View Full Version : Need BPS determined for guns in videos

RT pRo AuToMaG
05-27-2004, 02:42 AM
Hey guys, I need some help. Can you find the actual rate of fire for the guns in the following videos, and post back what they are? I'm trying to prove to someone that a frenzy board retrofitted into a DM4 will not shoot faster than any other matrix or DM4. Any help is appreciated, and thanks in advance.

Here are the Videos:







Thanks again for whoever does this, and if you do it, you don't have to do all of them, just one is fine, but I would like all of them please!

And here is the thread I will be using this information for:


05-27-2004, 03:42 AM
hehe, I like my dm4 :)

05-27-2004, 05:11 AM
as far as shooters goes the frenzied dm4 emptied the hopper fastest and i think the highdm4s vid had the fastest guy.. over a long peroid of time the frenzy hit a little over 15 which is amzing to do over more than 8 seconds he did it at 10 seconds

05-27-2004, 05:52 AM
Video #1 "Rippin" (http://www.ancientspear.com/brian/rippin.mov)
Approximate ROF 14-16bps (but generally 14-15bps)

Video #2 "NYXfatcity" (http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/paintball/NYXfatcity.WMV)
Approximate ROF 14-15bps (generally 14bps)

Video #3 NA (Bad Link) http://us.share.geocities.com/paintballtx2k4/NyxShootin.MOV

Video #4 "dm4part2" (http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/paintball/videos/dm4part2.WMV)
Unable to determin if this was a "DM4 is cool" video or if there was ROF testing in there of note. I also suggest to the author, if they want to see a nice sound test you DON'T play music or talk over the shooting! You cannot get an accurate count.

Video #5 "DM4high" (http://www.machinepaintball.com/DM4high.wmv)
Approximate ROF 17-18bps (perhaps higher ROF's in the earlier sections of the video BUT the shooters were putting rounds into a metal pan that made a sound spike and thus very hard to get an accurate count. shoot off into the wood like the last guy did 45 sec into the video)

Video #6 "DM4_Frenzy" (http://www.fragtek.com/vids/DM4_Frenzy.mpg)
Approximate ROF 15-16bps

Not a single video over 20bps.. I am very dissapointed. My RT made back in 1997 outruns them! <---shameless plug for how cool I am.

05-27-2004, 07:24 AM
Remember though ZMan... they are going semi-auto pull for pull, you're doing trigger bounce.. you have a SLIGHT advantage ;). But still, a testament to show that mags are still ripping fast :D:D.

05-27-2004, 07:41 AM
Also remember that zak pulls 16 on a mechanical frame without bounce :cool:

05-27-2004, 09:22 AM
^^ It's true, I was at AO NorCal vs SoCal! <-- shameless plug for NorCal vs SoCal

No sKiLLz
05-27-2004, 01:44 PM
These guns are limited by the people pulling the triggers. Maybe do an analysis of ball to ball bursts and look for the shortest one.

05-27-2004, 01:51 PM
Well that is true but at the same time showing a tiny 1/10 second section where they guy happened to tap his fingers at a rate that would be 28-30bps (had he been able to continue) is not saying much. Heck I can do that on my E-Mag in E-mode with no bounce but I cannot sustain it.

I think where the "wow factor" or the validity behind the claim in the BPS vs "BS" claim comes in is the ability to sustain the ROF for more than a second (and perhapse several seconds). Heck the Halo B claimed 50 something bps burst rate but who the heck cares if your first 3 shotws were at 30 or 45bps? You did not sustain it. I want to see the guy SUSTAIN the ROF so that you can indeed say that was XX# ball per second not ball in... 1/10 of a second ;)

No sKiLLz
05-27-2004, 01:53 PM
But the post was to find out which board is more capable. We don't care about those guys.

05-27-2004, 01:57 PM
Then those are not good videos for that illustration. Most of them at no part of the string really got going that fast and estimating the ROF for a 2 shot selection is more conjecture and not really good for proving a point ya see what I mean?

If the aim is to simply show how fast the boards are the best way would be to set it up where the gun shoots itself to show the ability like I did with my Scuba tank video or with people who take their Vikings or Timmys and set the debounce to ZERO. Right now human limitation is the wall they seem to be hitting so it seems that anything beyond that is hype. Still... I know we all like to see godly speed so who am I to complain eh?

05-27-2004, 03:04 PM
Well that is true but at the same time showing a tiny 1/10 second section where they guy happened to tap his fingers at a rate that would be 28-30bps (had he been able to continue) is not saying much. Heck I can do that on my E-Mag in E-mode with no bounce but I cannot sustain it.

I think where the "wow factor" or the validity behind the claim in the BPS vs "BS" claim comes in is the ability to sustain the ROF for more than a second (and perhapse several seconds). Heck the Halo B claimed 50 something bps burst rate but who the heck cares if your first 3 shotws were at 30 or 45bps? You did not sustain it. I want to see the guy SUSTAIN the ROF so that you can indeed say that was XX# ball per second not ball in... 1/10 of a second ;)

I agree... being able to sustain for something other than a fration of a second just means more to me...
There should be some kind of unoffical standards for claiming BPS of a shooter or a gun for that matter... maybe something like must be a 5 second clip ... Toss out the high and low second, and average the middle three?

Dumping 3/4 of a hopper in a few seconds to me just shows a lot more "fire-power" than a couple of quick snap shots... Yeah Yeah Yeah ... I know it's the snap shots that is probably and typically more important in a game... but were talking BPS vs BS here...

Just an Idea ?

05-27-2004, 03:12 PM
well indirectly, the answer presents itself in all the pictures I posted. It was a 1 second clip of the sustained ROF. In the most basic sense, you cannot claim XX ball per second unless you shoot for at least a second :).

Now even that is getting easier to do for a short burst. I am sure most of us hear 20+bps burst most days we go to the field. BUT even if its only 15-16 bps, if some guy can sustain that for like 5+ seconds, EVERYONE turns and starts flipping out and killing things like REALULTIMATEPOWER.NET!!!!11

... I'm sorry ahem..


You have to decide what you are trying to show. Most markers of any value can reach near 20 bps which is about as fast as you can get going unless you have some serious computer assistance. But! How long and how consistent can you pull that off?

3 seconds?
a whole hopper?

Interesting thoughts

05-27-2004, 03:58 PM
If a dumbass wants to hang out from behind a bunker long enough for a 5 second rip to be of value...well he indeed does deserve to be lit up.

RT pRo AuToMaG
05-27-2004, 04:05 PM
Thanks for analizing the videos Zman. I was mainly trying to prove that the frenzy is no faster then anything else out for the DM4. Now, maybe I'll have to take a video of my DM4 with the XSF chip when it comes in the mail tomorrow :cool:

05-27-2004, 04:18 PM
Now, maybe I'll have to take a video of my DM4 with the XSF chip when it comes in the mail tomorrow :cool:

Just please make sure you do it in an area where it won't echo and that if you shoot paint dont shoot at somethign that makes a loud "DING!" ;)

05-27-2004, 04:44 PM
ZMan...if you have a sec and you count this?

My Marker (www.sfssquad.com/images/temp/spyder.wav)


RT pRo AuToMaG
05-27-2004, 04:45 PM
lol, I'll make one where I'm not shooting at anything at all, just to be sure that it doesn't interfere.

05-27-2004, 05:15 PM
ZMan...if you have a sec and you count this?

My Marker (www.sfssquad.com/images/temp/spyder.wav)


here ya go

05-27-2004, 05:17 PM
NM, I got it.


05-27-2004, 05:18 PM
Many thanks....deleted mine.

Maybe I will keep her after all :rolleyes:

05-27-2004, 09:08 PM
OOH ZAK ! DO MINE ! DO MINE !! (http://www.revalationradio.com/venom/venombushy.wmv) :p

edit: never mind, web host seems to be down right now :(

05-27-2004, 09:37 PM
No Skillz-

Where's the video of me shooting all those markers that one day. I'm curious how I did. I actually want to know if i'm the same on all of them. If I pull 16-18bps I'll be more than happy. If I'm able to do the same on all of them then I know it's not the markers but me!

05-27-2004, 10:36 PM
Maybe I better make an official sound test thread eh? :P

05-27-2004, 10:45 PM
Would be better off putting up a how-to post. They can get Audacity for free and do it themselves. :)

05-28-2004, 06:34 PM
i watched the first one, that is the biggest file i have ever seen for 23 seconds of video. it's not even close to being high res either.

barrel break
05-28-2004, 07:38 PM
yeah, i would really like to know how...