, 09:00 PM
Well that's what I'm hoping for. With my cocker, I'll tinker with it and it will work fine at home, but as soon as I get to the field, nothing but problems. Hopefully, with less parts to worry about, I won't have that problem with the mag.

05-25-2004, 09:15 PM
Well that's what I'm hoping for. With my cocker, I'll tinker with it and it will work fine at home, but as soon as I get to the field, nothing but problems. Hopefully, with less parts to worry about, I won't have that problem with the mag.
Just be careful how much teflon tape you use on your air fittings :p

The only 2 times I've had problems with my mags.... well, yeah. :o

05-26-2004, 09:13 AM
Well that's what I'm hoping for. With my cocker, I'll tinker with it and it will work fine at home, but as soon as I get to the field, nothing but problems. Hopefully, with less parts to worry about, I won't have that problem with the mag.

Welcome to AO ...

And as long as you treat the Mag Gnomes as good as you haft to treat the Cocker Elves your worries should be few and far between my friend...

Enjoy your stay...

05-26-2004, 10:51 AM
Welcome! Mags are great guns, I just don't shoot them right now.

05-26-2004, 12:15 PM
also redbeard, u will find there is a large NE mag user base. In fact you just missed AO New England 5 which was held at Cape Cod paintball.

05-26-2004, 06:47 PM
Your user name is tight. I like the pirate euphanism :D or do you really have a red beard :rolleyes: .

05-26-2004, 06:53 PM
I have a red beard, if I grow it.

05-26-2004, 09:48 PM
Your user name is tight. I like the pirate euphanism or do you really have a red beard
Actually, I do have a red beard. Just a gotee right now actually, but the tips of my sideburns are red while the rest of my head is blond, pretty interesting actually. But the nick originally started for the pirate reasons :p