View Full Version : MILLS MILLS MILLS! with all this talk of milling things...(pics!)

05-27-2004, 04:05 PM
With everyone talking about milling and all that fun stuff I drove over to my ex brother inlaws buisness and took a couple of pics.
Here is a lathe, much longer on the left but couldnt get it in the pic
one mill
two mill
three mill
The "old stuff" as he calls it, lathe on the left, mill on the right
Some measuring thing he told me about it but I have a case of CRS
And my brother inlaw/friend (I had to sneak a pic)
I was offered a job but it is 37 miles one way to get there and he would start me at $8 hour...hmmm no, but if it was closer I would pay him to work there!

05-27-2004, 05:10 PM
You should take that job. The experience would be invaluable in later years. 37 miles to work ain't nuttin! :D :D

05-27-2004, 05:32 PM
Oh yum.. just... Yum...

Im 15, taking CAD in 2 years, and i just love looking at mills and lathes, this is like the 3rd time i've come back to this thread..

Yummm.... Take the job dude! Do it! Take it!

05-27-2004, 05:33 PM
i'v never seen a mill before, thanks for showing me something new!

05-27-2004, 06:03 PM
jeez those things are huge! i always pictured a mill like the crappy little thing we used in industrial tech in school to mill out peices of plexiglass :D . that would be a cool job to have, and hey, you can practically make anything you want for your marker very cheap!

05-27-2004, 06:31 PM
Yah, it is my dream job but I would never have any money because I would spend it all on sluggo's to see what I could make. :p
Hmm I wonder if he would be willing to pay LOTS of overtime.

05-27-2004, 11:34 PM
I have some fabrication work that I need done. Would your ex-bro-in-law's shop do some small work? Where is it located?

05-28-2004, 12:09 AM
That fellow has some serious coin tied up in that shop.

That HAAS VMC cannot be more than two years old.

The machine you didn't remember the name to (the one with Brown & Sharpe on it) is called a CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine). It is used to measure things in three dimensions, and is usually used for very tight quality control or high precision 3d mapping (as in reverse engineering). I'd say that bad boy cost him just as much if not more than any of the big machining centers (depending on the accuracy of it).

Very nice. If he ever needs someone to take that Seiki lathe off his hands for free (I wouldn't charge him a dime :D ) shoot me a PM. lol

Do you have any idea what they manufacture there? Or are they just a job shop?

At any rate, that's a nice shop, with plenty of spindles, a fellow could do just about anything there. Very nice.

05-28-2004, 05:36 PM
That fellow has some serious coin tied up in that shop.

That HAAS VMC cannot be more than two years old.

The machine you didn't remember the name to (the one with Brown & Sharpe on it) is called a CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine). It is used to measure things in three dimensions, and is usually used for very tight quality control or high precision 3d mapping (as in reverse engineering). I'd say that bad boy cost him just as much if not more than any of the big machining centers (depending on the accuracy of it).

Very nice. If he ever needs someone to take that Seiki lathe off his hands for free (I wouldn't charge him a dime :D ) shoot me a PM. lol

Do you have any idea what they manufacture there? Or are they just a job shop?

At any rate, that's a nice shop, with plenty of spindles, a fellow could do just about anything there. Very nice.


Are you planning on doing any more custom work, or is that pretty much done now? If not, do you know of any machine shops that would fabricate a piece for me? I need a custom spine for my Lapco stock. Its pretty easy piece to make, just a 15" x 1/2" x 1/2" bar with a couple of threaded holes tapped.