View Full Version : Question about ANS

05-26-2004, 08:03 PM
I see a lot of people bashing ANS on boards all over the place.
Now I KNOW that the mag related ANS parts were of questionable quality and effectiveness right from the start.
What I wonder is , what is wrong with other ANS parts that supposedly makes them suck?
I have owned quite a few products (not mag related) from ANS and got great performance from them. Not a single problem with any of their products. Given the price offered on their line of cockers , its almost impossible to pass up. The jackhammer reg is legendary in its performance. The Ram works well , as well as the 3 way. The Gen X series of regulators are one of the best available for HPA.
What has given ANS this bad name they carry around? A few bad mag parts?

05-26-2004, 08:13 PM
When ANS first got started there were some quality control issues, mainly parts that had a reputation for leaking like a sieve... Some people had bad experiences with ANS and refuse to do any more business with them, even though those problems have long since been resolved... There are also a lot of noobs who have heard this sort of talk, and spout it off like they were the ones who discovered the problem, even though most of them have probably never even seen an ANS product, let alone used one... My ANS marker has always served me well, without the slightest problem for the past 2 years... I try not to pay attention to ignoramuses...

05-26-2004, 08:33 PM
My issue with ANS was only that none of their 'Mag parts seemed to have any effect on the performance of my marker. I use all AGD parts, to greater effect.

05-26-2004, 08:58 PM
My issue with ANS was only that none of their 'Mag parts seemed to have any effect on the performance of my marker. I use all AGD parts, to greater effect.

ditto and the same goes for sp and their mag products

05-26-2004, 09:05 PM
ditto and the same goes for sp and their mag products

Well I think SP suck but it has nothing to do with their mag parts. They make other good things that people recognize in spite of them being possibly the worst thing to happen to free market paintball.
ANS isn't suing the pants off anyone , strongarming the industry for royalties , and also makes good products. Whay can't they get over making "bad" mag parts?

05-26-2004, 09:11 PM
I'm not even sure if they still make mag parts... It seems that all their efforts are towards their GX series cockers... BTW, they have a brand-new vert frame e-cocker to be released sometime in July...

05-26-2004, 09:14 PM
no my post was reffering to the smartmag which was about equally dumb as the ans valve and the magic box bother were WORTHLESS but marketed and claimed to improve perfromance by SP....a company that obviously doesnt know anything about mags

05-26-2004, 09:21 PM
I always loved my ANS(non mag) parts!

05-27-2004, 04:34 AM
no my post was reffering to the smartmag which was about equally dumb as the ans valve and the magic box bother were WORTHLESS but marketed and claimed to improve perfromance by SP....a company that obviously doesnt know anything about mags

Have you ever held a smartmag in your hands? Guess who makes it. Not Smart Parts.

05-27-2004, 06:11 AM
I have an ANS ram on my cocker. No complaints so far but it'still pretty new.

05-27-2004, 06:50 AM
Who makes it anyways???

05-27-2004, 09:25 AM
agd made them i guess i should be thankfull that sp sold a few more mags even though they were horribly overpriced even for the time and had a cheap splash kit on em bleh...

05-27-2004, 11:21 AM
Pre-96, the All Americans used mags[/hijack]

05-27-2004, 11:26 AM
ANS products I've experienced....

Jackhammer reg: leaked like hell. The knob kept backing out. Never again.
Jackhammer II: I wouldn't use them personally, but they're better than most of the new ones on the market. They have a teflon insert to keep the knob in place. Some people sell them with setscrews for electros so they can't be adjusted in play.

1-piece 3-way: Had an old first one that leaked. new ones... no problem. Old ones, yah, left a big bad taste in people's mouths. 10 YEARS AGO.

Mini-ram: Two companies sold these before ANS. I had one that leaked... again, 10 years ago. I have one now I ended up with that cycles as well as anything else, though palmer converted my to large-bore long ago.

Quickfire Trigger: They're the ones, though not the original ones, who popularized the "hole" trigger plate on cockers.

X-flow Valve: It's a Shocktech Rat Valve copy. The "cupseal" is on the valve body. Neither here nor there.

ANS Push-button bolt: These things used to have problems losing the ball bearings. Supposedly they fixed it. I dunno, but it's funnay when one hits someone in the face on the field.

10-hole bolt (8?): Eh, they didn't change much from stock, and used to cost waaay too much. though, compared to other venturi bolts from the time, they did well.

Gen X reg: Come on people. It's pretty Black Ice regulator. Just another Unireg. WHat's the big deal?

Gen X2 Reg: umm,..... what's the difference?

Phase II AIR valve: Yah, this part was milled down so much the body would flex and cause velocity problems. This is the mag valve that people hated.

Automag Venturi Bolt: God, this thing sucked. A: everyone loses foamies. B: it didn't make any difference in velocity, range, or chopping. C: the steel was soft and the rim would wear out, causing the sear to slip and velocity fluctuations.

Automag On/Off: Umm, did NOTHING.

05-27-2004, 05:52 PM
ANS cockers suck ***. especially thier electronic. go WGP.

05-27-2004, 06:42 PM
What has given ANS this bad name they carry around?

The fact that their company name can be pronounced ANuS, leading to endless hilarity. ;)

05-27-2004, 06:43 PM
ANS's cocker rule they are made well and they have awesome support. I have had 2 of them one Gx-3 the other a GX-E. They were both excellent and the quickfire frame is the best slider frame out there next to dye but they don't make it anymore. Their service is A+ for me. i bought the GX-E used and when i had a prob with the grip frame on there. Called them up, they gave me a shipping tag, UPS picked it up, they fixed it and sent it back all at their cost, I didn't pay a penny and it wasn't even a new gun under warenty.
ANS has my :)

05-27-2004, 06:49 PM
I've had nothing but good experiences while using my friends cocker, which has an ANS pnu. kit on it.

05-28-2004, 08:51 AM
ANS cockers suck ***. especially thier electronic. go WGP.

Have you ever shot an ANS cocker? I hate people that just say, "this particular marker sux..." They show no intelligence at all... If you have beef with a marker, while don't you explain yourself, instead of sounding like a dumb***...

The ANS GX-E uses the RaceGun E-frame, which performs as well as, if not better than the E-blade... I have used WGP cockers, and in my experience, are not the most reliable cockers... They seem somewhat flimsy and tempermental as compared to many other manufacturers versions...

05-28-2004, 09:35 AM
I'm not a big ANS fan, I heard the Gen X reg was one of the best, so i got one for my freeflow cocker. Right off the back it leaked, and we had to replace the seal. Ok cool stuff happens nothing to get annoyed about, after that it was +/- 9 for as long as i had it. Not too impressed with that.

So I was iffy on them and I had a friend build a cocker using mostly ANS parts, the three way could not be adjusted very short without leaking until you jacked the LPR up. He was smart and had a sidewinder as his inline, and a rock as his LPR. The rame was ok, nothing to go nuts over and the valve either didnt like his body or was just off because it would constantly blow o-rings. So we took the valve out of my freeflow and put it in his gun. No problems.

All in all, I'm just not a fan. I think there are better products out there. That and ANuS is just kinda funny.

05-28-2004, 04:15 PM
ANS cockers suck ***. especially thier electronic. go WGP.

Woah! Real mature there buddy!

Prove to me that ANS sucks. PROVE TO ME. My Genx3 has been flawless so far, and I have had it for a year and a half, the only major flaw was my bolt flying out of my gun....which ANS fixed for free, with only a 1 week turn around.

05-28-2004, 04:18 PM
My GX3 was flawless, I only traded it to go electro again, I missed mouseclicks!

05-28-2004, 04:35 PM
My ANS Mini Ram sucks quite badly. It requires a high input pressure to operate. Not to mention, the nickel plating is flaking off and it sticks badly. :mad: I replaced it with a Belsales .44 Magnum Ram, so all is good. :)
However, I did shoot an ANS GX3 a couple of years back and it was a hoot. It shot quite smoothly and consistently. The trigger was very comfortable.