View Full Version : Warranty on mainbodies...

10-09-2001, 01:52 PM
To start off with a quick story...

I traded my old style HL RT mainbody(plus cash) to someone for his hopper right to make my warp setup nice. I shipped first and after he received my body he shipped his. A few days later he emailed me stating that the mainbody broke, from what he said I believe its broke where the front grip frame screw screws in. He then *****ed me out about it saying that I sold him a broken body when I really had no clue it was broke or going to break when I sent it. I told him to call AGD about it and let me know what they say.

Fast forward a month later to yesterday...

I get another email from him telling me that he sold the gun with mainbody as is. The person he sold it to called AGD and was told that they no longer produce the RT mainbodys but they might have one laying around that they could sell for $130. He wants me to pay for the body.

I'm just looking for a little advice on the situation and wondering if the information he gave me on the mainbodies that he received from AGD was correct.

10-09-2001, 02:20 PM
Well this is a toughie. I dunno about the body warranty. I would call AGD about that. If it were a faulty weld and they looked at it maybe?

But are you responsible for it is the real question. If you realy didn't think it was broken when you sold it and feel confident of that...then you are not responsible for anything and should just tell him to get off it. I mean you advised him to call AGD and he didn't. Maybe it coulda been settled then but maybe not. Without AGD taking a look at it you do not know if its broken or not for that matter.

But most person to person sales are "As Is". Now that been said if you represented it to be in perfect working order then that is surely what "As Is" should be. Did you and was it? Thats the problem here for all of us.

So you gotta decide how much culpability you have and wether you feel you should contribute to a solution. I mean its now in a third parties hands now. Why should you keep taking responsibility for this Mag? How much responsibility do you feel you have? Are you gonna be responsible for it forever? Naw. So think it over and do the right thing. That might just be telling them to go take a hike. You gotta decide. But legaly I think you owe him nothing. Morally maybe not either. Only you know that.

10-09-2001, 03:32 PM
As far as I'm concerned the body was fine when I sent it. I had in fact been using it until the day I sent it. The reason I felt partly responsible was only because it was a very short time after the trade (a matter of 2 days iirc), I asked him to call AGD and let me know what they would do or offer to do about it, then I don't hear from him for a month.

My gut feeling is that since he didn't choose to resolve the problem, but instead pawn it off on someone else that it's his problem now. BUT I'd hate to do that to someone.

Not only that but the whole thing seems fishy to me. Here's the last email he sent me, its a copy from the email his buyer sent him...

This is what he said to me in the email;
Tyler I sent the gun to factory the mainbody couldn't be fixed. Chrome mainbodys are not avaliable anymore which is no good because black mainbodys are cheaper. One of the reasons I bought your gun was because it was chrome. Anyway, after expressing my dissapointment with airgun designs for no longer making certain parts for a gun less than two years old they offered me a fair deal. They will sell me a chrome power feed "left" it is one they had leftover from somewhere it may be used. it will put the hopper on the wrong side of the gun for me, but it will work with a warp feed that i might buy in a couple of months. The mainbody is usually around 230 bucks but they will sell it for 115 dollars. I think that is fair enough on their part. If you can pay that to me I think that i will be satisfied with the gun. It is not exactly what i intended to buy but i can live with it. my phone # is ############ work ###########